Chapter 790 Too angry to eat
Li Yilong's W blog fans continue to grow, and at the same time, the five artists who play Erlang, Sanlang, Simei, Wulang, and Xiaoliu are also rapidly increasing their fans.

The audience in front of the TV looked at the clock, afraid that the variety show would end, but it was only 10 minutes away.

The little Taotie questioned what is a cup of wine, but to no avail, he ran out of the castle angrily.

Outside the castle, the little Taotie blinked, a slyness flashed in those star-studded eyes, she stretched out her white and tender hands, which quickly formed seals, extremely flexible.

I saw the little meat hand posing a six-pointed star.

[I was stunned! 】

[The softness of small hands is so strong! 】

[I thought it was glutinous rice dumpling with any concave shape! 】

[How did Zai Zai put out the six-pointed star? It's amazing! 】

[Put out the hexagram with your hands, Zai Zai must have been practicing in private for a long time, right? 】

【Amazing my cub~~~】

Xiao Taotie didn't know that a group of viewers in front of the TV were yelling that Zai Zai was the most powerful, frantically took pictures and screenshots, zoomed in on the hexagram that she put out with her little hands, and even took it to make a profile picture of W Xin W Bo.

When Little Taotie formed a six-pointed star, the sun shone on her hands, and a ray of light fell on the small pond beside her, and the pond appeared like a mirror.

However, the red candle in the screen has been burned out, and the most exciting plot has already been missed.

Little Taotie didn't realize what he had missed, but sat on a big rock by the pond, with a shower head in his hand at some point, peeling lotus seeds to eat, while looking at the picture in the pond.

The newlyweds are as gluey as paint.

The clever wife vaguely noticed something was wrong, and she seemed to be lost outside. The vulgar husband talked to her gently and cared for her inside the house, and even helped her do a lot of work at night. Nothing to do.

But if her husband didn't say anything, she pretended not to know and kept calm.

The peaceful days were soon broken.

Aunt Yang's husband disappeared on the battlefield, and at the same time, people from the Hou Mansion found someone and forcibly took Aunt Yang away.

For the people in the Hou family, the six children were not of the blood of the Hou family, so they ignored them and did not take the six children away.

When Hou Fu came to the door, the six brothers and sisters were not there, only Yang Cungu and the eldest daughter-in-law were at home. Yang Cungu was forcibly taken away, and the eldest daughter-in-law was pushed to the ground to see the red.

Seeing this, Xiao Taotie was furious, and threw the empty shower head into the water forcefully, breaking up the scene in the pool.

She went back to the castle dejected, and did not speak a word all day.

Ji Guang, Linglong, Wang Yilun, and the rock team were anxious because Xiao Taotie didn't even eat delicious food, and he was sullen all by himself, and he didn't know who he was angry with.

The seven gathered together to discuss:
Linglong: "Are you angry because we didn't tell her what drinking is?"

Ji Guang shook his head: "Not like."

Wang Yilun: "I made stewed pork ribs with cherries, but she didn't eat any of them."

Red hair: "Could it be that she is angry because you didn't show her the follow-up content of the blue document?"

Zimao shook her head: "She can see it by herself, and she can see it in a pond."

Everyone looked at him together, Zimao was surprised: "What did I say wrong?"

Ji Guang patted his forehead: "I must have seen something that made her angry!"

Linglong finds the blue document, and a hexagram light curtain appears. In the picture is Dalang's wife lying weak on the bed after giving birth.

After watching for a while, the seven finally figured out what happened.

Linglong sighed: "We can only deal with unruly monsters, but we can't change history. She is the real daughter of the Hou Mansion, but she was discovered."

(End of this chapter)

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