Chapter 141 A surprise for her, a gift for him in return
On the way to the Ministry of Criminal Justice, Xiao Jinyan saw Xiao Yunxuan approaching, with obvious joy on his brows, seeing him smiling and saying hello.

"Where is the prince going?"

Xiao Jinyan's voice was cold and alienated: "I am going to the Ministry of Criminal Justice, where is my brother going?"

"My lord is going to the imperial study." Xiao Yunxuan was about to leave when he asked with a smile: "Prince, how is the investigation of the poisoning case going?"

Xiao Jin said: "It's rare to see elder brother so concerned about my investigation of the case."

"This king is also concerned about the prince. If we don't find out the truth, the prince may not even be able to sleep well at night." In the last sentence, Xiao Yunxuan deliberately emphasized his tone.

Xiao Jinyan said coldly: "Brother, don't worry, I will definitely investigate and find out."

At this time, Wei Chi ran over quickly, leaned close to Xiao Jinyan's ear and said, "Your Highness, the criminal Okra committed suicide by taking poison."

Xiao Jinyan opened his eyes wide, "What did you say?"

Wei Chi raised his voice again and repeated: "The criminal Okra committed suicide by taking poison."

Wei Chi's volume was not loud, but it wasn't too low either. Xiao Yunxuan happened to hear him, and a sneer flashed in his eyes. Check it out. It's a waste of time after all.

Xiao Jinyan's eyes changed, "Where did she get the poison? Take me to see it."

After Xiao Jinyan finished speaking, he strode towards the Ministry of Punishment, but was stopped by Xiao Yunxuan: "Prince, why are you in such a hurry?"

Xiao Jinyan replied calmly: "It's just a trivial matter, I have to deal with it now."

Xiao Yunxuan knowingly asked: "Really? Could it be that the case has a result?"

"I'll know when I'm gone." Xiao Jinyan said coldly, and strode away.

Xiao Yunxuan looked at Xiao Jinyan's leaving back, and snorted coldly, don't even try to find out in your life.

When Xiao Jinyan rushed to the dungeon, he saw a corpse lying on the ground, covered with a white cloth.

"Are you ready?"

Wei Chi lowered his eyebrows and nodded: "Go back to Your Highness, I'm ready."

Xiao Jinyan ordered: "Release the news."

"Yes." Wei Chi turned and left.

Xiao Yunxuan came back from the imperial study, and heard the conversation between the two young eunuchs on the way.

"A miracle doctor is a miracle doctor. After a prescription, he actually lived."

"Isn't that right? I heard that Shen Liangdi was also poisoned. I don't know where the genius doctor His Highness invited was also able to save her life."

Xiao Yunxuan's expression changed when he heard the words, unexpectedly he was saved?
He suddenly thought that Shen Liangdi drank the poison, so she should have died on the spot, but in the end she lived well.

The same was true for the last autumn hunt.

Xiao Jinyan actually has such a powerful doctor by his side?
Can the dead be brought back to life?

"By the way, I heard that His Highness took the prisoner to the East Palace..."

When Xiao Yunxuan heard the specific address, he strode away with a gloomy expression.

Shen Chuwei slept until noon, she rubbed her sleepy eyes, glanced on the bed, Xiao Jinyan was no longer around her.

She sat up slowly and saw a delicate purse and a small note on the pillow next to her. She picked it up curiously and found it was quite heavy.

She first glanced at the note, which said, New Year's money.

Shen Chuwei couldn't help laughing after reading it, "Xiao Jinyan actually remembered to give her the New Year's money, I didn't see it."

She looked at the purse again and took a closer look. The purse was embroidered with exquisite patterns in the shape of a rabbit.

She tore open the knot, poured out the contents, and found six gold bars.

"Xiao Jinyan is so generous, the lucky money is actually six gold bars."

Chunxi heard laughter at the door, pushed open the door and walked in, raised the side of the bed, and saw her little master happy.

"My lord, what are you so happy about?"

Shen Chuwei raised the six gold bars in his hand as if offering treasures, "Look, the lucky money His Highness gave me."

"Your Highness is so kind to the young master." Chunxi stared straight at the six gold bars.

Shen Chuwei stared at the six gold bars for a while, which was enough for her to eat and drink for a long time. She suggested that the gift of gold bars could continue.

"Little lord, when His Highness was leaving today, he also gave silver rewards to Xiyun Pavilion, ten taels per person, which is equal to three months' monthly rewards." Chunxi said happily.

Shen Chuwei showed admiring eyes when he heard the words, "I like Xiao Jinyan's domineering president Fan."

Chunxi asked curiously: "My lord, what is the domineering president Fan?"

Shen Chuwei explained in easy-to-understand words: "He is handsome, rich, and generous."

Chun Xi said with a smile: "Understood, slaves also like it."

Shen Chu smiled, who doesn't like a domineering president?

Chunxi asked curiously, "My lord, what are you going to give Your Highness?"

"Should I also give it away?" Shen Chuwei was full of doubts, she thought she was the youngest, so she didn't need to give it away~

Chunxi looked serious, "My lord, there are so many women in Your Highness, why don't you send some gifts to show?"

It's no wonder Chunxi thinks this way, it's normal for men in ancient times to have three wives and four concubines, let alone a prince, it's more normal to have many women.

A man is matched with so many women, just like wolves have more meat but less meat, women need to fight for it, and the one who doesn't grab it will definitely not have meat.

It's a pity that she is from modern times!

"let me see."

Shen Chuwei thought of a stone in the space, it looked pretty, and it would be a good necklace.

Thinking of this, she put her hand under the pillow, actually using her mind to take out the stone in the space.

She clenched the stone in her hand and held it out for Chunxi to see, "Give this to Your Highness."

Chunxi took a closer look, "My lord, what material is this made of? It looks pretty."

Shen Chu smiled and said, "Stone, it will glow at night."

"..." Chunxi: "My lord, His Highness gave you six gold bars as lucky money and one stone, how did you give it away?"

Shen Chuwei said, "Etiquette is light and affection is heavy, Your Highness doesn't like flashy things."

"...But." Chunxi looked at a stone in the young master's hand, feeling shabby no matter how he looked at it.

when night falls

Three black figures quickly sneaked into the east palace, in the side room to the north.

With a sound of "squeak", the door was slashed open by a knife, and three black figures rushed into the side room, their eyes fell on the bed.

There was no light in the room, and only by the moonlight outside the window, I could vaguely see that the bedding on the bed was bulging, and there was a person lying inside.

One of them clenched the knife in his hand and swung it at the person on the bed without hesitation. The knife fell, but the sound of flesh and blood was not heard.

At this moment, dozens of people poured in at the door, and the lights in the room suddenly turned on.

It was only then that the three men in black realized that they had been deceived, and they started waving the knives in their hands to rush out.

The guards who came in were all very skilled.

After a few tricks, he fell into a disadvantage.

Xiao Jinyan stepped in and looked at one of the figures. He was tall and straight, with a black face scarf on his cheeks, revealing only a pair of dark eyes.

A cold light flashed across his eyes: "Brother, don't make indifferent struggles, you won't escape tonight."

(End of this chapter)

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