Chapter 748 At least I Tried

The director laughed heartlessly: "I'm afraid, of course I'm afraid. Did you force the prop master to change the props since you didn't see me?"

The girl was puzzled: "You are obviously afraid, why do you still want to do such a subject..."

The director shrugged: "I will adapt every case until it is approved. I can only do what I can. If I am still warned that it is too sensitive, then I can only delete this case. After all, even if If I don’t delete it, investors will force me to delete it.”

The editor touched his heart: "As a human being, I only want to have a clear conscience."

"I filmed this show. If it is really blocked and the content is deleted, I will accept my fate. At least I have tried and filmed it."

"Because I'm afraid of being blocked or deleted, if I don't do it, I may regret it for the rest of my life."

Everyone looked at him with admiration.

The director was a little embarrassed and waved his hand: "Okay, let's get down to business and continue shooting."

Ji Guang nodded, he knew that what they said would be cut out later by the director.

The editor and director adapted this case, and the effect of playing it will definitely not express the meaning of what he said today, at most it will be vaguely expressed, and those who can see it will naturally understand it.

This kind of vague and indistinct content will not be deleted if you think about it. As long as you grasp it carefully, you can escape the risk of being blocked.

Seeing the deep eyes of the director, Ji Guang knew that the director was a person with a plan in mind, and if he didn't have a plan, he wouldn't have great ambitions.


The filming of the case was not finished, but it was getting late, and the director asked them to go back to rest.

"Tomorrow is Sunday, take a day off, it will take some time to make new props."

The director gave them a day off.

In fact, it was a regulation that Gu Bei had added in when signing the contract. No matter where the filming progress was, when Sunday came, Xiao Taotie had to be given a day off.

The director thought that Xiao Taotie was the most talented in solving crimes among these guests, and it would be meaningless if she was not there, so he generously gave everyone a holiday.

Little Taotie got into the nanny car going back, the girl knocked on the window, and Little Taotie opened the window to look out.

The girl handed her a box of fruit candies: "See you tomorrow."

Little Taotie nodded: "Wait for me to come back and bring something delicious for my little cute sister!"

The girl waved her hand until the nanny's car drove away.

The members of the rock team gathered together to smoke, and when they saw the girl coming back alone, they asked, "Why didn't you see Xiao Taotie?"

"She should have other announcements, and she will be back tomorrow morning." The girl replied.

The members of the rock team envied: "The more announcements, the more popular it is. Unlike us, we have not announced recently."

The girls looked at their red, purple, blue, and yellow hair, pursed their lips, and said a few more words kindly: "You have been playing rock and roll for so many years, but you have not become famous. Have you thought about changing your style?"

"Rock and roll is our life!"

"It's fine if you don't change, or do something else. Don't many young freshmen from idol teams like to change their careers to become actors? Make a few idol dramas, accumulate some popularity, and sell songs more easily."

"We also want to, but we don't have the talent for acting. This time participating in variety shows is also an attempt for us. If it still doesn't work, we can only...disband."

"Who is the God of Cooking show is popular." Ji Guang's voice sounded.

The members of the rock team all looked over, not knowing why.

Ji Guang: "My manager originally didn't want to accept the show Who Is The Master of Cooking for me. He thought it had no future and wasn't very popular."

Girl: "But you still picked it up, good luck, it's popular!"

"There was a reason that my agent changed his mind and finally accepted this show."

"what reason?"

"Little Glutton participated in the show."

"What does this have to do with Little Taotie?"

"She is in the industry, and the name of the little God of Wealth has already been confirmed. As long as she participates in the show, even if the early predictions are not optimistic, she will explode in the end!"

Hearing this, the members of the rock team had fiery eyes, "Then, will this detective show be as popular as Who is the Master Chef?"

"If it's not banned." Ji Guang nodded: "It should be."

(End of this chapter)

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