Chapter 763 The show is suspended

want to go!What your daughter caused!Can you leave so easily?dream!

The Emperor of Heaven stretched out his hand, and a big hand appeared in the void, blocking Empress Qingqiu's path.

The Emperor of Heaven pointed to the portrait: "I haven't discussed the marriage yet, where are you going?"

The emperor smiled and said, "Yes, the lieutenant under God of War must meet your daughter Feng Qi."

God of War glanced at Dijun lightly.

The emperor hurriedly leaned forward and hooked his shoulders, looking like a good brother, and said affectionately: "You don't know yet, we plan to marry your lieutenant general to Qingqiu Emperor Ji Fengqi, and the portrait of that girl has been passed to your lieutenant general After reading it, he was very satisfied, tsk tsk tsk, I didn't see it before, he is actually a person who only looks at the appearance! I didn't ask about other things, I immediately agreed when I saw that the face looks good!"

The Heavenly Emperor walked down the high platform with a glass of wine, imitating the emperor, hooking the other shoulder of the God of War, "Let me tell you, that girl Feng Qi looks like a real water spirit!"

The emperor directly unfolded the portrait to show the God of War, "Look, it's so watery..."

God of War shook off his two hands on his shoulders, and spoke coldly: "Shallow!"

But his mind couldn't help showing the face of a girl.

Little Taotie looks at the dream from the perspective of God, and even if the voice transmission between the Heavenly Emperor and the Emperor is good in the dream, Little Taotie can see and hear what they are thinking like a god.

But at this moment, in the sight of the little Taotie, the God of War spoke coldly, with a look of disdain for the portrait, and a bubble floated on the head of the God of War.

A very beautiful girl appeared in the bubble.

Little Taotie recognized that this was the appearance of the little white beast turning into a girl.

Little Taotie was thoughtful, she wanted to continue watching everything in the dream, but was woken up.

Little Taotie opened his eyes in bewilderment, still unable to tell the difference between reality and dream state.

Gu Bei handed her a coat, "Here we are, it's cold outside the car, put on your coat quickly, don't get sick from the cold."

Little Taotie blinked, her eyes were moist, she took the coat and put it on, and was led by Gu Bei to get out of the nanny car.

The night wind blew outside the car, blowing a dull hair on the top of her head.

Little Taotie sneezed and woke up.

Gu Bei was very nervous: "What's the matter? Is it still cold? This coat is still too thin. I'll go to the car and find you a thicker one."

Little Taotie hurriedly stretched out his hand to grab Gu Bei, and shook his head: "It's not cold, it's just that I just got out of the car, and the wind blew over, so I didn't get used to it for a while."

She rubbed her little nose, her nose was pink from her rubbing, and her voice was soft: "Just this one, don't wear too thick ones, it's inconvenient to move."

"Is it really enough? It's not cold anymore?"

"Really!" Little Taotie nodded like a pounding garlic.

They were about to go to the shooting location when they saw someone dragging their suitcases out, not just one person.

Little Taotie looked over, surprised: "Little cute sister? Brother Guang? Brother red, brother yellow, brother blue, brother purple..."

Everyone in the rock team looked at each other, the corners of their mouths twitching.

It seems that after the filming of this show, they should go back and dye their hair back to black.

They didn't expect that when the program was broadcast, this segment was broadcast, and their hair became a symbol that they were remembered by the public!
Since then, the brokerage company said: Plastic surgery is fine.Change your hairstyle, change your color?Absolutely not!
Even if the whole face is changed, it's fine, but the hairstyle is not allowed!
Little Taotie trotted up to them, looked at the suitcases they were dragging in their hands, and tilted his head in doubt: "Are you all leaving?"

Ji Guang sighed: "The show is suspended."

(End of this chapter)

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