Chapter 998 The Cunning Little Gold
Xiao Caicai in the room just woke up, when she heard the knock on the door, she hurriedly got up to take care of herself.

Put on a beautiful dress and start makeup...

She is a delicate girl who doesn't dress up well and never sees outsiders!
Whoever it is, has to wait.

Just when Xiao Jinzi couldn't wait any longer and suggested to go, the door opened.

The three of them looked at Xiao Caicai who opened the door. At this moment, Xiao Caicai had curly hair and was wearing a small white lace skirt. Her little face was rosy, her eyes were bright and her eyelashes were curved, and she looked extremely delicate.

Xiao Caicai didn't expect it to be Xiao Taotie, Xiao Jinzi, and a strange girl, a little unhappy, with a stern face.

The three stared at her with wide eyes.

Xiao Caicai was very uncomfortable being stared at by the three people, and said angrily, "What are you looking at!"

Xiao Jinzi asked directly: "Xiao Cai Cai, have you put on makeup?"

I really didn't see it!

Does she actually wear makeup?
But sister Xiao Taotie won't lie to herself, saying that she wears makeup, so it should be makeup, right?
But I really can't see it!

Xiao Caicai panicked for a moment, but quickly calmed down, and said coldly, "How is that possible! I am a natural beauty!"

When she changed her clothes just now, she had already turned off the camera, so she is not under the camera now, so she spoke very directly and was a bit unfriendly.

Xiao Lingzhi pointed to Xiao Caicai's eyes: "She has put on false eyelashes, it's almost invisible, but it must have been put on!"

"Take your hand away, pointing at people is very impolite!" Xiao Caicai said coldly with gloomy eyes.

Xiao Lingzhi felt a little embarrassed, quickly withdrew her hand, and said apologetically, "I'm sorry, Xiao Cai Cai."

Xiao Caicai snorted proudly and didn't look at her.

Little Taotie muttered in a low voice: "She put on lipstick and red powder on her face, so her face looks red, and she looks rosy."

Little Lingzhi nodded: "Yes, as long as you look carefully, there are many flaws."

Xiao Jinzi looked at the whole body and couldn't see anything, but after hearing what Xiao Lingzhi and Xiao Taotie said, he looked at Xiao Caicai's eyelashes alone, and then looked at Xiao Caicai's lips and cheeks.

"Hey, it's really makeup! It's so amazing, it's basically invisible!"

Xiao Caicai was about to die of anger, did the three of them come here on purpose to find fault!
Xiao Caicai looked around, afraid that they would come with a camera, but luckily, they didn't.

The secret of her makeup cannot be known by others!

Although there are no girls in country R who don't wear makeup, but as a child star, she still needs to establish a natural beauty in order to be more popular!

"What's the matter with you? If it's okay, I'll close the door!" Xiao Caicai didn't bother to talk to them, and was about to close the door.

But Xiao Jinzi suddenly burrowed into the room and rushed in!

Xiao Caicai was angry: "What are you doing!"

"You are committing a crime! If you enter my room without my consent, I can call the police and arrest you!"

Xiao Jinzi didn't care about Xiao Caicai's roar behind him, but came to the mirror, and sure enough, he saw a lot of unpacked cosmetics on the table.

This is all evidence, it proves that Xiao Cai Cai has put on makeup!
A sly light flashed in Xiao Jinzi's Doudou's eyes, and he took out his mobile phone to take pictures.

Xiao Caicai hurried over and reached out to block it: "What are you doing! I'm going to call the police!"

Xiao Jinzi held up his mobile phone and smiled mischievously: "You don't want others to know that you wear makeup, right? If you call the police, I'll tell you! Hee hee hee..."

Xiao Caicai's face was gloomy: "You threaten me!"

Xiao Jinzi took a step back and patted his heart: "Your expression is so scary! We can discuss it, you teach me makeup, I delete the photos, okay?"

(End of this chapter)

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