Chapter 935

"Don't you want to accumulate merit? In fact, this can be regarded as a great deed to leave a name in history."

"Is this a great thing?"

"Yes." Chen Zi nodded affirmatively, "In fact, many crafts have been lost, and they were all recovered from ancient cultural relics. Valuable cultural relics, in addition to the long history of the cultural relics themselves, there are also large The role of tracing back history and crafts, and donating valuable cultural relics is a good deed to benefit the people."

"It looks great..." Little Taotie began to think about it.

If you participate in this program, you can "play" with Teacher Beibei on the island for ten days. If you are lucky, you can find treasures. If the treasures are cultural relics, you can do good deeds and accumulate merit. You can buy a house with money!
Wow!No matter how you calculate it, it looks like a lot of money!
Little Taotie's eyes are getting brighter and brighter, like shining stars in the sky, the little dimples are deeply sunken, showing a sweet smile: "I want to participate~"

Chen Zi looked at her, then at the bread she had abandoned.

Little Taotie took the bread back silently, and continued to chew on it: "I am a good boy who can endure hardship."

"Yes, yes, then you eat all of them."

Little Taotie had a bitter face, but nodded obediently: "Okay."

Seeing her obediently eating the bread with a sad face, Chen Zi blamed Jin Yin a little in his heart.

He ordered Jin Yin to buy some plain bread without filling, but he actually bought a baguette, or a whole wheat baguette, would this be delicious?Not to mention that little gluttons don't like it, adults don't like it either!

He originally thought that Jin Yin would buy some slices of bread, either milk flavor or plain flavor, at least the taste is okay if you eat it empty-handed.

Chen Zi looked at it for a while, but finally his heart softened, and he took away the whole wheat baguette that the little girl had gnawed half.

Little Taotie looked at his empty hand, with a mouthful of bread still in his mouth, and stared blankly at him, his eyes full of doubts.

Didn't you tell yourself to eat up?
Why did you take it away again?

Don't you need to eat?
Facing the cute little girl, Chen Zi smiled, took out a cake box from under the chair and handed it over, "Forget it, I haven't had a good few days, eat as much as you want before going to Treasure Adventure Island. Suffer again on the island."

Little Taotie hugged the cake box, opened it, and there were six square mousse cakes inside.

There are six flavors: black forest, pure white, mango, yellow peach, matcha, and white peach.

Little Taotie blinked, tilted his head to look at Chen Zi, saw the bouquet of flowers on Chen Zi's head, and smiled softly.

Ever since he celebrated Brother Chen Zi's birthday, Brother Chen Zi has treated him better and better!


Little Taotie was overjoyed, and took out a matcha-flavored mousse cake and handed it over, "Brother Chen Zi will eat it too!"

Chen Zi was surprised.

Matcha flavor.

is his favorite flavor.

He didn't know if Xiao Taotie took it casually, or if he gave it to himself because he knew he liked it.

If you know that you like to give it to yourself, then Xiao Taotie is a delicate and caring little girl.

Chen Zi couldn't hold back, and asked, "Why did you give me the matcha flavor?"

Little Taotie dug a spoonful of white peach flavor and stuffed it into her mouth, her mouth was stained with a little pink, she raised her head with a cute little face: "Brother Chen Zi likes matcha flavor the most?" She tilted her head, her eyes full of doubts: "Am I making a mistake?"

"No, you're not mistaken, I do like the taste of matcha."

Chen Zi lowered his head and took a bite, the taste of matcha spread in his mouth, it was a bit bitter, but after the bitter taste was sweetness, with the fragrance of tea.

His heart is warm.

Little Taotie, no, Zai Zai, Zai Zai is a good boy!Dad's favorite!
He has secretly become Xiao Taotie's father fan!
In Xiao Taotie's sight, more and more flowers bloomed on Chen Zi's head, and the big red flowers swayed crazily~~~
(End of this chapter)

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