Chapter 967
Just as Teacher Beibei was about to say a few words of comfort, she heard a scream from afar.

Not long after the screams disappeared, another roar came from another direction.

Little Jinzi was startled, turned around and hugged Xiao Taotie, "Sister Xiao Taotie, you have to protect me!"

Little Taotie: "..."

You hugged me with all your hands and feet. The bad guys are coming, and I can't protect you!
Xiao Caicai sat up abruptly, with a look of horror in her eyes.

Because the screams came one after another, one after another, from different people.

Excluding those who quit the competition, there are still more than [-] contestants on the island.

In just a short time, at least a dozen people screamed.

Suddenly a woman cried out: "There are ghosts! There are ghosts on this island, I want to quit, I want to quit!"


The editor-director looked at the assistant editor-director and frowned: "What's going on?"

The assistant editor quickly adjusted the screen, and nine different screens were played on the big screen at the same time.

"Flip over! Let's see what's going on!" the director urged.

The deputy director nodded, also very nervous.

In the first frame, the woman yelling to quit is running crazily, looking back from time to time, screaming, and continuing to run hard.

"No one is chasing her, why is she running?" the director was puzzled.

The deputy editor-director's face was solemn: "But her panic doesn't seem to be faking."

In the second frame, a man was lying on the ground. He was lying on his back with his legs upturned. Suddenly, his limbs twitched, as if he was about to get up, but he couldn't get up because of something.

"let me go!"


"What the hell is pressing me down! Help!"

In the third frame, the two girls rely on each other, they are twins.

Both had fallen asleep.

Suddenly one of them scratched his head frantically, and the other screamed frantically.

The two still had their eyes closed, as if they had dreamed of something terrible, but they couldn't wake up from the dream.

In the fourth frame, a man and a woman are a couple.

Originally, you and I were talking about each other under the starry sky, suddenly the woman stood up and kicked the man.

"Bastard, how many people have you cheated on without my back, and how many green hats have you put on me!"

The man was kicked dumbfounded.

But the woman didn't give up, and went mad to beat him.

The man was also angry, and pushed her away: "What are you crazy about!"

The two wrestled together.

In the fifth frame, the sleeping man stood up with his eyes closed, as if he was sleepwalking.

He walked towards a big tree.

"Bang!" His forehead hit the big tree.

But he didn't wake up, took a few steps back, set off again, and slammed into the big tree.

The director was anxious: "Stop him quickly, he will be killed!"

The deputy editor arranged for the staff to find them and stop their crazy behavior.

None of the Jiugongge is a good situation.

The editor and director wiped off his sweat and muttered: "Isn't it because of a collision with evil?"

The deputy director's face turned pale: "This it like the situation of shooting supernatural movies before?"

The two have worked together for many years and have filmed many works together, including supernatural-themed movies, but something happened later, and the two haven't touched such movies for many years, and they feel a little taboo.

The director took a deep breath: "It can't be so evil, right?"

The deputy director made a trembling phone call.

The director asked, "Who are you calling?"

The deputy editor said hoarsely: "Island owner, ask him if there have been any weird things on this island, he must know something!"

 2st update~~~
(End of this chapter)

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