Chapter 727 Why?
The Rock Team members call for help, but they can't outrun the Scud-legged Earl.

After receiving the call, Xiao Taotie and the others left the lounge and headed towards the garden, intending to arrest the two flower picking thieves before the count came to kill them.

Seeing the light approaching, the gardener and the outsider looked at each other, and they immediately separated and ran away.

Little Taotie hurriedly said, "Chase!"

Everyone chased after them. In the director's shot, everyone was running in the garden late at night.

When he was about to be overtaken, the outsider pushed the gardener away and reached for the pistol hidden in his waist.

Everyone looked at the gun and stopped.

The girl was nervous: "Yes, the murderer must be him!"

The middle-aged man was stern and soft: "Don't be afraid, we have a lot of people! The director will not let us die!"

When the two were talking, Ji Guang had already rushed forward to fight the outsider. The outsider wanted to shoot, but the distance was too close and the movement was too fast, so he had no time to aim.

Ji Guang snatched the outsider's gun, turned back, and pointed the gun at the outsider's forehead.

The outsiders stopped resisting.

Seeing that the situation was over, the gardener gave up struggling.

The girl's eyes lit up, and she shouted at the camera: "The murderer is him! Outsiders!"

The mechanical voice sounded: "A representative please come out."

The girl looked at the little Taotie, and everyone followed her gaze to look at the little Taotie.

It was Xiao Taotie who discovered the abnormality in the dog hole, and Xiao Taotie was the hero, and this representative was none other than her.

Little Taotie hid behind Ji Guang, embarrassed to come out.

"Little Taotie, I think you should stand up."

Little Taotie looked at Ji Guang in a daze.

Ji Guang smiled softly: "I think you are very talented in solving crimes."

Little Taotie plucked up the courage to stand up, and instead of talking to the camera, looked at the gardener and outsiders.

There are still some things that haven't been clarified. She doesn't know the truth yet, and she doesn't know who the real murderer is.

"Picking tulips in the middle of the night, aren't you afraid of being discovered by the count and dealt with by the count?"

Little Taotie stretched out his hand to crush a stone and threatened with force.

The gardener and the outsider looked at each other, their eyes seemed to be confessing to each other.

Little Taotie slapped hard on the rockery in the garden, and the rockery cracked open!
The gardener shivered.

The outsider's eyes widened and his body felt cold.

What if this little hand is not patting a rockery, but his own head?

They dare not continue to hide.

Gardener: "I want to earn money and get out of here, I want to be free, I want to live a life like a human being, I want to travel around the world, and I want to find an equal country."

The outsider lowered his eyes: "My friends and I are slaves with low status. We want to earn enough money and change our status."

The gardener's voice was suppressed: "If the earl asks us to pick flowers, we will keep some of them, and we won't pick all of them! If the earl is ignorant and insists on stopping, then we can't blame us for being cruel! I've already had enough of these nobles who get nothing for nothing. !"

Suddenly, the maid rushed out from the path and kicked the gardener fiercely: "I warned you a long time ago, don't steal tulips again! You actually want to kill the count! I think the count is too kind to you! I shouldn't have done it for you!" You hide it!"

"Hehe, you like him, so you naturally think of him everywhere. Why do the flowers I planted so hard belong to him? They are obviously my tulips! Can't I sell them for money?"

The maid glared at him, "You are a servant! You were doomed to have no freedom from birth! Even you belong to the earl, let alone Tulip!"

"Why! Why!" the gardener roared out of control, breaking his voice.

(End of this chapter)

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