Chapter 782
After bidding farewell to his friends, Little Taotie returned to Linglong's side.

Linglong took out the blue document, and the six-pointed star on the cover of the document lit up.

In an instant, light surrounded them, the wind blew past, the light dispersed, and there was only a fallen leaf on the spot.

Xiao Taotie, who returned to the castle, took out a small mirror and covered the hexagram on the blue document. Under the refraction of the sunlight, a light curtain appeared.

In the light curtain is the picture after they left, which is played at ten times the speed.

Aunt Yang Cun brought her children to her husband's side, she had to rely on her, but she was still frightened, for fear that one day people from the Hou's mansion would come to her again.

Her husband is also not simple, climbing up as fast as possible.

One of the six little bean dings has a good reading talent, and has been ranked among the best since he went to the private school, but for some reason, it suddenly rained one day and got caught in the rain. Since then, he has been coughing all the time, and his health is getting worse and worse.

Among the six little bean dings, there is a little boy who is talented in martial arts. He was favored by a general in the army and wanted to accept him as an apprentice, but the next day when he was about to officially apprentice, the little boy fell and broke his leg. broken.

After seeing it, the doctor said that the leg could never get better.

At this time, Xiao Douding, who was a good student, lay ill and coughed on the bed. Seeing the third brother who was sent back with a broken leg, he had a guess in his mind.

So, in the dead of night, the six little Doudings murmured together, and took out the gold ingot that Little Taotie had given them before leaving.

In their last hope, they exchanged six gold ingots for a chance to see an imperial doctor who had retired from the imperial city and returned home.

The result that can be obtained is that the little boy who is good at reading has heart and lung problems, so he should not be overworked, and reading should not hurt his spirit.The little boy who is talented in martial arts has broken his veins, and he will never be able to stand up in this life.

Hearing this result, Aunt Yang cried quietly for a long time.

She cried while holding the six children: "As long as you are good, it doesn't matter even if you don't learn martial arts, don't read books, or fail to become talents, as long as you are good..."

The six children were not actually asleep, and heard the cry of their adoptive mother.

The next day, the boy who was a good reader burned all his books and said to his brothers and sisters: "I have understood the meaning of what Miss Sister said. Heaven is jealous of talents. If we are too outstanding, we may encounter natural and man-made disasters and die soon." .”

The little boy who always wanted to be a great general threw the wooden sword into the fire, "I won't practice martial arts anymore, it's fine to be mediocre."

Strangely, on the third day, the boy who was good at reading stopped coughing after burning the book, and the boy who burned the wooden sword was able to go to the ground.

The six children looked at each other, confirming the authenticity of Little Taotie's advice before leaving.

"Let's... just be ordinary people from now on?" The little boy who has studied well lowered his eyes, clenched his fists, thinking about something in his heart.

"I'll continue to sit in a wheelchair. You say, we look ordinary on the surface, or even ugly, but secretly..." The little boy learning martial arts thought for a while, but couldn't think of suitable words. He frowned and thought hard.

The youngest little girl whispered: "Wretched...development!"

"Where did you learn it!" The older brother glared at her: "Little girl, don't say such vulgar words!"

The little girl stuck out her tongue: "When dad and uncles drank, they got too drunk. I heard it! They said it!"

"Don't talk about it in the future!" The elder brother taught his younger sister.

The little girl was playful and cute, turned around and ran away, and made faces at him when she turned her head.

The little boy who is good at studying narrowed his eyes: "Let's try it out and hide everyone behind our backs. Except for the six of us, the seventh person will not know that we are studying secretly."

(End of this chapter)

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