Chapter 796 It's All My Fault

Shen Cang withdrew his hand, lowered his head, and looked into these beautiful big eyes, as if looking into a galaxy.

Shen Cang originally wanted to get angry, or to be more serious about this little guy.

But seeing her cute little appearance, I couldn't bear it anymore.

Shen Cang's eyes were full of helplessness, and he sighed in a low voice: "In the future, you must not disclose anything about the special department."

Little Taotie tilted his head, his eyes filled with bewilderment.

Shen Cang saw that she was not mistaken, so he could only speak more clearly, "I saw the Space-Time Demon Management Bureau, the concept of the castle is too similar to the castle of the special department, and the office area is also somewhat similar, it was not your idea ?”

Little Taotie blinked, blinked again, his little eyes wandered, and he didn't dare to look at him again.

At that time, the editor asked everyone to sit down and chat for a meeting, asking what the headquarters of the Space-Time Demon Management Bureau should look like, whether it is a towering modern building, or an antique brick house, or a cave in an old forest deep in the mountains...

Little Taotie slipped his tongue out: "The castle in Snow White!"

Unexpectedly, the director made a decision immediately.

Little Taotie didn't know, in fact, the director felt that the castle was a bit exaggerated, after all, the rent was quite expensive, but thinking of Little Taotie's physique as a little God of Wealth, her opinion would definitely make the show popular, so he gritted his teeth and made a decision.

Shen Cang saw Little Taotie lowering her head and clenching her little hands together uneasily, knowing that she knew she was wrong, and sighed again: "We are going to move."

"Ah?" Little Taotie raised his head, his eyes were full of astonishment and incomprehension, "Because a castle was used in the show, so we can't use a castle?"

"Don't underestimate anyone, it will remind people of us. Even if no one thinks of it, we must be cautious for safety and confidentiality."

"it's all my fault……"

"This is the end of the matter, let's find a way to make up for it."

Little Taotie lowered his eyes, pursed his mouth, and the corners of his eyes were red, "I...I will make it up!"

The corners of Shen Cang's mouth slightly raised, but quickly straightened again, and asked, "Do you have a solution?"

Little Taotie clenched his little hands, a little at a loss.

She... can't do anything for now.

But she knew that if she did something wrong, she must find a way to make up for it!
Otherwise... I feel so sad, I won't be able to sleep if I don't feel sorry...

"I...I will find a way."

"Okay, I'll give you a chance. Seven days, I hope you can find a good way."


Little Taotie returned to the villa, went back to the room without eating.

Her abnormality made the family members very worried, and they all looked at Hua Jinyan who went in and out with her.

Hua Jinyan hesitated for a moment.

This is a matter of the special department, and logically they cannot be informed.

But facing the worry in their eyes, he still said it.

Cheng Guodong patted the table: "What does this have to do with my sister! Can't variety shows use castles as the background? The special department is too domineering!"

Gu Yixing's face was gloomy: "There are so many castles in the world, are they hindering him? I think he is embarrassing my sister!"

Qin Xin was calmer than the two of them. He took a sip of his coffee and calmed down: "Now is not the time for incapacity to get angry and criticize. Let's do our best to help my sister find a way to make up for it."

Cheng Guodong said angrily: "My sister is right again, what to make up for!"

Qin Xin spread his hands: "The matter has come to this, what's the use of you yelling at us? If you have the ability, go to the special department and yell at that old guy Shen Cang."

Cheng Guodong pursed his lips, thinking of that gray-haired old monster, he felt terrified and frightened for a second.

He coughed dryly and said in embarrassment, "Let's think about ways to make up for it."

(End of this chapter)

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