Chapter 912 Feng Qi's Sleeping Spirit Body

"Stand-in..." The man was furious: "You lied to me!"

The experiment that has been successful for so many years, even if it only turns the soul into a monster, can't be destroyed!

Just when the man was going mad with rage, the three monks who were beating the wooden fish and chanting sutras around the hospital bed stopped.

The unconscious girl had an extremely painful expression on her face, repeatedly subconsciously resisting something.


Bai Shuang originally thought it would be easy to get this soulless body, but she drilled in between her brows and found that this is not a soulless body at all.

In this way, it is like seizing a house, either being swallowed by the original soul of the body, or swallowing the original soul of the body and completely replacing it.

The soul of a mere mortal, who thought it would be swallowed, would not be difficult at all.

But the moment she entered this majestic sea of ​​consciousness and lost her way, she realized something was wrong.

not simple!
This is definitely not an easy soul!

It is necessary to find the other party in the misty sea of ​​consciousness and swallow the other party, otherwise the outsider will lose consciousness and be swallowed sooner or later.

She has entered the Sea of ​​Consciousness for a long time, and the sound of chanting scriptures and knocking wooden fish is deafening. If she can't find her soul body, she can only choose to escape.

Fortunately, just before her consciousness gradually became blurred and she fled, she saw a sleeping soul lying flat in the depths of the misty sea of ​​consciousness.

She ran over and saw the face clearly.

"Feng Qi!"

This is a person that Bai Shuang never expected.

Before being thrown off the Zhuxian Terrace, she learned that Feng Qi would marry the heavens instead of her, and the marriage partner would be the most powerful lieutenant beside the God of War.

What happened?

Why did Feng Qi, who was supposed to be married, become a mortal?
Why did the little Taotie, who was protected like a treasure by the god of war, die and become a mortal with only one soul and three souls left?

And that person who has been indistinctly encouraging me all the time, who is it?
At this moment, she gave up the idea of ​​devouring Feng Qi's soul.

Feng Qi must be awakened and asked about all this.

She had a feeling that she had become a knife in a daze.

A knife used by people.

Although she resents Xiao Taotie and does not want to replace Xiao Taotie all the time, it does not mean that she likes being used by others.

"Feng Qi! Wake me up!"

"Feng Qi, wake up!"

She reached out to push the unconscious soul body, but her hands just penetrated through Feng Qi's soul body.

"Where's your tail, Feng Qi, why is your soul body just a mortal? Are you completely reduced to a mortal? Or is your soul body also incomplete?"

"I was pushed off the Zhuxian Terrace. During the days of reincarnation in the mortal world, what happened! Tell me! Wake up!"

"Feng Qi!"

The unconscious woman frowned slightly, hearing someone calling herself.

But the eyelids are so heavy.

so tired.

Want to sleep, just want to sleep.

He said that when he woke up, he would come back.

But he hasn't come back yet, and I can't wake up yet.

Gradually, the tightly wrinkled brows relaxed, and turned into a long deep sleep again, with a peaceful sleeping face.

No matter how Baishuang called, it was useless at all.

"damn it!"

Bai Shuang felt a sense of pulling from her soul and body, as well as a feeling of being rejected by this sea of ​​consciousness. There were also people outside constantly making troubles, and in the end she had no choice but to leave here first.

A white light escaped from between the eyebrows of the sleeping girl.

Three monks, a Taoist, and a pastor came to cooperate, and the five joined forces to stop the escape of this soul body.

But even if the five of them shot at the same time and tried their best, they still let her run away.

The Taoist frowned, his eyes were sharp: "Am I not mistaken? White fox?"

 1st update~~~
(End of this chapter)

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