Chapter 984
Under the eyes of the island owner looking at the rare treasures, Xiao Taotie entered the game room, put on AR glasses, and experienced the feeling of dancing with AR glasses.

Xiao Jinzi cheered: "It's amazing, the score is so high! Eldest sister, look at how well Little Taotie's sister dances!"

Jin Yishan is a singer who sings and dances. Experts can tell if there is one at a glance, applauding: "It's really amazing!"

Teacher Beibei smiled and said, "Little Glutton dances very well."

"Have you seen her dance?" The island owner's eyes lit up, "Is there a video?"

Teacher Beibei was suspicious: "There is something wrong with you."

The island owner smiled brightly: "I'm already a fan of Zai Zai!"

Teacher Beibei: "..."

Teacher Beibei shared Xiao Taotie's D-sound short video work with the island owner.

When the island owner saw the video of Xiao Taotie dancing with the shadow dancer, he was so amazed that he almost jumped up and cheered.

"It's amazing, it's amazing to do somersaults!"

"The sense of rhythm is so strong!"

"Hahaha, is this little bear serious? It's so funny lying on the ground!"

"It turns out that this is a dance with a plot and a story!"

"It was amazing!"

The island owner keeps boasting, and has turned into a fanboy.

Jin Yishan leaned over, saw the shadow dancer, his eyes lit up, and instantly turned into the shadow dancer's fan girl, "He... is so attractive! I'm going to fall in love!"

Little Gold: "..."

Kim Yi Sun: "The scar on his face is so masculine, I like it so much!"

Xiao Jinzi: "...Eldest sister, you already have a boyfriend."

Jin Yishan blinked: "It's time to break up."

Little Gold: "..."

Jin Yishan picked up the phone to make a call, and the other end answered the phone, and shouted: "Haney~"

Jin Yishan sneered: "I'm not your Hani anymore, let's break up."

When the other end of the phone wanted to say something, Jin Yishan hung up the phone indifferently and ruthlessly.

Xiao Jinzi: "...Eldest sister, you are such a scumbag."

Jin Yishan sneered: "Before I had plastic surgery, there were not many scumbags? I am taking revenge on society."

Little Jinzi: "...that makes sense."

Jin Yishan's eyes became eager, staring at the shadow dancer excitedly, "Blue friend, my blue friend, I think I should get married this time!"

Xiao Jinzi: "...I don't know if others will agree or not. Who would want to marry a plastic surgery girl? It's fine if they fall in love. If an ugly child is born, how uncomfortable it will be!"

Jin Yishan's excited mood cooled down, and he nodded: "Indeed."

Teacher Beibei was a little speechless. There seemed to be something wrong with the three views of the sisters.

The island owner didn't hear what they said at all, he only had his cubs in his eyes!

He has already decided that he wants to raise cubs!No matter how much you eat, you don’t have to be afraid, you have a father, and your father will buy you the most delicious food in the world, no matter how much money is expensive, your father has money!
The woman came in wearing casual clothes, her face was a little swollen from just waking up.

The island owner looked at her, then at the little Taotie in the video, and was excited: "Shall we have a daughter?"


She leaned close to the island owner's ear and exhaled softly: "You forgot, we are just married. I want your money, and you want my family's rights. After three years, we will divorce."

The island owner froze for a moment, and let out an inaudible "hmm".

The woman's eyes fell on the short video, and she recognized Xiao Taotie dancing on it, she was surprised: "I thought Xiao Taotie was an actor, so is he a dancer?"

Teacher Beibei smiled and said, "Little Taotie is an actress, a dancer, and a singer. She even wrote a song to piss off her fans. She is an all-around child star."

 19st update~~~
(End of this chapter)

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