Chapter 685
The egg fried rice made by Gu Yixing, every grain of rice is covered with golden eggs, just like what he called "golden fried rice".

His way of egg fried rice is quite unique, first break the egg into a bowl, remove the egg white, and only the egg yolk remains.

Break up the three egg yolks, not directly into the oil pan, but pour into the cold rice, if it is an overnight meal, the effect is better.

First, the rice and egg yolk are fully fused together, and each piece of rice is wrapped with the egg yolk, and the whole bowl of rice turns from pure white to orange-yellow.

At this time, add two whole eggs to the original three egg whites, squeeze in a drop of lemon juice to remove the fishy smell, add an appropriate amount of salt, and beat well.

Heat the oil in a hot pan, pour the rice wrapped in egg yolk liquid into the pan, there is a sound of "Zi La", stir fry quickly, so that every piece of rice is heated evenly, and the fire is continued until the egg yolk on every grain of rice The liquid turns golden yellow.

After the egg yolk on the rice is fully cooked, the rice will naturally not stick together, and each one will be wrapped in golden clothes, loosely and distinctly.

At this time, take out the rice in the pot, add oil, hot pot with cold oil can also be used, hot pot with hot oil can also be used, at this time there is no high requirement, pour the beaten egg liquid into the pot, turn over quickly Stir-frying is similar to scrambled eggs, but it is faster than scrambled eggs. The secret to maintaining the smooth taste of eggs depends on the speed of the technique.

If the action is too slow and the heating is uneven, the outside will be cooked and the inside will be cooked too, resulting in a bad taste.

The action is fast, the heat is even, the outside is cooked, and the inside is still a little half-cooked. At this time, pour the golden rice that has just been fried into the pot, and quickly fry it with the egg. Turn the heat to medium for 30 seconds, and then quickly take it out of the pot. Reserve the pan gas.

Pot gas is the soul of a delicacy.

Comparing food to beauty, a beauty without pot gas is a wooden beauty without an interesting soul, while a beauty with pot gas is a beauty with an interesting soul.

Good-looking skins are the same, and interesting souls are one in a thousand.

Just like fried rice with eggs, almost everyone can fry it, but 1 people will fry it with [-] different textures and tastes, and the one that can be called "excellent" must be chosen one in a million.

The chef may cook many dishes, but if you ask him which dish is the most difficult, most of them will answer: "egg fried rice."

Egg fried rice is not a difficult process to make, and almost many people can complete it.

It's hard to make people feel delicious.

Because it is too ordinary food, it is difficult to bring people an amazing feeling.

Gu Yixing was very confident in the egg fried rice he made, opened the lid, and the golden rice seemed to be hidden in the clouds, making it look even more golden.

A delicacy, in addition to being delicious, must have both color, fragrance and taste.

There is a scent, otherwise the little glutton would not be able to guess the smell immediately.

Now the color can also be called "absolutely".

Clever use of color, three egg whites plus two whole eggs, the color obtained by breaking up and frying is equivalent to white pigment plus golden yellow pigment, light yellow color, and white.

Colors are contrasted.

Against the backdrop of light yellow egg crumbs, the golden yellow pure egg yolk that wraps the rice is even more golden.

Gradient visual sense of color, golden impact, everything is very harmonious and pleasing to the eye.

The little Taotie couldn't wait to pick up the spoon and put a big spoonful into his mouth. The distinct rice grains would not stick to the teeth, but would spring to the teeth, very chewy and delicious!
(End of this chapter)

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