Chapter 162 Betrayal Hue
Most likely because of the incident last time!

Because Xiao Jinyan flung his sleeves and left that time, and it was the first time seeing him so angry.

Shen Chu sighed slightly, held the tea cup and continued to drink.

Chunxi was in a hurry, "My lord, Your Highness hasn't come to Xiyun Pavilion for 21 days, so don't worry."

Shen Chu said leisurely: "He didn't enter Xiyun Pavilion in the past two months."

"In the past, the young master was not favored. It was normal for His Highness not to come. Now that the young master is being favored, His Highness suddenly stopped coming. It is very abnormal." In the last sentence, Chun Xi deliberately emphasized his tone.

Shen Chuwei saw that Chunxi was running around in a hurry like ants on a hot pot, she hesitated to tell her the truth.

"Probably, I'm angry."

"Why is Your Highness angry?" Chunxi seemed to have thought of something, and looked at Shen Chuwei with wide eyes, "Could it be the young master who made His Highness angry?"

Shen Chu nodded slightly.

Chunxi suddenly realized, "No wonder His Highness didn't come, I thought it was Chang Liangdi blowing pillow wind in front of His Highness."

Chunxi only knew that Chang Liangdi had dinner with Xiao Jinyan that night, so she naturally thought that Chang Liangdi had stayed in the prince's palace.

Shen Chuwei continued drinking tea.

Chun Xi asked worriedly: "Why did you make His Highness angry?"

"I didn't say anything, it's all over, it's not worth mentioning." Shen Chuwei continued to drink the tea.

Chunxi took Shen Chuwei's hand, and asked, "If the little master doesn't say anything, how can the servant find a way to solve the problem?"

Shen Chu patted Chun Xi's shoulder slightly and said, "It can't be solved."

Your Highness wants me to be a woman with both ability and political integrity, but I just want to eat and drink and do nothing~

When Chunxi heard it, she knew the seriousness of the matter.

She asked cautiously: "Is Your Highness very, very angry?"

Shen Chu nodded slightly, "Very angry, very angry."

At this time, Chunxi was like a frost-beaten eggplant, wilting.

I don't know, I thought she fell out of favor~
Chunxi stared at Shen Chuwei fiercely.

Seeing that, Shen Chu felt slightly hairy, "Chunxi, what do you want to do?"

Chunxi leaned over with a smile, "My lord, go and coax Your Highness."

Shen Chuwei said: "I know how to flatter, but I don't know how to coax others."

Chunxi leaned into Shen Chuwei's ear and whispered: "It's actually very simple to coax people. The servants prepare some appetizers, and the young master sends them to have dinner with His Highness before staying overnight. The old people say that there are fights at the head of the bed and peace at the end of the bed. Things can't be solved in bed."

After saying that, he blushed.

Shen Chuwei put down the teacup, shielded his body with both arms, with an unyielding posture: "You let me betray my appearance?"

Chunxi nodded vigorously, "There is no better way than this."

Shen Chuwei directly refused, "No."

No matter how Chunxi persuaded him, Shen Chuwei would not do it.

Unless she is forced to sacrifice herself, she doesn't want to serve a husband with other women.

Chunxi is helpless, she can't replace the matter of serving the bed.

His Highness used to go to Xiyun Pavilion twice in three days, but now he hasn't gone for ten days, and the whole East Palace is full of rumors.

"Little master, Your Highness hasn't been to Xiyun Pavilion for ten days, Shen Liangdi must have fallen out of favor this time." Huaixiang said with a happy face.

It was rare for Chang Liangdi to show a smile when she heard the words, "His Royal Highness will not always spoil her with her soft and contrived temperament."

"What the young master said is that His Highness still likes women who are gentle and considerate, and the young master is such a woman." Huai Xiang agreed.

Chang Liangdi looked at herself in the bronze mirror, and the smile in her eyes deepened. The Guanyin of the White Horse Temple is particularly effective. As long as she has the opportunity to serve her bed, she has a great chance of conceiving a dragon heir.

As long as she is pregnant with the Dragon Heir, the Crown Princess will be stable.

"Prepare some appetizers, I'm going to His Highness's place."

"Slaves, let's get ready."

Tao Chenghui and Concubine Xu came to Xiyun Pavilion to comfort Shen Chuwei after hearing about this.

When they walked into Xiyun Pavilion, they thought they would see a tearful or depressed Shen Chuwei.

It's just a little different from what they thought. Shen Chuwei was sitting on the couch, gnawing on a chicken leg in his hand, not showing any signs of being heartbroken.

It's just that the tears are streaming down.

The two almost said in unison, "Shen Liangdi, are you okay?"

Shen Chu gnawed the chicken legs slightly, looked up at them, wiped away his tears and said, "I'm fine."

Concubine Xu comforted me with a tone that I felt the same way: "Don't be brave in front of us, isn't Your Highness just ignoring you? I don't know how long I have been ignoring."

Tao Chenghui also comforted: "Xu Concubine is right, Your Highness hasn't been to my place once."

"It's all the same." Shen Chu was so spicy that he wanted to drink water, but unfortunately the water was just poured and it was too hot to drink.

Today, Chunxi was distracted while making chicken legs, and his hands shook when he put the chili.
She could only eat one chicken leg with tears in her eyes, and now she is gnawing on the second one.

Seeing her crying so hard, Concubine Xu felt sorry for her for a while, "It's okay, sister, let's play Fight the Landlord, so forget about it."

Tao Chenghui took out a handkerchief to wipe Shen Chuwei's tears, and comforted him: "Tomorrow, I will ask my father to send some delicious food to the palace, and I will give it to you to eat then."

Shen Chuwei was eating chicken legs, looking at the warm-hearted two people, originally wanted to ask her what's wrong?Why did you suddenly feel empathy?

But when she heard Concubine Xu say she wanted to bring delicious food, she ignored their strange behavior.

After concubine Xu and Tao Chenghui took turns to comfort her, seeing Shen Chuwei stopped crying, she left Xiyun Pavilion with peace of mind.

Shen Chuwei drank a big mouthful of water after eating the chicken legs, which relieved the spicy feeling and stopped her tears.

Shen Chuwei, who was about to take a nap, saw Chunxi walking in hastily, "My lord, the little rabbit is gone."

Shen Chuwei looked puzzled: "Little rabbit is so big, how could he disappear?"

Chun Xi was almost dying of anxiety, "My lord, it's the little rabbit that His Highness gave you."

Shen Chuwei couldn't care less about sleeping, she hurriedly put on her shoes and ran outside.

She ran and asked, "When did you find out it was gone?"

Chunxi followed behind and chased after him, "I just found out that it was missing. The little rabbit usually runs around and likes to steal vegetables from the vegetable garden. This is strange. No one in the vegetable garden can find it."

The little rabbit was given to the young master by His Royal Highness, not an ordinary pet. If something happened, His Highness would blame it, it was not a joke.

The little rabbit was lost, and everyone in Xiyun Pavilion began to look for the little rabbit in every corner.

I rummaged through the grass and the vegetable garden, but there was no sign of the little rabbit.

Chunxi guessed: "Could it have run out?"

"Then let's all go out and look for them separately."

After Shen Chuwei finished speaking, she walked out of Xiyun Pavilion with her skirt in her hand. She searched along the bluestone road, looking left and right for the grass.

As he was walking, he didn't notice anyone in front of him, and ended up bumping into someone's arms.

She raised her head, and she saw an incomparably handsome face, and those twinkling phoenix eyes were looking at herself.

 Good night, babies!
  I have been updating [-] for several days in a row, and I feel a bit overwhelmed. My body feels like it has been hollowed out. I don’t know how long I can last.

  By the way, ask for a monthly ticket and a recommendation ticket!

(End of this chapter)

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