Chapter 101 How can I lose a token of love~

Xiao Jinyan asked without answering, "Why are you asking this all of a sudden?"

Shen Chu frowned slightly: "The concubine is just curious."

"In my study." Xiao Jinyan said in a cold voice.

Shen Chu was stunned for a moment, Xiao Jinyan didn't eat?And it's in the library...

This time, Shen Chuwei was even more thankful that he resisted eating the dough, otherwise if Xiao Jinyan asked her for it, where would she go to get him the same dough?

With a guilty conscience, she put the doughnut back into the white jade bottle, but the doughnut is actually very cute.

Xiao Jinyan put the cage on the table and motioned for her to come over and open it, "Let's see what this is?"

"Okay." Shen Chuwei came to the table with brisk steps, lifted the black cloth, and saw six little ducks, as if seeing a group of ducks~
She happily put down the black cloth, looked up at Xiao Jinyan, "Your Highness, where did you pick it up?"

Xiao Jinyan was happy to see her, and boasted in his heart that his brother is quite good at picking things.

"Jin Yu sent it, but I don't know where he picked it up."

"King Yu is very knowledgeable." Shen Chuwei praised without hesitation, looked down at the ducks and said, "Six little ducks just keep six little chickens as companions."

Xiao Jinyan froze for a moment, and asked uncertainly, "What did you say? Is this a duck?"

Shen Chu nodded slightly, "Yes, this is the duck when it was a child, and it will be bigger than a chicken when it grows up."

"..." Xiao Jinyan asked again: "The last six were chickens?"

Shen Chuwei still nodded, and stared at Xiao Jinyan suspiciously, "Doesn't Your Highness know that they are chickens and ducks?"

Xiao Jinyan was stopped by the question. Where had he seen chickens and ducks? Naturally, he didn't know each other.

Shen Chu touched his nose slightly, he is an imposing prince, where has he seen poultry?
She tugged at Xiao Jinyan's black sleeve and asked, "Is Your Highness going to see the chick?"

Xiao Jinyan didn't see those six little guys for a long time, so he nodded, "Yes."

Shen Chuwei took Xiao Jinyan all the way to the chicken coop. When passing by the fish pond, Xiao Jinyan looked at it suspiciously, thinking that Shen Chuwei planned to grow lotus by himself, so he didn't think much about it.

When he came to the chicken coop, the first thing Xiao Jinyan saw was the fence with a fence. When he got closer, he glanced inside, but he didn't see the six little guys with different colors at the beginning, but there were six more that he didn't know. It is not difficult to guess that these are the six little guys he sent.

An unpleasant smell came over his face, he covered his nose and asked Shen Chuwei, "These six were given to you by Ben Gong?"

Shen Chuwei said: "That's right, the chick has grown up and its fluff has receded, that's how it is."

Xiao Jinyan frowned, turned and left the chicken coop. If he knew that the six little guys would grow up to be like this, he would never send them to Xiyun Pavilion.

"Don't worry, Your Highness, Xiaoguizi and the others will clean it every day, and the smell is not that bad." Shen Chuwei felt pretty good, probably because Xiao Jinyan has a cleanliness habit, and every smell would be magnified infinitely if he smelled it.

Xiao Jinyan thought about it all the way, and when he returned to the house, he made a decision: "Xiyun Pavilion can't raise these things, what does it look like? Let them take the chicken out later."

When Shen Chuwei heard that Xiao Jinyan was going to take the chick away, she might not be able to keep the duckling that had just been delivered. Excited, she grabbed Xiao Jinyan's hand and cried miserably.

"Your Highness, you gave this to your concubine, why don't you just take it away?"

Xiao Jinyan made up his mind, "How can I keep these things at home? They must be taken away."

Shen Chuwei desperately squeezed out two tears, "Your Highness, these are all tokens of love you gave to your concubine, how can you take them away?"

Xiao Jinyan froze for a moment, "A token of love?"

Shen Chu blinked his beautiful big eyes slightly, "Isn't it?"

Xiao Jinyan looked at Shen Chuwei's eye sockets with two crystal drops hanging on his eyelashes, which were about to fall, and looked extremely aggrieved.

He just wanted to send her to play at the beginning, so why did it become a token of love?
"Your Highness, why don't you send them away? Look at how cute they are!" Shen Chuwei pointed to the six little ducks on the table.

Xiao Jinyan looked at the duckling in the cage. It doesn't look ugly now, who knows what it will look like when it grows up?
"Your Highness, there's no reason to go back with the things you sent out? Even if it's not a token of love, it's a gift from His Highness to my concubines, and all my concubines like it very much." Shen Chuwei said aggrievedly.

Xiao Jinyan wants to call Xiao Jinyu to give him a lesson now, to see what he sent?
For a dignified Liangdi, it's okay to grow vegetables, but she actually raises chickens and ducks?
"They will grow up one day." The implication is that cuteness is only temporary.

Shen Chuwei said: "You can eat it when you grow up."

Xiao Jinyan thought for a while, wouldn't there be nothing left after eating when he grew up?After eating, he resolutely forbids anyone to send these things to Xiyun Pavilion.

He coughed softly: "Only allow to keep these things, and no one is allowed to give them away in the future."

Shen Chu frowned happily, "Thank you, Your Highness."

As long as she had them, she would have endless chickens and ducks, and it didn't matter whether she gave them away or not.

It was only later that Xiao Jinyan discovered that he could not finish eating the chickens and ducks in the chicken coop. Often in the middle of the night, when he was in high spirits, a rooster would always crow loudly, disturbing his spirits.

If Shen Chuwei hadn't stopped him, Xiao Jinyan would have slaughtered the only rooster with his sword long ago.

If the rooster is gone, it will be extinct, and Shen Chuwei will sacrifice his life to keep it!

Xiao Jinyan looked at that fair and delicate little face, but it was just a few chickens, as for?

"Are you almost finished reading the book? Tomorrow, the Japanese Palace will ask Liu Xi to send over the rest of the book."

The smile that Shen Chuwei just raised slowly disappeared. She thought Xiao Jinyan forgot about this, but did she?

"Your Highness, aren't you afraid that I won't handle it well?"

Xiao Jin said: "With me here, what are you afraid of?"

Shen Chu slightly drooped her shoulders, she could imagine her future life, how could a salted fish be forced to stand up?

Xiao Jinyan didn't see Shen Chuwei's loveless appearance, but said: "In this East Palace, you are the most suitable, understand?"

There are so many women around him, none of them suit him.

Only Shen Chuwei in front of her was different from them.

She really didn't fight or grab, and she never scolded him.

...I scolded him and didn't know~

In short, no one is more suitable than her to help him manage the affairs of the East Palace.

Shen Chu smiled awkwardly but politely, Prince, I really don't understand~

There are so many women in the East Palace, why did you choose me?
Tell me, can't you change your concubine?

Xiao Jinyan saw that she was so worried, and thought of a possibility, "Are you afraid of the queen? Are you afraid that she will put pressure on you?"

Shen Chuwei's eyes lit up, and she was worried that there was no excuse, so you just think about it for my concubine, she nodded cooperatively, not forgetting to blow rainbow fart, "Your Highness is wise, this concubine knows that she is clever and stupid, so that the empress does not like love."

 There is another chapter, updated before zero

  Acting like a baby and being cute, ask for a monthly ticket and a recommended ticket!

(End of this chapter)

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