Chapter 977

Jin Yishan had no choice but to shake his head with this younger sister, and said no more.

"Sister, when the show is over, let's travel to Huaguo~"

"I don't have much time."

"Talk to the manager, let him give you a vacation, and our family will go to Huaguo to have fun~"

"Want to go to China? Because of Little Taotie?"

Xiao Jinzi nodded: "I admire Little Sister Taotie very much, she is so powerful, strong, smart, and beautiful~"

"You... have become her little fan girl?"

"Am I called a little fan girl?" Xiao Jinzi giggled, "Then I'm the little fan girl of sister Xiao Taotie~"

"Speak well, don't draw a long tail every time you speak!"

"Hee hee, I want to do this~~~"

Kim Yi Sun supported his forehead: "Let's talk about it at that time, I have a tour in the second half of the year, I'm afraid it will be difficult to be free."

"Then we'll abandon you! Me, my second brother, my parents, I won't take you there!"

"Okay, you guys go and have fun first, and after you have experience, take me there later."

"Sister Xiao Taotie will take us to eat delicious food! She will also come to our country to play, and I will be her tour guide at that time, hehe..." Xiao Jinzi couldn't help being happy.

Jin Yishan was stunned for a moment: "Have you all agreed?"

"Yeah, we have made an appointment, and we also left each other's mobile phone numbers. It's so hard to memorize. I've memorized it for a long time!"

Jin Yishan was surprised: "During the filming in China, children of your same age were close to you, but you ignored them. Why did you make friends with foreign children so quickly when you came here?"

Xiao Jinzi snorted and said: "Those who approach me in China are all because of you, big sister, because big sister became popular! Later, I became popular because they wanted to make me famous, and they had other purposes, so I didn't make friends with them." Friends! Sister Xiao Taotie is different. She doesn’t know how popular I am in my country, she doesn’t know you, and she hasn’t heard her song, so she knows me, and making friends with me is a very simple way of making friends Moreover, we are all foodies, we have common hobbies! Unlike those in our country, who just want to lose weight, I eat chocolate, and they tell me how many calories this is, so annoying!"

Jin Yishan was a little surprised. She didn't expect her younger sister to be careless, but her thoughts became delicate, and she was quite delicate. She could see that those people approached with ulterior motives.

"Elder sister, is sister Little Taotie popular in China?"

Jin Yishan shook her head: "I don't know if she is popular in Huaguo. I have been very busy in the past two years, so I haven't paid much attention to it. However, after this treasure show, she should be very popular."

"Why?" Little Jinzi was puzzled.

"You forgot, yesterday's ranking, I was eighth, and the No.1 Tao Ti should be Little Taotie."

"Yesterday's No.1 was little sister Xiao Taotie? Wow~ so amazing! I knew that little sister Taotie would be very good. I thought she would surpass the big sister when she grows up, but I didn't expect her to surpass the big sister so soon! Hahaha , the eldest sister is only the eighth, and the little Taotie sister is the first~"

Jin Yishan: "..." I want to beat someone up!

Xiao Jinzi saw that the eldest sister's eyes were burning, and her sense of crisis was rising, so she hurriedly pretended to be sick: "My injury is not healed yet, eldest sister, please help me to see, is there a scab?"

Kim Yi-sun's fist loosened.

Forget it, this little girl is still a patient, so don't beat her up.


Little Taotie came to the marked place with a small pink shovel and started digging directly.

Seeing this, Teacher Beibei didn't ask any more questions, and helped dig together.

Xiao Caicai squinted her eyes, and was about to dig.

As long as you participate, you will have a piece of the pie!

But her wishful thinking was destroyed by Teacher Beibei. Teacher Beibei frowned: "You are wearing white clothes, don't get dirty, go and rest."

Xiao Caicai shook her head: "It's okay, if it's dirty, it's dirty. I'll dig it for you."

Teacher Beibei frowned even tighter.

Why is this little girl so confused?
It's not easy to say harsh words, and it will be troublesome if you cry.

Little Taotie said bluntly: "Teacher Beibei is afraid that you will divide the treasure, so don't interfere, otherwise it's not good for us not to divide you."

Teacher Beibei: "..." You are too straightforward!

The decent smile on Xiao Caicai's face froze for a moment, she lowered her eyes, and said, "You are sure that there is a treasure below, you are too confident, right?"

 12st update~~~
(End of this chapter)

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