Chapter 758
Bai Shuang felt a sudden pain in her eyes, blood splashed in front of her eyes, this was the last time she saw the only color besides darkness.

In an instant, the pain in her pupils caused her to cover her eyes with trembling hands.

A cold and heartless voice came from beside her ear: "Your eyes make her uneasy. Since you can't use your eyes well, then there is no need to use them."

Baishuang's breathing is weak, which is still unbelievable.

"What the hell... did I do wrong!"

She didn't know what she did wrong, why the god of war became the god of killing!
The fire of the prairie prairie burned the Qingqiu, and the wrath of the God of War caused the beasts to flee from the Qingqiu in search of other habitats.

Empress Qingqiu, who was going to be a guest in the heaven, overturned the tea table violently, and the slanted tea water flew up into the air and gathered into a water mirror, in which Qingqiu's current miserable state appeared.

She stretched out her hand to slide the mirror, and the picture changed, turning into an ancient tree that had fallen to the ground and turned into rotten wood. At the same time as the God of War sword energy streaked across Baishuang's eyes, Empress Qingqiu angrily glared at the Heavenly Emperor sitting high, her eyes full of rage .

Empress Qingqiu asked: "Emperor Heaven, you invited me here to divert the tiger away from the mountain, so that the God of War can run amok in my Qingqiu!"

Everyone present can have a panoramic view of everything in the water mirror.

At this moment, needles could be heard in the main hall, and it was extremely quiet.

The emperor frowned displeased.

It wasn't because of what God of War did in the water mirror that he was displeased, but because of the empress Qingqiu's blatant questioning.

The Emperor of Heaven waved his sleeves and let the immortals leave.

The Emperor of Heaven turned around and apologized to the man beside him, "Emperor, I am afraid that today's happy event will soon turn into a funeral."

The policy of marrying the two races was proposed by the emperor, and the emperor is also trying his best to match this matter.

Today, empress Qingqiu was invited here to discuss this matter in detail.

The white-haired and childlike emperor sighed: "It's a pity, I thought he liked white things. Seeing that Qingqiu Diji was originally a white fox, she transformed into a human being with white skin and beautiful appearance, fresh and lovely like a white lotus. I thought he would like it."

The Emperor of Heaven took a sip of his wine, and said lazily, "You saw it just now, and you ruined Qingqiu Diji's eyes, just because those eyes showed malice towards the little white beast in his arms. Dijun, this time you It's a bit of a mess."

"I think it's just his mount. If you really like it, why don't you give it the Transformation Pill to make it transform into shape as soon as possible? Could it be...he likes to double cultivate with the beast shape?"

"Cough, cough, cough!" The Emperor of Heaven almost choked to death with a sip of wine, "If your words reach his ears, be careful that he will hit you!"

Dijun muttered: "He dares! What did I say wrong?" His voice was too low, lacking confidence.

Empress Qingqiu, who was ignored by the two, roared angrily: "You guys are going too far!"

The Emperor of Heaven glanced at her lightly, "I didn't kill her, but just ruined a pair of eyes. Besides, it was your daughter who was at fault first. She knew that the God of War was protecting that little guy, but she still dared to look at that little guy." When you show malicious intent, isn’t this courting death?”

Dijun made up his sword: "You don't seem to really care about this daughter, otherwise what are you still doing here? You have already returned to your Qingqiu to save your daughter. Why are you here yelling at us for our incompetence?"

The Emperor of Heaven took a breath, and said lazily: "Anyway, you have many children, you have several children at once, and you will be a bride every spring and every year. It's not bad for this unlucky daughter, isn't it?"

The emperor smiled and said, "The God of War doesn't like your daughter, and your daughter is also useless. Let's talk about the marriage between your other daughter and the outstanding lieutenant general of the heavens?"

The Heavenly Emperor nodded: "The Heavenly Realm is very sincere in marrying Qingqiu. If this is a good couple, there will be another couple."

(End of this chapter)

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