Chapter 693 Block Your Nose
Little Taotie honestly shook his head, expressing that he didn't know him.

The woman's smile froze.

Teacher Li smiled brightly: "It seems that Little Taotie is usually a very hard-working child. He must rarely watch TV. It's summer vacation now, isn't it?"

Little Taotie nodded his head.

Teacher Li asked: "Did you do well in the final exam?"

Hearing this, the little Taotie drooped his head, feeling weak.

Teacher Li was surprised: "Did you fail the exam?"

Little Taotie nodded: "The third place in the school, it should have been the second place in the school."

Teacher Li: "..."

"Pfft!" Ji Guang laughed, "I only think about number two, why can't I try my best to challenge for number one?"

Little Taotie was weak: "The number one is my comrade-in-arms, I can't beat him."

Ji Guang wanted to say something when he heard the director's loudspeaker sound: "Everyone, the filming is about to start, please get ready."

The woman hurried to the toilet.

When I came back, several other food critics also came.

There are eight people in their group, with different tastes. The youngest is six years old and the oldest is 60 years old.

The sound of the frying pan fluctuated, and there was a burst of fragrance from time to time.

Little Taotie's stomach sang an empty city song, accompaniment to the sound of frying pans and shovels.

Sitting on her right was the cross talk actor Teacher Li. Hearing the sound of Xiao Taotie's stomach growling, Teacher Li smiled and comforted her: "An hour will pass soon."

It was obviously a very short hour, but it became extremely long here.

Little Taotie took out a tissue, squeezed it into two paper balls and stuffed them into his nostrils. The end of the paper balls exposed his nostrils, making his little nose bulging.

Teacher Li caught sight of her behavior from the corner of her eye, and almost spit out a sip of tea from her mouth.

Teacher Li coughed a few times: "What are you doing?"

Doesn't she know that there are countless cameras pointed at her now, and this scene was recorded by the camera and will be released.

Little Taotie even spoke in a low voice, "It's so fragrant, it's so fragrant! I blocked my nose so I couldn't smell it anymore. I'm afraid I won't be able to bear it myself."

"Haha, this is a good way. Just bear with it, an hour will pass soon, and they will bring the food, and then you can eat with your stomach open."

Little Taotie looked at him with bright eyes, as if there were countless little stars twinkling in his eyes, "Is it really possible to eat with an open stomach? Isn't it said that you can only taste the taste and then comment?"

"There are a total of 88 young chefs here. Each cooks 5 dishes, and there are 440 dishes. You only taste one bite of each dish, and if you pile it up, you can have several bowls! Are you not full?"

Little Taotie smiled shyly, blushed with embarrassment, and replied softly, "I can't get enough to eat."

Teacher Li: "..." Isn't the big stomach king a human design?
Now in the entertainment circle, this idol and that little fresh meat are all designed by people, and some companies even specially create a set of character-designed scripts for their artists.

These little stars, even if the script they got was completely opposite to themselves, they could only accept it aggrievedly.

A burst of music sounded, representing that 88 chefs have finished the dishes in hand.

A series of delicacies were photographed at close range.

The young and top-notch chefs are excellent in expressing the two words of color and aroma to the fullest.

There is only one taste, which needs to be tasted.

There is a beautiful sister in a cheongsam with a tray in her hand, and puts the tray on each table.

On the tray are small transparent glass dishes, each with a bite of vegetables.

(End of this chapter)

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