Chapter 729 The Crazy Maid

Although they are all ragged, yellow and thin people, they are all men, and they always have some strength. Coupled with the fact that there are many people, it is absolutely a win-win situation.

But they never imagined that they would be defeated by a soft, white and tender little girl like a little dumpling!
They had no power to fight back, the little girl's fist was white and fleshy, but it was like a hammer hitting her body, a fist could knock a man down.

Little Taotie was like a wolf attacking a flock of sheep, with every punch, they didn't even have a chance to fight back, they fell to the ground and couldn't stand up.

Little Taotie clapped his little hands, turned around, and saw Ji Guang, the girl, the middle-aged male artist, and the members of the rock team all stunned.

Their screams were so loud that Earl Xunsheng, who was being chased by members of the rock team, rushed over.

Before the count could ask what happened, he saw a person rushing towards him!

The earl didn't have time to scream, his neck was strangled!

It wasn't the gardener who strangled him, it wasn't any outsider who got in through the dog hole, it was the maid!
Little Taotie and the others were too far away, it was too late to rush over now.

The maid pinched the earl with one hand, and raised the other hand high, with a cold glow.

It was a dagger with a cold glow!
Just when everyone thought the earl was going to die, the earl reached out and grabbed the maid's wrist, squeezing her tendons hard.

The maid felt the pain and let go of her hand.

When the dagger fell to the ground, the hearts of everyone relaxed.

Xiao Taotie and Ji Guang had also rushed to the earl at this moment, and with Ji Guang's help, the earl controlled the maid.

Little Taotie looked at the gardener, then at the maid, and blinked, as if countless small stars spread out in his eyes, and then converged into one point again.

The truth dawned.

Little Taotie looked at an obvious camera, as if facing the camera.

She took out her toy pipe, as if possessed by Sherlock Holmes, with a serious expression and narrowed eyes, revealing a sense of mystery.

"It was the maid who killed the count."

A mechanized voice came from the camera: "Congratulations, you have found the real culprit."

The task is to find the real culprit and prevent the Earl from being killed.

Now the task is only half completed, and the task will not be considered complete until dawn and the earl is still alive.

Everyone gathered around and curiously asked Xiao Taotie why he concluded that the real culprit was the maid.

This is completely contrary to their previous speculation.

Their previous speculation was that the gardener joined forces with outsiders to kill the earl, and the maid loved the earl, but failed to stop it. Maybe she was kidnapped by the gardener, or killed by the gardener.

Now it is the maid who kills the count, and the camera has already indicated that the answer is correct.

In other words, the murderer in the whole case was a maid, but why?What is the motive for the murder?You obviously love the earl, don't you?
Little Taotie pointed to the gardener: "What he said just now moved her to kill."

There was a flash of light in the eyes of Ji Guang and the girl.

Girls understand the feelings of maids better.

Thinking about it differently, if she were a maid, she might be as crazy as she is.

The girl walked up to the maid who was restrained, her eyes were dimmed, and she looked like her soul had been sucked out, and asked, "Have you and the count surpassed the relationship between master and servant?"

The count quickly denied: "No! How is it possible! I will not touch a lowly maid!"

As soon as the maid said this, the maid laughed softly, full of self-mockery: "Yeah, it's just that I didn't recognize my identity and hoped for a love that would never be possible, but why, why I was born Slave! If I can't get it, I will destroy it! No one can get it!"

(End of this chapter)

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