Chapter 677
Some powerful souls?An extremely ferocious primordial spirit?The primordial spirit who has a strong desire to kill?

Is the little white beast powerful?
Is the killing intent serious?

In Xiao Taotie's dreams so far, all he has seen is a cute and cute little Baibai beast who plays tricks and flirts with God of War. He has not seen the strength, ferocity, and killing intent of the little Baibai beast.

But she still listened to Teacher Ma's words.

It is still necessary to have the power of faith. Only when the power of faith is improved can those merits be effective, otherwise no amount of merits will be of any use.

The final exam is approaching, Xiao Taotie is not too nervous, but her good friend Qiaoqiao is extremely nervous.

"Don't be nervous, it's just an exam."

Qiaoqiao let out a breath: "I don't think I'm nervous, but I'm still very nervous."

"Eat something?" Xiao Taotie handed her candy and chocolate, "My second brother said that the brain needs sugar to move, nervousness needs chocolate to relieve emotions, chocolate has a happiness factor."

Qiaoqiao took the candy and chocolate in her hand, "I'm afraid that something will happen during the exam."

"What will happen?"

Qiaoqiao leaned into her ear and whispered, "I have diarrhea."

"Did you eat something bad?" Little Taotie asked softly, "Did you go to see a doctor?"

Qiaoqiao shook her head: "It's not a bad stomach, it might be irritable bowel syndrome."

Little Taotie's big eyes were full of confusion: "Irritable bowel syndrome?"

Qiaoqiao is a person who aspires to be a doctor, so he is very fluent in talking about diseases: "Irritable bowel syndrome is a very common functional disease of the intestinal tract, which means that there is no problem in the intestinal tract itself, but diarrhea often occurs. Happening."

"Diarrhea generally occurs after stress, eating certain special foods, being cold, drinking alcohol or eating cold drinks, etc. Some people also have abdominal pain immediately after meals, and feel the need to defecate, and the abdominal pain will be relieved after defecation."

"The treatment of irritable bowel syndrome is generally symptomatic treatment. Be careful not to eat greasy food or cold food. You can take some antispasmodic medicines and medicines to regulate the intestinal flora. People with anxiety can also take some anti-anxiety medicines. .”

Little Taotie raised a thumbs up to Qiaoqiao with an educated expression on his face: "You are like a doctor."

Qiaoqiao raised the corner of her mouth and said softly, "I have studied this issue."

"Then how do you relieve it now? Do you take medicine?"

"The exam is coming soon. I didn't prepare medicine, and my mother didn't allow me to take medicine indiscriminately."

"Then what should we do?" Little Taotie clapped his hands suddenly: "There is a solution!"

Qiaoqiao looked at her suspiciously.

Little Taotie searched in the stomach of the table and found a bottle of room temperature yogurt, "There are no medicines to regulate the intestinal flora, but yogurt should be fine too, isn't it said that yogurt contains bacteria that promote gastrointestinal motility?"

Qiaoqiao didn't try it, but thought it was a good idea, so he drank the yogurt right away.

Putting down the empty bottle, he found that the little Taotie was looking at him eagerly.

Little Taotie's little milk sounded expectantly: "How are you doing now, are you feeling better?"

Qiaoqiao felt it for a while, and felt that it was really relieved. The feeling of diarrhea was gone, and it seemed that the whole person was a little more relaxed. The feeling of stomach throbbing was gone, but now it is gone.

Qiaoqiao stood up, jumped a few times, and said with a smile: "It seems to be really useful!"

Little Taotie's eyes lit up: "Then when you feel nervous and uncomfortable in the future, drink a cup of yogurt at room temperature to relieve it."

The exam time is long, and Qiaoqiao, who used to suffer as soon as the exam comes, is very relaxed this time, and the speed of answering papers is also very fast. In the past, her stomachache always delayed her answering questions, and her thoughts would be blocked. god.

(End of this chapter)

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