Chapter 700

After some competitions, No. 44 stayed again, this time he was no longer No. 44, but was called No. 20.

24 people were eliminated, leaving only 20 people.

Little Taotie shuttled among the 20 people like a flying butterfly.

This round of competition is for 20 people to cook a dish that they are good at.

Some people make big lobsters, some people make small shrimps.

Some people make fried fish fillets, while others make sauerkraut fish fillets.

20 people, each of the Eight Immortals showed their magical powers across the sea.

Little Taotie stopped in front of a Y Nan chef, "What is this?"

The chef smiled very gently: "It's a bug."

Little Taotie looked at the gentle smile on his face, and then at a box of wriggling white and fat little bugs.

The chef turned on the frying pan and asked, "Do you dare to eat it?"

Little Taotie hesitated.

With a sound of "Zi La", put the oil pan on.

The bugs were fried to a crisp.

Little Taotie "sucked" his saliva, "I really want to eat it!"

The chef picked up his chopsticks and opened the back door.

Little Taotie opened his mouth wide impatiently, like a little bird waiting to be fed.

The chef fed the crispy fried worms into her mouth.

The little Taotie chewed quickly, his big eyes became brighter and brighter, and there was an astonishing light in his pupils.

She remembered that in a blocked issue of "Pastoral Life", Teacher Beibei liked to eat bugs very much, but Teacher Beibei ate uncooked bugs.

Facing the sparkling eyes of the little girl, the chef hesitated and asked, "Do you still want to eat?"

Little Taotie nodded like a pounding garlic.

One is feeding, and the other is waiting to be fed with its mouth wide open.

Back and forth, more than a dozen fried crispy bugs disappeared.

Originally there was only one plate, but now half of it is gone.

The chef quickly stopped: "It's gone, it's gone, you can't eat any more!"

Little Taotie looked at him eagerly.

The chef closed his eyes and said cruelly: "It's gone, it's really gone!"

Fearing that he would be soft-hearted, he would not be able to keep half of the plate, so the chef hurriedly called for the beautiful woman in a cheongsam to serve the dishes to the judges.

Little Taotie blinked, blinked again, and finally the corners of his eyes turned red, not to mention his aggrieved and pitiful expression.

There was still half a plate left, and it was sent to the judges!

The beautiful cheongsam beauty was a little distressed, and reminded: "You are also a judge, hurry back to the judge's seat, and you will be assigned by then."

Little Taotie's eyes lit up, and he said happily, "Thank you sister!"

Little Taotie was like a beautiful butterfly flying away, returning to the judging panel and never coming down again.

Those who have the guts to eat bugs are few after all, among the eight judges, only two are willing to try, Ji Guang and cross talk actor Teacher Li.

With the addition of small gluttons, there are only 3 people tasting.

No matter how hard and soft the director is, the other five will not let go.

In the end, the director had no other choice. The show still had to be filmed, and the judges still needed to score, so I suggested that they only give the score for color and fragrance.

The five of them are still willing to try to smell more and observe the appearance.

Little Taotie was very happy, no one competed with her for fried worms anymore.

Teacher Li just wanted to taste the taste, so he only took away one piece, but Ji Guang got a little mood to tease the children, so he took away three pieces on purpose. Little grievance.

Teacher Li closed his eyes, put the fried bug into his mouth, and then chewed frantically, as if he was afraid that the bug would not die, and wanted to bite it to death with his teeth.

The more you bite, the more delicious it is!

Teacher Li was very surprised by the taste!
It's like... chicken butt meat wrapped in a soft shell.

(End of this chapter)

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