Chapter 982 I'm Not Full Yet
Xiao Jinzi was full, drank yogurt in small sips, and stared blankly at Xiao Taotie.

Jin Yishan was full, wiped his mouth with a paper towel, looked at Little Taotie with amazed eyes.

Teacher Beibei ate with Xiao Taotie for a long time, finally lost the battle, and sighed: "I can't accompany you anymore."

Teacher Beibei sat slumped on the chair, feeling her stomach was so full that she couldn't walk anymore.

Little Taotie blinked, his brows were curved, and his dimples were sunken: "Mr. Beibei, don't worry, I will finish eating everything on the table. I know the rules of the buffet, you can't leave until you finish eating."

The island owner came over while eating a sandwich, sat next to Teacher Beibei, stretched out his hand and patted Teacher Beibei's bulging stomach, and laughed loudly: "Are you full of food? How can you give yourself away at such an old age?" You are full, you are amazing!"

Teacher Beibei glared at him.

"Don't stare at me, your eyes are a bit fierce, I'm so scared! Hahaha!"

"If you don't smile, I really think you're scared." Teacher Beibei said angrily.

The island owner took a bite of the sandwich, looked at the little Taotie, and said vaguely, "You can't do it, little Taotie, it's too slow to eat, everyone has finished eating, and I'm just waiting for you."

Little Taotie was a little embarrassed, blushing, "I'll try to finish eating as quickly as possible."

The island owner thought she meant to finish the food on the plate, but he didn't care, and chatted with Teacher Beibei about fitness.

After the island owner finished his sandwich, he got up to fetch a glass of orange juice and came back.

As soon as he sat down, he glanced at Xiao Taotie's plate, and let out a "huh" in surprise.

"When I went to get the orange juice just now, there was only one shrimp dumpling on your plate, why is it full again!" The island owner asked incredulously, "You... can you eat it?"

Little Taotie nodded his head, buried his head and continued to eat.

I can't keep everyone waiting too long, I want to eat faster!
The little Taotie eats seriously, eats quickly, and has no time to talk.

The island owner took a sip of sweet and sour orange juice to calm himself down, "You... have been eating so much?"

Little Taotie nodded, did not speak, had no time to speak, his mouth was full.

The island owner watched in amazement as she finished the food on the plate, and then picked it up on the table again. The plate was full again, and [-]% of the food on the table had gone.

Even if it is the remaining [-]%, it is quite a lot.

The island owner asked uncertainly: "Are you going to finish this table?"

Little Taotie nodded his head.

Be sure to finish eating, the buffet will not leave if you don't finish eating!
Seeing her nodding, the island owner was stunned: "You won't be overwhelmed?"

The island owner immediately called the doctor on the cruise ship: "Jack, come here quickly, a little cub is about to strangle her to death!"

Little Taotie took a moment to glance at the island owner, stuffed a mouthful of corn soup with a spoon into his mouth with one hand, and took out the inspection report from his bag with the other hand and handed it over.

She is used to seeing people find a doctor for her, so she handed over the inspection report first.

Island owner: "..."

The island owner looked at the report, and then at Xiao Taotie, not quite believing the report.

Eat so much, are you sure you are healthy?
When Jack came, he handed the report to Jack. Jack looked at it and nodded: "No problem."

The island owner is still not at ease: "You should check her."

Little Taotie was depressed, put down his spoon, wiped his mouth, and finally said, "Don't disturb me to eat, I won't leave if I can't finish the buffet, everyone is waiting for me!"

Island owner: "..."

After reacting, the island owner couldn't help but laugh: "This is my cruise ship. There is no such rule. If you can't eat it, you can't eat it. Don't hold on, it's not worth it if something happens to you."

Little Taotie continued to eat, and the little milk said softly, "I'm not full yet!"

 17st update~~~
(End of this chapter)

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