Chapter 784

The second son used to be a good student at school, but after an illness, his health became worse and worse. Later, he lost the energy to study, so he had to drop out of school early.

Although the second son is literate, he dropped out of school too early and doesn't know many characters. He can recite a thousand-character prose at most.

I can't work in the fields, my hands are powerless, I know few words, and my health is not good, so I need to rely on medicine to support me.

It is even more difficult to talk about a marriage.

The man sighed, distressed: "Let's settle the matter of Da Lang first."


Da Lang was told that a marriage had been arranged, and he was at a loss.

I am so big and rough, throwing things away, looking like a farmer, incompetent and stupid, how can there be a girl who likes me?

The six gathered together to discuss.

Da Lang: "It's because of my father's power that he likes people like me, right?"

Erlang coughed twice, and said weakly: "Brother, an honest person like you, even though you are a bit rough, there will still be people who will appreciate it, don't underestimate yourself."

Saburo was speechless: "Don't pretend, there are no outsiders here, coughing, coughing, and not really a tuberculosis ghost!"

Erlang glanced at the wheelchair Sanlang was sitting in: "Then why are you sitting in the wheelchair?"

Saburo smiled mischievously: "In case father and mother come over suddenly, I won't have time to change, so sit in a wheelchair to be safe."

Erlang shrugged: "Me too, it's safer to continue pretending to be sick."

Da Lang rubbed his temples: "I asked you to discuss my affairs, but you guys started arguing! Think of a way quickly, how to scare that girl away! I don't want to really marry a girl back, our Secrets are hard to keep!"

Erlang nodded: "If one more person knows, it's no longer a secret."

Xiao Liu shook his head: "Brother, it's not good to retire the engagement. Parents have already settled down, and this matter has already been settled!"

Da Lang frowned: "Finding a sister-in-law back, it's easy to show flaws, you don't want to die?"

The faces of the five became serious.

Over the years, although they have been careful to play the role of ordinary people, occasionally they will reveal their secrets. Once they reveal their secrets, they will be unlucky, and may even lose their lives.

For example, Xiaoliu once went to the temple to offer incense, and when it rained, he accidentally showed his true colors, and was seen by a son, who fell in love at first sight, and even wanted to come to propose marriage.

Xiao Liu was so frightened that he turned around and ran, and fell down the mountain as soon as he ran.

I fell badly and almost died.

Little Six Empress was terrified, and took a deep breath: "Then think of a way, for example, after you get married and move out, no one will know the secret of the five of us."

Da Lang looked hurt: "What about me? Dead?"

"Brother, you are a student of the art of war, you have many ways, and you will definitely be able to hide it from my sister-in-law!"

"The person next to me? Are you sure I can hide it?" Da Lang smiled wryly: "I don't have that confidence in myself."

"Then what should we do? Think of a way to divorce?"

"Yeah, can we just divorce?"

"Brother, go and scare her. For example, pretend to be a fool, or pretend to be a disciple, scare her away, and propose to divorce yourself!"

Dalang wanted to cry but had no tears: "Then can I still be a human being in the future? After retiring, should I continue to pretend to be a fool, or continue to pretend to be a disciple? Now it is exhausting enough to pretend to be a rough man who loses everything. Add tasks to me?"

Erlang was helpless: "That's the only way, there is no other way. The best result is for her to withdraw the engagement by herself. If you cancel the engagement, it will be very difficult for her to marry out in the future."

Da Lang sighed, with a worried expression on his face: "I am also worried that after the divorce, it will be difficult for her to talk about marriage."

Erlang narrowed his eyes: "Why don't the six of us go meet this future sister-in-law first? The elder brother continues to pretend to be careless, swearing, and vulgar. As for the five of us, I cough desperately when we meet, and continue to pretend to be consumptive. Ghost, the third brother is in a wheelchair all the way, and he looks like a cripple at first glance. The fourth sister pretends to be stupid and naive, and continues to pretend to have bad eyesight. The fifth brother continues to pretend to be a fool. The sister-in-law who will never get married."

Xiao Liu covered her mouth and snickered: "This trick is too bad! When she sees that her eldest brother is so miserable, and her five brothers and sisters are all burdens, once she gets married, the future will be miserable, so she will definitely turn around and run away, and immediately divorce her!"

(End of this chapter)

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