Chapter 121 She Was Being Abused Alright!
Soft to the touch, rich plum blossom fragrance, even if it is the past night, it seems to have just happened.

After living for 16 years, it was the first time he was kissed by a woman.

What is this called?

But having said that, it seems that he is taking advantage of this matter.

Seeing the person approaching, Xiao Jinyu opened the folding fan and shook it irregularly to ease the embarrassment at this time.

Han Yan blessed Fushen, "Let King Yu wait for a long time."

Xiao Jinyu was spoiled and spoiled since he was a child. After all, he was still a 16-year-old boy. He was inevitably a little embarrassed when facing Miss Han who had close contact with her.

"Miss Han, let's go."

After Xiao Jinyu finished speaking, he took the lead in walking ahead.

Han Yan saw with sharp eyes that Xiao Jinyu's originally fair ears were turning red.

When Xiao Jinyu came, Shen Chuwei had just woken up from a nap, a little confused, and saw a beautiful person walking in from a distance.

"Chunxi, who is this beauty? She looks so good."

Chunxi leaned over and took a look, "My lord, I don't know the servant girl either, maybe because she doesn't go out often, no one mentions her."

"Didn't Your Highness say that tall beauties are not easy to marry? Your Highness knows how to fool me." Shen Chuwei couldn't help complaining.

Chunxi pointed out the window and said, "My lord, look, King Yu is here too."

The little rabbit stood at the door and said, "My lord, King Yu is here."

"It's really King Yu who is here." Shen Chuwei watched Xiao Jinyu and the tall beauty walk in one after another.

Xiao Jinyu came forward to say hello, "Hi sister-in-law."

Shen Chuwei looked at the beauties next to Xiao Jinyu. There are also modern models with a height of 180 cm or more. I didn't expect that there were such tall beauties in ancient times. Tsk tsk, they look so good-looking.

"Why are you free to come here today?"

"Bring someone to meet my sister-in-law." The folding fan in Xiao Jinyu's hand pointed to the girl Han beside her, and introduced with a smile: "Sister-in-law, this is the girl Han I brought in from outside the palace, named Han Yan."

Han Yan greeted Shen Chu slightly, "I have met Shen Liangdi myself."

Shen Chuwei felt something was wrong when she heard this claim, she looked at Xiao Jinyu suspiciously, "Is she you???"

Han Yan looked sideways at Xiao Jinyu, as if looking forward to his answer.

Xiao Jinyu was so embarrassed, he didn't marry a concubine or take concubines, what should I say?
Seeing Xiao Jinyu's hesitation, Shen Chuwei suddenly raised the corners of her lips, "Miss Han is your girlfriend, right?"

This will make Xiao Jinyu look puzzled, "Girlfriend? What do you mean?"

Shen Chuwei explained: "A girlfriend is a formal relationship between you for the purpose of getting married, and then talk about marriage."

After listening to the explanation, Xiao Jinyu glanced sideways at Miss Han, and then thought about the fact that the two of them had already had an intimate relationship, and it was indeed time to talk about marriage next.

"Miss Han is my girlfriend."

"I understand." Shen Chu took a few glances at Han Yan, except that he was too tall, he was really good-looking, no wonder Xiao Jinyu would fall down under her pomegranate skirt.

"By the way, sister-in-law, make more food for lunch. I'm still growing. I can't do without food." Now Xiao Jinyu can't wait to grow up to be as tall as the prince's brother, so that he and Miss Han won't be so embarrassed when walking together.

Shen Chuwei: "..." I really don't treat myself as an outsider, I just got a menu and ordered directly.

Xiao Jinyu said again: "Sister-in-law, let's serve the dishes we ate last night again today, Miss Han hasn't eaten yet."

Shen Chuwei: "..." He even dragged his family over to eat and drink...

She showed an awkward yet polite smile, "King Yu really loves people."

Xiao Jinyu didn't find any problem at all, but smiled and said: "The main reason is that the food here is delicious. I have been thinking about it since I went back."

Shen Chuwei invited the two to sit down and chat.

Xiao Jinyu took Miss Han to sit down, and said in a warm voice: "This is my sister-in-law, you don't have to be restrained here, you can come and chat with sister-in-law if you feel bored in the future."

Han Yan has looked at Shen Chuwei since he came in, a young girl who was born in pink and jade.

She nodded, "I know."

Shen Chuwei: "..."

With the experience of last night, Chunxi has a better memory today, cooked more rice and more dishes, anyway, there are still chickens and ducks to eat, so there will be no waste.

When having lunch, Xiao Jinyu would pick up bacon for Miss Han, and fish for a while, almost never stopping.

Shen Chuwei ate, seeing Xiao Jinyu's caring enthusiasm, it really was the period of passionate love, so he came here to show off.

It's fine to eat and drink, but also sprinkle dog food!
Xiao Jinyu took another rib for Miss Han, "Eat more, you're too thin."

Shen Chu raised his head slightly, why are these words so familiar?

Han Yan ate the rice in the bowl slowly, and she ate as much as Xiao Jinyu put in it.

Xiao Jinyu just saw that she ate it all, so he worked hard.

Xiao Jinyu handed the empty bowl to Chunxi, "Chunxi, have another bowl of rice."

"Okay." Chunxi cooked a lot of rice today, so she is not afraid that it will not be enough.

Shen Chuwei ate four bowls of rice today, mainly because the bowls were too small, she suggested changing to a bigger bowl, but Chunxi said that eating in a big bowl is unsightly, and it would be bad for His Highness to see you.

What can she do?
After lunch, Xiao Jinyu ate and drank enough, and took Miss Han away.

Before leaving, I praised Chunxi again, saying that I will come again next time~

Shen Chuwei: "..."

Xiao Jinyan came over for dinner.

After dinner, Xiao Jinyan took Shen Chuwei into the back room and taught her how to write.

Shen Chuwei couldn't help but said: "Your Highness, tall women are easy to marry."

Xiao Jinyan paused while holding the pen, "Who did you listen to?"

Shen Chuwei said: "The concubine saw it with her own eyes."

Xiao Jinyan smiled lowly, "How did you meet in the deep palace?"

Shen Chuwei felt that she was digressing, she just wanted to say that a woman only needs to be tall and beautiful.

Besides, isn't that Wang Yu's girlfriend?

Shen Chuwei subconsciously thought that Xiao Jinyan had met Yu Wang's girlfriend, but now she pretended not to know, so she simply didn't say anything.

Seeing that she was silent, Xiao Jinyan asked, "Can you practice calligraphy today?"

Shen Chu shook his head slightly, "Your Highness, it's snowing these few days, it's too cold."

Xiao Jinyan thought it was because there was not enough red radish charcoal. If red radish charcoal was not burned during the day, it would indeed be very cold.

"Tomorrow, I will ask the Ministry of Internal Affairs to send more red carrot charcoal. I have to practice calligraphy every day, so that I can practice well."

Do you have to practice every day?
Shen Chuwei's shoulders immediately collapsed. She can take a nap every day, but she can practice calligraphy every day, but a concubine can't do it!
Xiao Jinyan continued: "It doesn't matter if you play piano, chess, calligraphy and painting. Learn slowly. Tian Bengong will teach you how to play chess and play the piano. You have a solid foundation in painting, so it should be easier to learn."

Shen Chuwei felt that she was thrown directly into the snow by Xiao Jinyan, and her whole body felt cold~
Who said His Highness doted on her?
Come out, promise not to slap your face!

"Your Highness, learning piano, chess, calligraphy and painting is not a meal."

 In today's two chapters, I'm going to finish the final chapter of the old book.

  Acting like a baby and being cute, ask for a monthly ticket and a recommended ticket!

(End of this chapter)

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