Shock!The prince will read my mind and turn over my sign every night

Chapter 158 Finding Your Highness's Beloved

Chapter 158 Finding Your Highness's Beloved

Moreover, during this period of time he retreated, he also made a major breakthrough in the study of palmistry.

This meeting saw Xiao Jinyan, of course I wanted to try.

He was still more curious about Xiao Jinyan's marriage.

No, he was always curious but had no chance.

This was the third time Xiao Jinyan had heard that Lu Zhaoyan wanted to count him as a marriage, and he was surprised. How could a majestic Qintian Supervisor be so obsessed as a marriage?

"Aren't you counting luck? Why does it even include marriage?"

"Your Highness, fortune does not include marriage, but marriage is also related to fortune. When I was studying art with a teacher in Qilong Mountain, I happened to be interested and took the time to learn." Lu Zhaoyan said.

"..." Xiao Jin said, "I'm not interested."

Lu Zhaoyan did not give up and said: "Your Highness, my minister's calculations are quite accurate, are you sure?"

At this time, Lu Zhaoyan looked like a fortune teller on the street, waiting to start a business.

Seeing Lu Zhaoyan's efforts to promote his ability to calculate marriage, Xiao Jinyan raised his eyebrows, "What if the calculation is not accurate?"

"Your Highness, there is nothing 90.00% accurate in this world, but I can be sure that the accuracy rate is above [-]%." ​​The last sentence, Lu Zhaoyan said with absolute certainty.

Xiao Jinyan pondered for a moment, raised his eyes to look at Lu Zhaoyan, saw that he was so confident, and said, "Then take a look for me."

Finally able to show His Highness Gao Leng's palm reading, Lu Zhaoyan was a little excited, "I will show His Highness your palm reading."

Lu Zhaoyan stepped forward and came to Xiao Jinyan.

Xiao Jinyan hesitated for a few seconds, then stretched out his right hand with the palm facing up.

Lu Zhaoyan held up the beautiful hands in front of him, which were spotlessly clean.

Xiao Jinyan was born in the royal family, and he has a dragon vein in his palm, which was not obvious when the crown prince was not established.

Now that the dragon veins have appeared, if it becomes more obvious, the one who ascends the throne as emperor will be bigger.

The marriage line is on the edge of the dragon vein, and the marriage line is more obvious and longer than the dragon vein.

"Your Highness, judging from the palmistry, His Highness's lover has already appeared."

Xiao Jinyan asked: "Who is it?"

"His Royal Highness's lover is a man of great wealth and honor. He is the king of the phoenix. He is a perfect match for His Highness. This person has known His Highness for a long time..." Lu Zhaoyan paused at this point, staring at the marriage line Look again.

Xiao Jinyan asked: "You mean that the beloved of this palace is the future queen?"

Lu Zhaoyan nodded, "From the palmistry, it is indeed the future queen."

Xiao Jinyan snorted, "Aren't you talking nonsense? Since I am my beloved, I naturally have the ability to make her a queen, so it doesn't matter?"

Lu Zhaoyan kindly reminded: "Your Highness, you can refer to the case of the emperor's selection of concubines."

Xiao Jinyan was startled when he heard the words. The emperor's father drafted the talent show once every three years, and the beautiful girls were almost all the daughters of court ministers or concubines, and even the ranks were awarded according to the ministers.

In addition to the show girls, there are also princesses donated by other countries, princess Heqin and so on.

Even the reason why the queen mother was established as the queen is because of the powerful mother clan behind her.

The three generations of the Shen family were important ministers of the court, and the grandfather and uncle were the generals of the court.

Xiao Jinyan has been fighting for imperial power, because power speaks for itself.

Now it seems that even if he wins, many things cannot be done according to his own wishes.

The so-called high places are unbearably cold, the higher the position, the more scruples you will have.

Among the women in the East Palace, Chang Liangdi was the only one she had known for a long time.

Chang Liangdi is the mother's niece, his cousin, who often went to the palace to accompany the mother since childhood.

"You said that Bengong has known her for a long time? In this regard, you are wrong. Although Bengong has known Chang Liangdi for a long time, he has no affection for her."

Lu Zhaoyan was stunned for a moment. Although the marriage was calculated accurately, he couldn't calculate the name of the other party.

"Your Highness, I feel that it might not be Chang Liang Di, but someone else."

Xiao Jin said: "There are only a handful of women I have known for a long time who are suitable for marriage. Who do you think they are?"

Lu Zhaoyan said: "I can only tell that His Highness's beloved is someone I met when I was young. As for whether it is Di Changliang, only I can know if she has the fate of a queen by looking at her palmistry."

Xiao Jinyan knew that his lover would definitely not be Chang Liangdi, and it was too late for him to hate her, so how could he have feelings for her?

Xiao Jinyan didn't take the matter of fortune-telling to heart.

Lu Zhaoyan feels that he still needs to work hard, otherwise it's just these things, and he doesn't know who Xiao Jinyan's lover will be.

Since the number of people in Xiyun Pavilion increased, Shen Chuwei seldom visited the vegetable garden.

The weather was fine today, so Shen Chuwei went to the vegetable garden, and if the vegetables were almost finished, let the cinnamon grow them quickly, and if the vegetables were old, he ordered Xiao Guizi to quickly pull them out and feed them to the chickens, so as not to take up space.

After giving instructions, Shen Chuwei thought of the huge vegetable garden at the White Horse Temple, and then looked at his own small vegetable garden, and found that it was too small.

Xiyun Pavilion is such a big place, it is impossible to expand it.


Shen Chu slightly raised his head to look at the opposite wall, about ten meters away from him, next to the wall was the Xiaoxiang Pavilion, which had been abandoned for a long time.

She shouted to the little rabbit not far away: "Go and bring the ladder over here."

The little rabbit walked quickly, and soon moved a ladder, and under Shen Chuwei's command, leaned against the wall.

Shen Chuwei held up the hem of her skirt and wanted to go up, but was stopped by the little rabbit in time.

"Little master, tell this servant what you want to do, and this servant will go up and do it."

"I just went up to have a look, and I'll come down right away." After Shen Chuwei finished speaking, he continued to climb.

The little rabbit was so frightened that he clung to the ladder tightly, "Little master, be careful."

"It's okay, don't worry." Shen Chu climbed up the wall nimbly, and what he saw was a desolation, the ground was overgrown with weeds, even though it was withered, there was still a person walking up.

She sighed, "It's a pity."

"Little master, what's the pity?" The little rabbit raised his head, staring at Shen Chuwei nervously, for fear that she would fall.

Shen Chuwei said: "It's a pity that such a large piece of land can grow a lot of vegetables."

When the spring is warm and the flowers are blooming, it is the most suitable for growing vegetables. She has a lot of vegetable seeds and wants to grow some peppers to make chili sauce.

I also want to grow corn.

When she thinks of corn, she thinks of popcorn, and she gets hungry~

The little rabbit heard the words and called out, "Little master, don't worry about this, come down quickly."

"It's down." Shen Chuwei said, his eyes were still staring at the wasteland. The wasteland is most suitable for growing vegetables, and the soil is very fertile.

If she asks Xiao Jinyan for this piece of land, will he give it to her?
When Xiao Jinyan came over, he saw Shen Chuwei lying on the wall, his eyes changed, "Shen Liangdi, come down quickly."

With that said, he strode towards her.

Shen Chuwei looked back and saw Xiao Jinyan coming, she was startled, why did Xiao Jinyan come?

She hurried down the ladder.

However, the hem of the skirt is too long. I just focused on looking at the ground and forgot to lift the hem of the skirt. As a result, I stepped on the hem of the skirt, lost my center of gravity and fell off the ladder.

Xiao Jinyan's eyes tightened, and he ran over quickly using his lightness kung fu, and stretched out his arms to catch the person.

(End of this chapter)

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