Chapter 137 Reward a Crab

Shen Chu retreated slightly to the side hall, taking out a box of watercolor brushes from the space while there was no one there, rice paper is ready-made here, just ask the little eunuch to get it.

I don't want to shine, I just want not to embarrass Xiao Jinyan.

After all, Xiao Jinyan brought her a foodie who knows nothing~

Then she ordered the little eunuch to carry the case and the brush to the hall together.

Only then did Shen Chuwei slowly walk into the hall, and found that there were many people standing in the middle of the hall, some were holding pianos, some were holding brushes, and she didn't recognize any of them by face.

She walked to the desk with doubts.

When the emperor said the beginning, Shen Chuwei discovered that those women standing in the hall were also here to show their talents.

Is this to compare each other?

Shen Chu slightly turned his head to look at Xiao Jinyan, saying that the concubine will work hard.

Seeing Shen Chuwei looking left and right, Xiao Jinyan thought that she must be nervous now, sitting next to him and reading a book could nervously knock down the book, let alone in front of her father?

Shen Chuwei retracted his gaze, picked up a pen and took out the cap, and began to draw.

Xiao Jinyan stared at the book case, there was no Four Treasures of the Study, only Shen Chuwei was holding an unfamiliar pen in his hand, a trace of doubt flashed in his eyes.

No matter what Shen Chuwei was doing, he could only adapt to the situation.

In the hall, the painters, those who play the piano, those who write, each have their own thoughts.

The emperor frowned as he watched, whether a person knew how to calligraph, paint or play the piano could be seen at a glance.

In the main hall, there are not many people who are pleasing to the eye.

The rest is a headache.

Concubine Yun glanced at her side concubine Hu Shi, she didn't even hold the pen in the right posture, she was so ashamed.

The queen sat calmly, watching Shen Chuwei writing and drawing with a pen, she could tell at a glance that she was drawing ghostly symbols.

Look at Hu and Liu again, let alone see.

Anyway, she wasn't the only one who lost face, so there was nothing to be afraid of.

There is a time limit even for competing with each other.

Under Li Eunuch's shrill voice, everyone put down their pens one after another.

The little eunuch took them one by one and presented them to the emperor.

"Your Majesty, this is the calligraphy written by Cheng Wang's side concubine Hu Shi."

The emperor glanced at the crooked characters on it, and became angry, "Is this what you wrote? It's not as good as a five-year-old child."

Cheng Wang's side concubine, Hu Shi, knelt on the ground and shivered in fright.

The queen glanced at the words on the rice paper, which were not as good as the words written by the prince when he was three years old. She turned her head to look at Yun Xianbai, and kindly reminded: "Concubine Yun, I am not talking about you. Don't just wander around all the time if you have nothing to do. Take some time to teach her, so as not to lose the face of the royal family when you go out in the future."

"The empress said so."

How dare Concubine Yun dare to say no?
"Your Majesty, this is Princess Rui's painting."

The emperor raised his eyes and glanced at Princess Rui, "Princess Rui, what did you draw?"

Concubine Rui lowered her eyebrows and nodded: "Back to the emperor, it's the picture of Eight Horses."

The queen secretly glanced at the picture of eight horses. At first glance, it looked like eight mules, but at a closer look, it didn't even look like mules.

She couldn't help laughing out loud, are you sure it's not the picture of Basha?
The emperor's face was gloomy, and he commented in eight words, "Donkeys and horses are not distinguished, and grass and trees are swaying."

Princess Rui lowered her head and dared not speak.

The queen suppressed a smile and said: "Concubine De, you too, Princess Rui can't even tell the difference between a donkey and a horse. When you usually teach her calligraphy and painting, you have to speak clearly and carefully. Isn't this a joke?"

"What the empress taught me is that the concubines will pay attention in the future." Concubine De was so angry that she was reprimanded by the empress for nothing.

When Shen Chuwei arrived, two eunuchs held it and presented it to the emperor.

"Your Majesty, this is Shen Liangdi's painting."

Shen Chuwei was not nervous at first, but after seeing the emperor's comments on the previous few, she became a little nervous. Being scolded for her is equivalent to being scolded for Xiao Jinyan.

Concubine Yun and Concubine De had all looked over, but unfortunately they were sitting far away and couldn't see the painting, even if they couldn't see it, they knew that Shen Liangdi's painting was not good, and they waited for the emperor to get angry and curse.

The queen was the closest, and when she raised her eyes, she could see the paintings on the rice paper, which were colorful and completely different from the paintings she had ever seen.

Anyway, no matter what, it is much better than Princess Rui and Hu Shi.

The emperor looked down at the painting in front of him. Compared with Danqing, the color was very rich. He looked at Shen Chuwei suspiciously, "Shen Liangdi, what are you painting?"

Shen Chu slightly lowered his eyebrows and nodded: "Back to the emperor, the painting of my concubine is about the prosperity of the country and the safety of the people."

When Xiao Jinyan heard the words Guotai Min'an, he showed admiring eyes, and he knew how to draw Guotai Min'an, which is good.

The emperor nodded and expressed his appreciation: "This is the first time I have seen such a colorful painting, the meaning is very good, thank you."

When Concubine Yun and Concubine De heard the reward, they thought they had heard it wrong, so what could Shen Chuwei, a country girl, draw?

The queen was very happy when she heard that, "Shen Liangdi is good at painting, it opened my eyes, and the prince taught me well."

Shen Chuwei knelt down to thank you: "Thank you, Your Majesty, for the reward."

In fact, she was also quite surprised, because she learned to play with watercolor~

When Shen Chuwei returned to his seat, before he could sit still, he heard Xiao Jin say: "I haven't disappointed you."

Shen Chu slightly frowned, finally being worthy of Xiao Jinyan for bringing her to a family dinner.

"It is His Highness who teaches well, and the concubines are today."

Knowing that it was a compliment, Xiao Jinyan felt comfortable listening.

"You also opened my eyes today, so just say what reward you want."

At this time, some court ladies served dishes one after another, and a crab was placed in front of Xiao Jinyan.

Shen Chuwei stared at the crab for a while, pointed at the crab and said to Xiao Jin, "Your Highness, do you want to eat that crab?"

Xiao Jinyan looked down and saw the crab in front of her, and without thinking, he picked up the crab and placed it in front of her.

"I don't like it, you can eat it." He said lightly.

"Thank you, Your Highness." Shen Chuwei picked up the crab and started peeling the shell, revealing the bright yellow crab roe inside, she took a mouthful with a spoon and put it into her mouth.

Seeing her eating happily, Xiao Jinyan raised the corners of her lips slightly, she was really too easily satisfied, there are not many women like her.

Shen Chuwei realized something was wrong just after taking two bites, but she still pretended not to know and swallowed the crab roe into her stomach.

When she took the third bite, she suddenly vomited black blood.

Seeing this, Xiao Jinyan quickly stood up and helped Shen Chuwei up, looking at the black blood on the ground, he knew he was poisoned.

He shouted: "Liu Xi, call the imperial doctor quickly."

Liu Xi took the order and turned around to run, afraid that he would run too slowly.

In the hall, there was some chaos for a while.

Seeing this scene, the emperor asked coldly, "Prince, what's going on?"

Xiao Jinyan replied anxiously: "Father, someone poisoned the food. This crab originally belonged to my son, and my son gave it to Shen Liangdi."

The meaning is obvious, someone wanted to poison the crown prince, but Shen Chuwei was killed by accident.

After Xiao Jinyan finished speaking, he couldn't wait for the imperial doctor to come, so he hugged Shen Chuwei in his arms, and strode towards the Imperial Hospital.

Someone dared to poison the crown prince right under his nose, and the emperor was furious immediately, "Who dares to poison His Highness? Come, we must thoroughly investigate this matter, and no one will be spared."

 There is another chapter, which will be updated soon.

  Acting like a baby and being cute, ask for a monthly ticket and a recommended ticket!

(End of this chapter)

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