Chapter 719 A Small Baby Tooth
Little Taotie didn't know when he fell asleep again, when he woke up, he had already changed places, he was in a hotel room, lying on a big soft bed.

Little Taotie turned his head and saw the stylist sister lying on the other bed.

The stylist sister is a light sleeper, so she woke up when she heard the sound.

Seeing little Taotie rushing to the toilet and coming back after brushing his teeth, his little face was full of fear.

"what happened?"

"I... I fell asleep without brushing my teeth, will it damage my teeth?"

"...Probably not." The stylist sister replied without confidence.

Little Taotie rolled back on the bed: "Ya Ya, you must be fine!"

Early the next morning, Little Taotie had a tragedy.

She stared blankly at a white tooth in her palm.

The stylist sister leaned over to look: "Did the upper teeth fall out, or did the lower teeth fall out?"

Little Taotie covered his mouth and said, "Next."

The stylist sister patted her little shoulder: "That's okay, it's not so easy to be discovered."

"I have no teeth to see people." Little Taotie lowered his head.

The stylist sister suppressed a smile: "It's okay, everyone won't make fun of you."

Little Taotie looked up at her: "You are smiling."

"No! I'm not smiling!"

The sister stylist worked hard to elongate her face and pull down the corners of her mouth.

Little Taotie looked at the teeth in his palm, his eyes turned red, and he felt more and more wronged...

"Don't cry! Don't cry!" The stylist sister hurriedly comforted: "It's okay, everyone will experience it, it's normal to lose teeth. Lost teeth will grow back, replace them with new ones, whiter and better teeth."

Little Taotie looked at her with tears in his eyes: "Can it really grow back?"

"Of course!"

"But... Grandpa Fan's missing teeth didn't grow back. He used dentures."

"It's different. Children can grow teeth, but adults can't. Everyone has only one chance to change their teeth."

"How long will it last?"

"...I can't tell." The stylist sister has no idea at all. She had her teeth changed when she was a child, but it was so long that she couldn't remember clearly.

Little Taotie kept covering his mouth, and when Gu Bei woke up, he ran to him and tugged at the corner of his clothes, "Brother Gu, mask, quickly give me the mask."

Gu Bei handed her a mask, and said with a smile, "The air here is very good, and there are not many people. In fact, there is no need to wear a mask."

Xiao Taotie's justice is awe-inspiring: "Wearing a mask to prevent the epidemic is everyone's responsibility."

"Okay then, you can wear it." Gu Bei didn't think too much, and helped Little Taotie remove the mask bag, and put it on for her.

Little Taotie put on the mask and immediately felt safe.

The stylist sister came with a smile and wanted to share an interesting news with Gu Bei.

Little Taotie saw her laughing, looked at Gu Bei again, realized something, and ran away in a hurry.

Gu Bei was surprised: "Didn't you eat breakfast? Why did you run away?"

The stylist sister chuckled: "She's not in the mood for breakfast right now."

"What's the matter? What happened to make her feel bad?"

The sister stylist looked at their little glutton not far away, and said with a smile: "Forget it, I won't tell you, you will find out by yourself."

"I hate you the most, half of what you say!"

The stylist sister ignored him, but chased after him to find Xiao Taotie.

She combed Xiao Taotie's hair, picked clothes, made a style, and held Xiao Taotie's little hand: "It should start broadcasting today. This program is about solving crimes. Are you confident?"

Little Taotie took out his toy pipe and raised his chin: "I am Sherlock Holmes!"


When they arrived at the shooting scene, the director introduced several actors who worked together to Xiao Taotie.

Little Taotie knew one of them.

The popular little fresh meat season.

"Little Taotie, we meet again." Ji Guang stepped forward to greet him.

Little Taotie tightly gripped his mask, "Brother Guang is good."

"The filming is about to start, can you take off the mask?" Ji Guang started to help her take off the mask.

Little Taotie ducked back, his eyes tense and panicked.

Ji Guang felt something was wrong, and asked worriedly, "What's wrong?"

Little Taotie clutched his mask tightly, and said in a muffled voice, "I want to wear a mask to shoot."

(End of this chapter)

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