Chapter 745
The girl asked, "Why did you write that? Is there any basis?"

Little Taotie replayed the video, "Look at him, there is no regret in his eyes."

The girl stared at it for a long time, but didn't see anything.

It was Ji Guang who took a closer look and nodded: "The micro-expression is very wrong."

The middle-aged male artist is an actor, and he is more sensitive to expressions and demeanor. He nodded: "After watching it a few times, I really can't see that I'm sorry, but it's...a bit indifferent."

Little Taotie pointed at the man again, "He is fake angry, with a smile in his eyes."

"Laugh?" The girl looked closely for a long time, but still couldn't see anything.

Ji Guang lowered his eyes: "This kind of smile is very weird."

Member of the rock team: "It can be considered that after being released, I was happy so I was laughing."

The middle-aged male artist shook his head: "It's different, it's not the joy of the rest of the life, just like Ji Guang said, it's weird. It's a weird smile, too complicated, like a sneer, and like a proud smile."

"The pixels of the video are so poor, it's thanks to you that you can see so many things." The girl couldn't believe it.

Middle-aged male artist: "Ji Guang, I, Xiao Taotie, are all actors. We are more sensitive to the camera and our expressions."

Girl: "If you can see it, there must be others."

Ji Guang: "So what can we do with them? They have all been released, and there is no evidence to convict them."

The girl looked at the writing board in Little Taotie's hand, "The boy is the mastermind? Why can't it be this man? After all, the man looks much older."

Little Taotie took out his toy pipe, as if transformed into a little Sherlock Holmes, with a serious face, and analyzed: "A young man is particular about drinking tea. Under the interrogation environment, it is absolutely impossible for him to have such a mood, unless he is confident, very confident."

"The first suspect saw the photo of the student, and he was sure that he didn't see it clearly. There is a possibility that he had seen this photo before, and someone even told him that the police would show him this photo. That's why he is so sure. He seems to be very afraid of seeing the students, and every time he looks at the photos, he just takes a quick glance, and he is unwilling to take a second look."

Having said this, Little Taotie paused.

Everyone stared at her in unison.

Little Taotie blushed, "I... want to go to the toilet."

Everyone: "..."

It was only then that they remembered that the shooting time was too long, and none of them had gone to the toilet, and there was no intermission.

Not to mention Xiao Taotie wants to go to the toilet, now everyone else wants to go too.

Eight people came to the toilet door.

Only Xiao Taotie ran in to go to the bathroom alone, while the other seven stood at the door hesitantly.

The girl was afraid that Little Taotie would be ready, and when she went to the bathroom, she would be the only one in the bathroom. She couldn't help but think of the "murder scene" arranged by the props team. She shivered and rushed into the toilet: "Zaizai, you Slow down, wait for me!"

The six big men looked at each other, the youngest Ji Guang went in first, and with him taking the lead, five people followed.

Seeing the urinal, they couldn't help recalling the bloody picture in their minds.

The middle-aged male artist turned his head from time to time because he was afraid that someone with a knife would rush over behind him and stab him.

The psychological shadow of the six big men is huge.

After going to the toilet, the girl asked: "Can you tell us now, why do men get scared when they see teenagers?"

"Seeing him kill with his own eyes, he will definitely be scared." Little Taotie tilted his head, his big eyes were black and white, "He saw the whole process of the young man's murder, and he has a fear of him."

(End of this chapter)

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