Chapter 910
Hua Jinyan who was dragged away was very quiet and did not resist.

The man was driving the car, still wearing a mask and not taking it off.

He looked at Hua Jinyan through the rearview mirror with those fox eyes, the boy's calmness was unexpected.

But then I thought about the boy, one of the members of the special department.

Too calm and precocious, it seems to be taken for granted.

"You should know something about me, right?" The man laughed strangely.

Hua Jinyan rubbed the colorful relics on his wrist, but didn't say anything.

"Take out the doll in your schoolbag, I sealed her in myself, don't hide it from me."

Hua Jinyan still ignored him.

On the contrary, the little Taotie in the schoolbag poked his head out, wanting to see what this bad guy really looks like.

I always wore a ghost mask before, as if I had no face to meet people.

Little Taotie looked over and found that he was actually wearing a mask, he was very disappointed.

I can't see my face again!
Seeing her poking her head out, Hua Jinyan reached out and pushed her head back into her schoolbag.

Little Taotie was quiet for a while, then poked his head out quietly, and was pushed back again.

The two seemed to be playing whack-a-mole.

Seeing all this through the rearview mirror, the man sneered: "Kids are always kids!"


The car stopped at an abandoned factory.

It was sealed off because of the disorderly discharge of sewage. After losing money, it went bankrupt.

The land was bought by men and a laboratory was built in the basement.

"Do you know why I chose this place?"

The man seemed to be talking to himself, and also seemed to be talking to the boy, although the boy ignored him from the beginning to the end.

The man asked himself and answered: "There is radiation here. If you come here, it is best not to have children for a year, and it is easy to have deformed children."

"Do you know what a deformed child is?"

The man gave a strange laugh, and continued to ask and answer: "An abnormal appearance counts, such as missing hands and feet, or conjoined bodies, or more things, or... a harelip."

Little Taotie couldn't hold back his temper, and asked curiously, "Harelip? The mouth of a little rabbit?"

"Hehe, yes." The man laughed strangely: "Want to see it?"

He pulled off his mask suddenly.

Little Taotie was taken aback.

Hua Jinyan covered the little baby's eyes, and looked at him coldly, not showing panic or fear, nor disgust, but a very calm look, like an ancient well without waves.

The man seemed to be used to eyes of horror, fear, disgust, disgust, etc., and this was the first time he faced such calm eyes, as if he was looking at a normal person.

It's ridiculous, it's the first time in my life that I feel being treated as a normal person after showing my true face.

"I'm just a deformity." The man said slowly, his eyes were heavy, as if he wanted to capture a trace of disgust from Hua Jinyan's face.

But no, it was still peaceful.

The man suddenly felt very bored, turned his eyes away, and did not continue this topic, "I like to do experiments. As a member of the special department, you should be very clear about what kind of experiments I like to do?"

Little Taotie exhaled, without ending the previous topic, "Did you make yourself like this? Did you perform surgery on yourself?"

The man didn't expect the little baby to ask such a question, and shook his head: "It's natural."

Little Taotie asked strangely, "Can this be cured?"

The man was stunned for a moment, and laughed: "I couldn't do it before, but I can do it now, but I didn't go for treatment."

"Why not treat it?" Xiao Taotie didn't understand very much.

The man smiled strangely: "This is the best proof, it means that I have the blood of the monster race in me."

(End of this chapter)

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