Chapter 139 Is This Your First Kiss?
When Qiukui heard that the eldest prince was coming, her originally gloomy eyes lit up instantly.

Xiao Jinyan stared at Qiukui for a while, and then told Wei Chi: "Take her down."

Wei Chi was very strong, and he was not the kind of person who cares about fragrances and jades, so he dragged Okra out of the interrogation room with a big hand.

As soon as they left, Xiao Yunxuan walked in, glanced at the interrogation room, only saw Xiao Jinyan sitting in front of the desk, and didn't know how the interrogation was going.

Xiao Jinyan raised his phoenix eyes and looked coldly at Xiao Yunxuan who came uninvited, "Why is big brother here?"

Xiao Yunxuan said: "I heard that the poisoner has been caught, this king is here to see who is so brave to murder the crown prince."

Xiao Jinyan said indifferently: "It's a court lady named Qiukui who has already been interrogated, and there will be a result soon."

A look of panic flashed in Xiao Yunxuan's eyes when he heard this, if Qiukui confessed him, it would be over.

"The prince's speed is really fast. To catch the poisoner so quickly, such a person with evil intentions must be severely punished."

Xiao Jinyan looked at Xiao Yunxuan coldly, he heard all Xiao Yunxuan's inner activities just now.

He knew that Xiao Yunxuan was impatient, but he didn't expect him to be so anxious. Not long after Concubine Yu was sent to the cold palace, he was in a hurry to make a move at the New Year's Eve dinner.

Xiao Yunxuan was not brought to justice last time, and Xiao Yunxuan will definitely not be let go this time.

"What the elder brother said is that when I find out who is behind the scenes, I will definitely report it to my father and punish him severely."

"That's natural." Xiao Yunxuan was very guilty in his heart, but on the surface he looked calm and unconcerned.

After Xiao Yunxuan left, when Xiao Jinyan asked Qiukui again, Qiukui insisted that it was because she couldn't understand the prince's behavior that she wanted to poison her.

So he handed over the interrogation to Wei Chi.

Today is New Year's Eve, and the New Year's Eve family dinner was forced to end early due to unexpected events.

Shen Chuwei slept for an hour because she was hungry and woke up again. She sighed, "It's a pity that the crab is dead. People will miss it even if it dies."

Chunxi was still watching the year, and when she heard her little master sigh, she lay on the bedside and stared nervously at Shen Chuwei.

"My lord, is there something uncomfortable? Do you want your servant to invite Doctor Wen over?"

Shen Chu touched his stomach slightly, and suggested, "Chun Xi, let's make hot pot."

Chunxi said very seriously: "My lord, let's take care of our bodies first, and we will have plenty of opportunities to eat hot pot in the future."

Shen Chuwei said: "Didn't I get rid of the poison? I'm fine, I'll watch the New Year with you, and I just happen to get some hot pot to eat."

Chunxi shamelessly exposed her true thoughts, "It's not true that you are keeping the year old, but it is true that you want to eat hot pot."

Shen Chuwei didn't feel any embarrassment at all, "It's all the same."

Chunxi said, "You can't eat hot pot either, the servants can cook for you."

"My mouth smells like traditional Chinese medicine. It's bitter. Eating hot pot can cover up the bitterness."

"I will give you a bite of pastry, how about it?"

"What time is it now, do you still want to have a bite of pastry?"

Shen Chuwei and Chunxi looked in the direction of the door at the same time, and saw Xiao Jinyan striding in. He was still wearing the dress for the New Year's Eve family banquet. It was complicated and grand, just like the people who came out of the picture scroll, noble and abstinent.

As soon as Xiao Jinyan walked in, he heard that Chunxi wanted to give Shen Chuwei a bite of pastry. He, who has always been self-disciplined, naturally wanted to preach.

Chunxi called His Highness to come down, blessed his body, and withdrew.

Shen Chuwei said: "Your Highness, this concubine doesn't want to eat crispy cakes, but wants hot pot."

She saved Xiao Jinyan again just now, isn't it too much to eat hot pot?
Xiao Jinyan pulled up his clothes and sat down by the bed, raised his eyes to look at Shen Chuwei, seeing that her complexion was still a little pale, the poison was originally harmful to the body, even if the poison was detoxified, it would take time to recuperate.

"It's not too late to eat when you're healthy."

Shen Chu retreated slightly and chose the next best thing: "Then it's alright for the concubine to eat fried rice with eggs?"

"Egg fried rice?" This was the first time Xiao Jinyan had heard of it.

Shen Chu nodded slightly, "There should be some leftovers in the small kitchen, do you want to eat, Your Highness?"

Xiao Jinyan frowned when he heard the leftovers, "Why use leftovers? Let Chunxi cook it again."

Shen Chuwei thought for a while, "Then listen to your Highness, the leftovers can be eaten by chickens and ducklings tomorrow, and it's not considered a waste."

Only now did Xiao Jinyan realize that she used the leftovers to avoid wasting them. If it were someone else, eating leftovers would be very disgusting.

Xiao Jinyan ordered Chunxi to make fried rice with eggs.

Chunxi was not the first to scramble eggs and fried rice, she knew Shen Chuwei's favorite, so she took some bacon and fresh green vegetables.

The rice is cooked ahead of time and will be quick when fried.

After a while, the delicious fried rice with eggs was served on the dining table, along with two side dishes.

Chunxi took a small bowl and filled a bowl for each of the two masters.

Xiao Jinyan looked at the steaming egg fried rice in front of him, which contained diced bacon, green vegetables, and ingredients he didn't know.

He raised his eyes to look at Shen Chuwei, and saw that her food was delicious, so he took a spoonful and put it into his mouth. He chewed slowly, but the taste was surprisingly good.

He only drank two sips of wine and vegetables at the family dinner on New Year's Eve, and he was also hungry at this time.

Shen Chuwei ate two mouthfuls, then raised his head and glanced at Xiao Jinyan, he looked elegant and extravagant, and was also very eye-catching.

"Your Highness, how does it taste?"

Xiao Jinyan nodded and praised: "Not bad, but a little dry."

Shen Chu turned slightly to look at Chunxi: "Brew two cups of new tea here."

Chunxi withdrew after hearing the words, and after a while, she put two cups of new tea in front of Shen Chuwei and Xiao Jinyan, and then retreated to the side to wait.

Xiao Jinyan ate a few mouthfuls of egg fried rice, then held the teacup to his lips to cool it down, took two sips of tea, and then continued to eat.

After Shen Chuwei ate and drank enough, he touched his bulging stomach contentedly, but he didn't eat hot pot, so his heart was still itchy.

Traditionally, keeping the year old is to keep watch until dawn.

Shen Chuwei couldn't keep it. She raised her eyes and looked at Xiao Jinyan who was opposite. It was probably the first time she had eaten fried rice with eggs, and she hadn't drank water for several hours. At this time, he was drinking tea leisurely.

I wonder if Xiao Jinyan will keep the year old?
"The person who poisoned him has been caught, but he has refused to disclose the mastermind behind the scenes." The reason why Xiao Jinyan didn't torture him to extract a confession is because he didn't want Xiao Yunxuan to say that he was tortured into a trick.

Shen Chuwei also wanted to know who wanted to poison Xiao Jinyan, after all, Xiao Jinyan's safety was also related to hers.

But having said that, the crown prince is also a high-risk occupation, and there are not a few people who want his life.

"You don't have to worry, I have a way to keep him from recruiting himself." Shen Chuwei tried his own life to save him, how could he let go of this opportunity?
"The concubine believes in His Highness' ability."

Shen Chuwei will feel a little sleepy now, but Xiao Jinyan won't sleep and won't leave, she doesn't dare to sleep blatantly.

Xiao Jinyan put down the teacup in his hand, looked up at her, "Xiao Jiu, come here."

Shen Chu supported the bed slightly, and approached Xiao Jinyan with doubts, looking at the handsome and unparalleled face so close, she blushed slightly in disbelief.

Xiao Jinyan raised her chin with his slender fingers, and lowered his head to kiss her lips.

 Good afternoon, boys!

  Acting like a baby and being cute, ask for a monthly ticket and a recommended ticket!

(End of this chapter)

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