Chapter 752
Little Taotie's eyes became brighter and brighter, "Did the victim turned into a paper man trip him up?"

"Not really."


Mo Haihao pointed to the sky: "In the dark, there has long been God's will."

Mo Haihao's cell phone rang, he apologized and left.

The eyes of the little Taotie who stayed in the archive room became brighter and brighter, as if there were countless stars shining brightly in his eyes, one by one, as if being gradually lit up, and finally became a shining and mysterious galaxy.

Seeing how excited she was, Hua Jinyan lowered his voice and asked, "What are you thinking?"

Little Taotie raised his head and looked at the files around him, his blinking eyes revealed cunning.


The director of the detective program received the above notice.

The shooting content he just sent over failed the review.

The content of the work involves bad descriptions of minors and does not meet the requirements for inclusion.

Ask him to check and modify the illegal content, and resubmit the application.

The director looked at the notification and let out a miserable smile.

In fact, I had expected it, but I still felt a little uncomfortable.

He stood on the balcony smoking a cigarette, thinking about how to change it.

He must bow his head.

There is no choice.

The show involved too many interests, even if he didn't bow his head, those investors would force him to bow his head.

Just like a prop master forced to bow his head by himself.

In fact, he was looking forward to the prop master turning his face and leaving, shouting: For the sake of art, if you don't do it, don't do it!

Unfortunately, he didn't.

The prop master only has personal interests, and he can't easily quit, let alone him, a choreographer, involving too many people's interests.

If the program fails to be completed, investors will withdraw their funds, and the program staff will lose their jobs.

Maybe they can rely on their skills to find another way out, but there will always be people who encounter difficulties, such as mortgage and car loans, and they can't stop and have to work non-stop.

Once the show is stopped, they will not be able to find a job for a while, and if they are unemployed for a month or two, their wages will be lost for a month or two. At that time, many families will face a crisis.

After taking his last puff of cigarette, the director smiled wryly at the misty night sky: "Aside from compromise, what else can I do?"

To rectify the program is to change the entire core concept.

This is too difficult, it is better to redesign a new program.

Now only two cases have been photographed, the loss is not big, and it can be repaired.

Overnight, the director called a meeting with the staff.


Little Taotie sat in the nanny's car and returned to the shooting location.

She had fallen asleep, moving her body restlessly.

In the dream, she saw the little white beast turned into a young girl, but for a short time, it turned back into a child again.

She looked at all this from the perspective of God...

The girl ran to the edge of the pool, took photos in the water, and sighed: "It doesn't look good at all."

She likes to look like a girl, it's very beautiful.

"A mount should have the self-consciousness of a mount!" It was clearly a soft voice, but it was full of sarcasm.

"Who are you?" The girl turned from the little white beast tilted her head and looked over.

"Your eyes are really annoying."

A woman with a soft appearance, wearing a white streamer skirt, two satin ribbons that move without wind, fluttering like a fairy.

She is as beautiful as a fairy, but her expression reveals disgust and contempt. Those misty almond eyes are squinting at the girl at this moment, like sharp blades, trying to kill the girl.

Little Taotie looked at all this from the perspective of God, nervous and worried about the girl transformed from the little white beast, but in the next second, she was pulled into the girl's body by strange force, and felt the sharp knife-like eyes from the girl.

(End of this chapter)

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