Chapter 990 Little Gold's Sadness
1000 million H national currency, exchanged for M gold, only 9300!

Even [-] to open a card is not enough!

Little Jinjin collapsed a bit.

She always thought she was a rich little girl, but the truth is, she is so poor!
Tears gradually gathered in Doudou's eyes, these are tears of sadness, tears of grief and indignation!

Seeing that she was about to cry, Little Taotie couldn't bear it, took out his own card and handed it over: "How much she is short, I'll make up for her." After hesitating for a while, Little Taotie asked guiltily: "Look, my money Is it enough?"

She was a little worried, worried that the Huaguo currency in her card had also shrunk, and it had shrunk too much to make up for it.

The service staff took the black card and said with a smile: "It must be enough, don't worry."

There was still 700M gold short, and 4900 Huaguo coins were withdrawn from Xiao Taotie's account.

"Little friend, 4900 Chinese currency has been withdrawn from your account."

Little Taotie blinked and let out a breath: "I thought I was going to swipe away millions."

It seems that the money of one's own country is more valuable than the money of the little gold country.

Little Taotie secretly laughed in his heart, but he didn't dare to show it too obviously, for fear that Little Jinzi would cry.

Xiao Jinzi finally got the "game card" as she wished, but she has lost the mood to play the "game".

Little Jinjin held the card tightly, and Doudou murmured with tears in his eyes: "All my savings, plus the debts I owe, can be exchanged for such a card. It's so difficult...I'm so poor..."

"Let's go, don't be sad, don't you want to play, go and play." Little Taotie persuaded.

Xiao Jinzi looked up at the service staff, and asked, "How much money do I owe sister Little Taotie? How much H country currency should I pay her back?"


Little Jinzi was unsteady and almost fell.

Little Taotie quickly supported her, "Are you alright?"

A tear fell down the corner of Xiao Jinzi's eye, very poignant.

She was very sad: "I... owe more than 82 yuan."

Little Taotie pursed his lips, and persuaded: "It's better to quit, or stop playing?"

This "game" is so expensive!
Little Taotie felt pain for her!

Xiao Jinzi said sadly: "Shouldn't you tell me that seeing you are so sad, forget it, there is no need to pay it back."

Little Taotie was surprised: "How could you have such an absurd idea? Repaying debts is justified."

Little Gold: "..."

Little Taotie ignored her sad little eyes, and sighed: "I'm also short of money, and I still want to buy a house."

Little Jinzi whispered: "You have already dug up the treasure, you have become rich."

Little Taotie sighed: "It doesn't matter if I dug it or not, hey, forget it, you won't understand."

Although the rabbit's head is very valuable, it cannot be exchanged for money if it is donated to the country after returning home.

Except for the most valuable rabbit's head, the things distributed in the treasure chest, other things can't be exchanged for much, and they can't afford a building at all.

Xiao Jinzi clenched the card in his hand, took a deep breath, "I want to go back."

Little Taotie was puzzled: "Go back?"

Xiao Jinzi nodded: "Go back first, come back later!"

Little Taotie went back with her.

Knocking on the door, Jin Yishan opened the door, music was playing in the room, Jin Yishan was sweating profusely, obviously just been dancing all the time without stopping.

"Come back?" Jin Yishan was surprised: "Little Taotie is here too?"

"I'll come back to get something, don't worry about us, I'll take it and leave!"

Little Jinzi rummaged through the boxes, took out the balls of red, ran out, took Little Taotie's hand and ran away.

Jin Yishan rubbed his eyes and muttered, "If you read correctly, is that the salted fish suit she is holding?"

Xiao Jinzi put on a red suit and went back to the casino.

Xiao Jinzi was triumphant: "I am wearing a battle suit. I am a lucky koi. I am very lucky. I am sure to win a lot of money!"

"Sister Taotie, I'm going to get rich!"

Little Taotie: "..." It's obviously salted fish.

 Monthly ticket statistics:

  Thanks: "Sally" February ticket, "Happy Life" February ticket, "Moshang Chuxun" February ticket, "Youranzhonggu... Chasing Dust" February ticket, "Golden Gold" February ticket, "Summer Starry Sky" February ticket, "Jinling Snow" February ticket, "Waiting for the Prosperity to End" February ticket, "Eating Cute and Growing Fairy" February ticket, "Charlotte" February ticket, "lnsist on" February ticket, "Noble and Glamorous" February ticket, "Bird on the Rock" February ticket, "2***2" February ticket, "Clover" February ticket, "Fate" February ticket!

  Thanks: "Miss Peng." 1-month ticket, "Jin Jiu" 1-month ticket, "Xi youngying" 1-month ticket, "Ye Ran Xi" 1-month ticket, "Tangtang can't be objective!" 1-month ticket, "Wa仴" 1 month Monthly ticket, "Yiren Tears" 1-month ticket, "Meng Da Nerve" 1-month ticket, "Eli-" 1-month ticket, "Rainbow's Happiness" 1-month ticket, "Liu Li" 1-month ticket, "Zheng Ye is a boss" 1-month ticket, "Yi" : Xi'ning'yuan" 1-month pass, "Ziye" 1-month pass, "Gossip" 1-month pass, "Yu 8888" 1-month pass, "MrLok" 1-month pass, "Big-Eared Dog" 1-month pass, "Long-cherished wish" 1 Monthly pass, "Tutu is so cute!" 1-month pass, "Alice" 1-month pass, "Purple Rain" 1-month pass, "Pansy Sweet Talk" 1-month pass!

  Thank you for your support and encouragement along the way~~~
  I love you~~~bear hugs~~~
(End of this chapter)

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