Chapter 771

Wang Yilun walked around Ji Guang, grinning: "This suit suits you, you are like a scholar."

Linglong looked at the rock team and pressed her temples with a headache, "Your hairstyle... are you sure you won't be burned to death as demons?"

Red hair, yellow hair, purple hair, and blue hair face each other.

Red light, yellow light, purple light, and blue light shrouded the four people at the same time, and when the light disappeared, four big shiny bald heads caught everyone's eyes!

They wore red, brown, purple, blue robes.

Linglong looked at the person in the brown robe and teased: "Why don't you wear yellow?"

"I don't want to leave my head in ancient times."

"Hahaha, in ancient times, except for the monks and the royal family, you can't wear yellow, but you are a monk, you can!" Linglong laughed loudly, pointing to the bald heads of the four: "The four monks!"

"We're just bald, not monks."

"Hahaha, don't explain! It's not honorable to be bald, it's better to be shaved!"

The eight of them put on the aesthetics suitable for this dynasty and walked on the country road. A girl in floral cloth clothes and a cloth scarf walked in front of her.

[My God, my goddess?I'm blind! 】

[Hahaha, Miss Yang looks like a ten-year-old village girl! 】

[She is a pretty little village girl, she has a pretty face after all. 】

Fans of Yang Lusi wailed and called out to the director of the new play, asking him why he didn't behave like a human being, why he pulled their goddess from the heavens and dressed up as this little local girl!
【Is Huabuyi serious?Killing me! 】

[空空@新剧Director, can you be a human being! 】

[The 40-meter broadsword has been drawn! 】

Aunt Yang saw that the people from other villages were a little surprised, so she couldn't help becoming vigilant.

"Don't be nervous, we'll ask you for directions." Linglong stepped forward, showing a friendly smile.

Aunt Yang saw that the other party was a woman, she didn't look like a bad person, so she relaxed her guard a little, her eyes fell on Xiao Taotie, her eyes lit up, she was amazed by the little girl's appearance, she completely let go of her vigilance, took a Children who go out should not be bad people.

"Aren't you from our village? Where are you going?"

"This is my uncle, this is my younger brother, these are the four guards of my family, and this is my younger sister." Linglong first introduced the people around her, and then said slowly: "My younger brother is a scholar, you should also understand Come out, there is a saying among their scholars that it is better to travel thousands of miles than to read thousands of books. No, we went out for an outing with him, and somehow we came here, and now we are lost, we want to go to Qingyu City."

Aunt Yang looked at the scholar (Ji Guang) quietly, lowered her head in embarrassment, her ears turned red, and she responded in a low voice: "This is the village on the outskirts of Qingyu City. Are you going to the city? It's far away from the city. The hike could take a whole day and it's getting dark now..."

"We can't walk anymore, but there is no place to stay here." Linglong sighed, her eyes fell on Xiao Taotie, and she sighed again: "My sister is young, it is impossible for us to take her on the road overnight."

Aunt Yang Cun lowered her head to look at the pair of sparkling and beautiful eyes of the little Taotie, she felt pity in her heart, she couldn't bear such a cute and beautiful little girl to spend the night on the road, and she took the initiative to say: "My family has a vacant house, but the house is empty. It's a little run down..."

Linglong hurriedly interjected: "We are away from home, we don't care about it, as long as we have a place to stay, we will be thankful!"

Aunt Yang looked at Little Taotie, and said softly, "Then you all come with me, it's not far ahead."

(End of this chapter)

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