Chapter 908 Master Ma passed away
"Brother?" Qin Xin and Gu Yixing called out blankly.

Because Cheng Guodong didn't have any injuries at the moment.

Cheng Guodong was so frightened that he took off his shirt and was wearing a bulletproof vest inside.

Qin Xin looked at the scorching sun outside, and then at the body armor, "It's a hot day, are you covering prickly heat?"

Cheng Guodong wiped his sweat: "It's hot, but it's worth saving my life."

The reason for the assassination of the director was because of his overseas business. At that time, the public relations No. 1 suggested that someone might assassinate him, and told him to take care.

He felt that public relations No. 1 was worrying unfoundedly, but he still added a few bodyguards and usually wore bulletproof vests.

In fact, there is another reason for wearing bulletproof vests. The clothes are quite heavy, and wearing them is like carrying a weight forward all the time, which is good for his fitness.

Gu Yixing said worriedly: "Hua Jinyan was arrested, aren't you worried?"

"It's not that my sister was taken away, so what are you worried about?" Cheng Guodong shrugged.

Qin Xin frowned: "When you were shot, I seemed to hear my sister's cry."

Tao Mo nodded: "I heard it too, I thought I was getting old and had hallucinations."

Where Tian Leran was standing, he happened to see the doll sticking out of the bag, and said with an indistinguishable expression: "It's a doll, Hua Jinyan has a doll in the bag."

"By the way, didn't he say to go back and get Little Taotie's plush toy?" Tao Mo asked, "Is it the doll you saw?"

Tian Leran shook her head: "It's a doll exactly like my good granddaughter..."

Qin Xin: "Hua Jinyan went back to get the stuffed bear."

Cheng Guodong asked someone to call up the surveillance video just now.

Everyone gathered around to watch the video, Tian Leran hurriedly shouted: "Stop, it's here!"

Gu Yixing pressed the pause button.

Tian Leran pointed to the little doll who suddenly poked his head out of his schoolbag and called Big Brother.

Everyone was stunned.

"This is my sister?"

Cheng Guodong couldn't believe it.

Qin Xin frowned: "It's just a doll, right? Maybe it's a doll that can make sounds? No, it's too coincidental. The eyes... are too agile."

Gu Yixing's hairs stood on end, and he wiped his sweat: "It's kind of scary, ghost doll?"

"Ghost, what a ghost!" Cheng Guodong glared at him.

Tao Mo analyzed: "My grandson is unconscious, but this doll's eyes are active, as if it is alive. Do you think... Could it be that my grandson's soul is in the doll's body?"

This was not an idea for no reason, Tao Mo remembered what the dean said.

In a coma, maybe... strange powers and confusion, the soul coming out of the body?
Cheng Guodong called Teacher Ma again.

This time the call was connected.

But the other party was not Teacher Ma, but an old voice, "Little Ma, he suddenly fell ill and has already left."

"Leaving?" Cheng Guodong was stunned.

The old voice sighed: "Passed away."

Cheng Guodong didn't know when he hung up the phone, he was in a daze, unable to recover.

"What's wrong? What's gone?" Qin Xin asked suspiciously.

The people present only heard Cheng Guodong say a word and left, but they couldn't hear the voice on the other end of the phone.

Gu Yixing was angry: "Did he go abroad? Where did he go? No matter where he went, he has to be brought back!"

Cheng Guodong came back to his senses, looked at the angry Gu Yixing, and said hoarsely: "Dead, can you bring it back?"

"Ah?" Gu Yixing's angry expression froze, his whole body was dull and dazed, his eyes were in a daze, full of disbelief and bewilderment.

Qin Xin and the others were equally dazed and dull.

Cheng Guodong took a deep breath and said hoarsely, "Master Ma suddenly fell ill and passed away."

(End of this chapter)

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