Chapter 922 The universe is hell
When Chen Zi found her, the little girl had already fallen asleep on her back.

Because I didn't sleep all night, I fell asleep at this moment, sleeping very deeply, and made a small whirring sound.

Chen Zi stood by the hospital bed and looked at it for a while, then shook his head with a laugh: "It's kind of cute."

As he spoke, he retrieved the quilt that the little girl kicked away and covered her up.


The sadness and frustration of Master's departure seemed to be made up for by Feng Qi's arrival.

Little Taotie would ring the bell when he was bored, he was no longer looking for his master, but to tease Feng Qi.

Feng Qi's hair was a little frizzy, and she stared into her glowing red eyes, "Little Taotie, believe it or not, I'll ask a stone man to beat you to death!"

Little Taotie giggled: "Did you mean Dashan?"

"Hmph!" Feng Qi gave her one, you know how dare you bully my eyes!
Little Taotie giggled, "In my dream, Dashan fell asleep."

The two had already checked the content, Xiao Taotie checked the content of the dream, and Feng Qi talked about what he remembered.

In Xiao Taotie's dream, there was indeed Bai Shuang, there was a scene where the god of war entered Qingqiu, there was indeed a scene where Qingqiu empress handed over the portrait of Feng Qi, Bai Shuang was thrown into the mortal world, and there was indeed a new little fox who was pushed out marriage.

Originally, Little Taotie would still doubt the content of the dream, but with Feng Qi's testimony, there were indeed times when the God of War entered Qingqiu, the mother-in-law of the ancient tree died, Bai Shuang was thrown into the reincarnation of the mortal world, and Feng Qi replaced Bai Shuang and the heavenly realm. Marriage, the marriage object is the lieutenant's business.

"Is he really just sleeping?" Feng Qi frowned: "I have a vague feeling, I have a bad premonition."

Little Taotie pursed her lips: "Maybe... I can still dream about something."

Feng Qi urged: "Then you go to sleep!"

"I can not sleep."

"Take some medicine and you can sleep."

Little Taotie muffled: "Second brother said, if you take sleeping pills for insomnia, if you take too much, you will become a fool."

"We in Qingqiu have a soup called Anshen Decoction, which has no side effects and makes people have a good night's sleep and wake up refreshed."

"Will Qingqiu still exist?"

Feng Qi shook her head: "I have sensed it, but there is no such thing in this world."

Little Taotie was puzzled: "Are there really many, many different worlds?"

Feng Qi recalled the memory of the original owner of the body, learned about the world, pondered for a moment, and said: "Maybe it's just my speculation, it doesn't count, so just listen to it."

Little Taotie nodded obediently, looking like a child eager to learn.

"Since I can meet Bai Shuang here, it means that this is the mortal world of reincarnation and redemption after Bai Shuang fell into Zhuxiantai. Every world here is for the atonement. The universe is pitch black. , have you ever wondered why it is pitch black?"

Little Taotie shook his head dumbly.

I have nothing to think about why the universe is black and what to do?
It seems that Feng Qi really slept for too long and was too boring.

Feng Qi looked at the sun in the sky: "In the universe, the sun is just a sphere, and the moon is just a sphere, don't you think it's strange? It's more like a place carefully designed by someone."

Little Taotie was stunned: "You mean that the entire universe was designed to punish some people, and was designed by some very powerful people? Isn't that... a prison?"

Feng Qi snapped her fingers: "Yes! It's like a prison! You have been to the Reincarnation Palace, you should know that there is no hell in the Reincarnation Palace, right? Isn't it strange?"

Xiao Taotie recalled: "With the Bianhua, it seems that there is no hell, maybe I just didn't see it."

Feng Qi said quietly: "Because the whole universe is a place of punishment, it is hell, a dark hell!"

(End of this chapter)

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