Chapter 689

At the parent meeting, other parents were shocked to find that there were three handsome guys in the class.

The handsome guy in the lead was a bit dark, and sat directly on the little Taotie's seat.

The other two handsome guys, one of them was smiling and looked very friendly, they bent their legs and sat in the air!

Look carefully, it turns out to be a mechanical exoskeleton.

This is the latest invisible carry-on seat launched by Ershi Design Team.

The root of the design of this invisible seat is that when the CEO of the company was 17 years old, he was still working in a packaging factory. He had to stand and work for hours every day without rest, and often felt sore.

There wasn't enough space on the production line to provide chairs at all, so he came up with the idea of ​​developing a chair that didn't take up much space.

This invisible chair can be worn on the human leg like an exoskeleton. The soft seat belt is tied to the hip, and the shock absorber is connected to the shoe in the middle.

When the user squats down, the shock absorber will make the upper and lower brackets form a certain angle, and the upper cushion can be used as a chair.

This invisible chair is made of lightweight materials such as aluminum and carbon fiber, and the total weight is only 2kg, so it will not become a burden to the wearer.

Moreover, because the invisible chair is close-fitting like an exoskeleton, it will not interfere with the normal activities of the legs, and the user can walk or even run as usual.

The close-fitting design will not interfere with the normal movement of the legs. When in use, the shape is adjusted through the button, and the button is pressed down each time to form a seat.

In addition to shaping the shape of the seat, it can also be adjusted in height.

Everyone's needs are different, and the invisible chair company cooperates with B Ma, A Di, etc. to customize for different postures.

Qin Xin's is a customized version, which is light and comfortable.

This cool invisible chair is enough to attract attention, but it still can't match the light of the third person.

Gu Yixing!
Top-tier Gu Yixing!
Among the hot moms at the parent meeting, several were fans of Gu Yixing, and some people started screaming.

"My God! I'm not dreaming!"

"Star, is it my star?"

"Male god! Ah——"

"My boyfriend, it's my boyfriend..."

The scene got out of control for a while, and Teacher Yuan tried hard to dissuade the mothers from rushing out of their seats to pounce on Gu Yixing.

Qin Xin smirked: "The third brother is very popular."

Gu Yixing replied with a fake smile: "It's not as ingenious as the second brother."

Qin Xin admitted that she deliberately wore the invisible chair, just to gain attention and impress the parents of her sister's classmates.

At that time, they will only remember Xiao Taotie's second brother, and will ignore the other brothers.

However, under the light of Gu Yixing, all the small thoughts can only be turned into bubbles.

The parents' meeting has officially started. Although the hot moms miss the handsome guy Gu Yixing, the official parent's meeting is still very serious.

After all, a handsome guy is not as good as his own little princess and handsome guy!

Teacher Yuan first reported the top ten students in this final exam class, as well as the three students who made great progress.

Hearing that Hua Jinyan was first and his younger sister was second, Cheng Guodong snorted, "I don't know if my younger sister will be allowed!"

Qin Xin laughed: "This kind of thing is beyond his control."

Cheng Guodong made trouble unreasonably: "I missed a few points in the test, and deliberately made two wrong questions. Isn't No. 1 my sister?"

Qin Xin shrugged: "It doesn't matter if my sister is the first or not. Anyway, we don't have any requirements for her grades. Let her play as she pleases, and don't put too much pressure on the child."

Cheng Guodong continued to make trouble out of no reason: "This does not prevent Hua Jinyan from letting her order."

(End of this chapter)

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