Shock!The prince will read my mind and turn over my sign every night

Chapter 106 Being ridiculed by the crowd for giving strawberries?

Chapter 106 Being ridiculed by the crowd for giving strawberries?

Although she is not a crown princess, she is also a side concubine, and her rank is two ranks higher than that of Liangdi. Even if she doesn't like Xu Liangyuan, she still has to remind the young master that she needs to give a congratulatory gift.

Shen Chuwei said almost without thinking, "Send a basket of strawberries to Concubine Xu."

"My lord, why don't you just give me strawberries?" Chunxi felt a little overwhelmed.

"There are a lot of strawberries in the basket, and if there are any more, there will be no more." Shen Chuwei said that she still has more to eat.

"...Okay!" Chunxi took the scissors and went to pick strawberries in the greenhouse.

It was the first time Chunxi had seen a big shed built in the original strawberry field in the backyard.

After Shen Chuwei's explanation, she realized that in winter, the temperature is low and strawberries cannot grow.

Chunxi picked a basket and sent it to Yixiang Hall.

At this moment, the Yixiang Hall is bustling, and there are many people who come to give gifts, each of them is holding an exquisite brocade box, which can be seen as a valuable item at a glance.

Chunxi was holding a basket of strawberries, which paled in comparison. Fortunately, when she came out, the basket was covered with red satin to show the celebration, and no one knew what she was giving.

Li Liangdi came in and saw Chunxi at a glance, glanced at the things in her arms, but she couldn't see what it was even covered by the red cloth.

"Isn't this Chunxi from Xiyun Pavilion? You're also here to give gifts?"

As she spoke, she looked around and did not see Shen Chuwei's figure, so she asked curiously again: "Why are you alone? Why didn't Shen Liangdi come?"

Chunxi blessed Fushen, "Go back to Li Liangdi, my little master is not feeling well, so he didn't come."

"It's such a coincidence that Shen Liangdi felt uncomfortable just after Concubine Xu was promoted." Li Liangdi deliberately raised the volume so that everyone present could hear it.

After hearing this, Chunxi knew that Li Liangdi said this on purpose to make everyone misunderstand that her little master was uncomfortable because Xu Liangyuan became a side concubine.

"Xu side concubine was promoted, my young master was overjoyed, but His Highness came yesterday." Chunxi didn't finish the rest of the sentence, and everyone understood what she meant.

When Li Liangdi heard that His Highness was staying in Xiyun Pavilion again, the smile on the corners of her mouth disappeared, wasn't it because of His Highness's favor?Are you still putting on airs?

She stared at the things in Chunxi's arms for a while, and suddenly raised the corners of her lips, "Chunxi, what are you holding in your arms? It looks so big, it should be very expensive, right?"

Chunxi felt a little guilty, "Naturally it is not as valuable as Li Liangdi's congratulatory gift."

"Chunxi is too modest, open it for everyone to see." Li Liangdi glanced at the people present, "Sisters, tell me, isn't it?"

"Chunxi, uncover it and take a look, it will open our eyes."

"I'm also quite curious what gift Shen Liangdi will give?"

"It should be very precious, right? Look at how hard Chunxi is holding her."

Faced with such a person's interrogation, Chunxi was a little overwhelmed. If she knew she should have come later, these women seemed to want to eat people.

She hugged the basket of strawberries tightly in her arms, and replied cautiously: "I'm telling you all to see a joke. The congratulatory gift from my mistress is not a valuable item, but a light gift but a heavy affection."

Chunxi refused to let them see, Li Liangdi became more and more curious about what was inside, most likely it was something that could not be put on the table, so she dared not take it out for everyone to see.

"Uncover it and have a look?" Li Liangdi took advantage of Chunxi's inattention, grabbed the red cloth and lifted it, revealing a basket of red fruits.

Everyone stared at the basket of fruit for a while. Although they were curious about what kind of fruit it was, they only gave a basket of strawberries as a gift, and everyone couldn't help laughing.

Chunxi wanted to protect her but failed. Hearing their mocking laughter, she was a little embarrassed.

Li Liangdi covered her mouth with a handkerchief and said with a smile: "Shen Liangdi is Liangdi after all, how can I send a basket of fruit? This fruit grows strangely, can I eat it?"

"Of course it can be eaten. My young master likes to eat it, so I brought it to Concubine Xu." Chun Xi deliberately emphasized her tone.

Li Liangdi couldn't help laughing again, "That's right, your little master came from a poor village, so he only knows how to give these things."

Concubine Xu was busy, when she heard that the courtyard was very lively, she came out to take a look, and saw a group of people chatting around, laughing and leaning forward and backward.

With curiosity, she walked over with a small handkerchief, "What are you all laughing at?"

Naturally, someone made way for her. The side concubine is not an ordinary status.

Seeing Concubine Xu coming, Li Liangdi covered her mouth and smiled and said: "Concubine Xu, look at the congratulatory gift that Shen Liangdi gave you, I have never seen such a shabby one."

Concubine Xu looked sideways at Chun Xi who was standing in the crowd, and recognized at a glance that she was holding a basket of strawberries in her arms.

She had seen Shen Chuwei eating strawberries, because she had never tasted them and only heard Shen Chuwei's description, so she was very greedy.

Now that a basket of strawberries appeared in front of her, she was a little excited.

Chunxi held the strawberry in a nervous mood, and went forward to bless Fushen, "Concubine Xu, this is a congratulatory gift from my young master. The gift is light and affectionate. I hope Concubine Xu will not dislike it."

Concubine Xu waved a small handkerchief, and said happily: "I don't dislike it, this strawberry grows really well and is very fresh."

As he spoke, he ordered the maid to take the strawberries.

Li Liangdi thought Concubine Xu would be angry, after all Concubine Xu likes to piss people off so much, and if he gave her such a shabby congratulatory gift to perfuse her, can she not piss people off?

The result is not only not angry but also happy?
Not only Li Liangdi felt strange, but others were also curious about the unusual reaction of Concubine Xu.

Seeing that Concubine Xu liked it, Chunxi breathed a sigh of relief: "These are freshly picked, and they are indeed very fresh."

Concubine Xu said: "Go back and tell Shen Liangdi that I like her gift very much."

"The servant girl has returned to her life." Chun Xi blessed her body, then turned and left.

Li Liangdi glanced at the basket of fruit and asked: "Xu Concubine, what kind of fruit is this?"

Concubine Xu turned her head to look at Strawberry, and said proudly: "Strawberry, there are no other places."

Li Liangdi didn't believe it: "How is this possible? It's just fruit, Xiyun Pavilion has it, and other places must have it too."

Concubine Xu raised her eyebrows and looked at Li Liangdi, "Then go find me a basket."

Li Liangdi paused when she heard the words, and said indifferently: "Xu Concubine likes it so much, I will send a basket tomorrow."

Concubine Xu supported her temples and said: "I'll wait, Li Liangdi don't let me down."

Li Liangdi snorted coldly in her heart, isn't it just fruit?If Shen Chuwei can have it, of course she can too.

After Chunxi went back, she vividly narrated what happened just now, with a look of excitement on her face.

"You don't know how ugly Li Liangdi's face was at that time, side concubine Xu likes strawberries very much."

"Of course, strawberries are so delicious, who wouldn't like them?" Shen Chuwei picked up one and handed it to Chunxi.

Chunxi smiled and took the strawberry in her hand and took a bite. It was really delicious.

Today, a rare sunny day.

Chunxi took the quilt out to dry, and saw Li Liangdi coming to the door, she frowned, what was she doing here?

(End of this chapter)

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