Chapter 963 The Covenant of the Cubs

Xiao Jinzi trembled: "Sister Xiao Taotie, I seem to hear my elder sister calling me."

"Really? Where? Let's find it!"

"No, no, the problem is serious, we can't go over it! If I go over, I'm finished!"

"Why?" Little Taotie was puzzled.

Xiao Jinzi was bitter: "My eldest sister is a singer, and she usually takes good care of her voice. She doesn't smoke, drink or eat spicy food. She doesn't even add salt to her meals. It's impossible to yell and she speaks in a soft voice. Yes. Now...she's yelling for me, I'm fucked!"

Little Taotie blinked: "She is in a hurry, she probably won't hit you, right?"

Little Jinzi was pitiful, and Xiaodou had tears in her eyes: "I'm afraid she is out of breath, and she will spank her ass when she sees me without saying a word!"

Little Taotie looked at her butt, hesitated for a moment, and said, "Take off the fat head fish's clothes."

"Can't take it off, the butt leaks!"

"Aren't you injured? She won't hit you if she sees it. If you're wearing fat fish clothes, she won't be able to see the injury, so she'll attack you."

"It seems... makes sense! Okay, I'll take it off!"

Little Jinzi took off his "battle suit", and covered the place where the air leaked with his little hands.

"Show me?" Little Taotie asked.

Xiao Jinzi blushed, looked at the camera on the plane, hesitated: "It will be seen by many, many people!"

Little Taotie thought for a while, and made a gesture towards the plane, which was WC's gesture.

The red light of the camera on the plane went off instantly.

Little Taotie smiled and said, "We have 5 minutes."

The audience in the live broadcast room: [Don't, show us too! 】

[Little Jinzi is too stingy, let us see! 】


The two holes should have been worn out while dragging on the ground, and the skin inside was also worn red and bruised.

"I'll clean your wound and give you some medicine." Little Taotie looked for the medicine box in his bag.

Xiao Jinjin quickly shook his head: "I can't take the medicine now, and I won't be pitiful if I take the medicine. I have to make the elder sister feel sorry for me!"

Little Taotie tilted his head and thought for a while: "That's fine."

Xiao Jinzi twitched: "Sister Xiao Taotie, you can carry me over there, I am afraid that as soon as I appear, the eldest sister will beat me, if you show up with me, my eldest sister will not do anything immediately, at least she will ask about the specific situation. "

Little Taotie nodded: "No problem!"

Xiao Jinjin was very embarrassed: "I am so fat, I must be very heavy?"

"It's not heavy, it's soft, like holding a big baby!" Little Taotie giggled.

Xiao Jinzi heaved a sigh of relief, and also giggled: "I just said I'm not heavy. My parents, elder sister, and second brother usually don't want to hug me, and they say I can't hug me if I'm heavy!"

"Sister Taotie, is your Arhat boxing rumored? Can you teach me?"

"This... seems impossible."

Xiao Jinzi sighed: "I also want to learn martial arts."

"You can watch the education channel, I will teach you some self-protection skills every morning."

"Educational channel?"

Little Taotie patted his forehead: "I almost forgot to communicate with you without barriers. We can communicate without barriers because of earphones. You and I are not from the same country."

"I'm from country H, our fried chicken is served with soda, it's super good!"

Little Taotie blinked and said with a smile: "I'm from China, where we have a lot of delicacies, such as roast chicken, grilled chicken, drunk chicken, boiled chicken, ground pot chicken..."

Xiao Jinjin was almost drooling: "There are so many ways to cook chicken alone! It's amazing! What about other dishes, are there many ways to do it?"

"Yes, there are many, many ways!" Xiao Taotie nodded proudly: "Huaguo has everything you can eat, and you can't eat it!"

Xiao Jinzi's saliva flowed down the corner of his mouth, "Shu Liu, I'm going to Huaguo to eat delicious food! Sister Xiao Taotie, after the show is over, I will bring my whole family to Huaguo as a guest, can you take me to eat delicious food?"

"Okay, no problem!" Little Taotie readily agreed.

Xiao Jinzi hugged Xiao Taotie, and rubbed his small face against Xiao Taotie's small face: "Sister Xiao Taotie, you are so kind! You can also come to our country to play, we have many, many beautiful clothes, many, many beautiful stickers and Toy!"


Little Taotie rubbed Xiao Jinzi's face back with his small face, thinking in his heart: Xiao Jinzi's face is so soft~
(End of this chapter)

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