Chapter 172
If Xiao Jinyan was lying on the bed at this time, with his hands tied and Shen Chu undressing slightly, it was probably the way a female bandit robbed a beautiful husband into the bridal chamber.

Twisted melon, very sweet!
Xiao Jinyan looked down at Shen Chuwei's eagerness to undress, as if he was afraid that it would be too late.

After taking off the outer robe and the inner garment, without any dissatisfaction, he tore off the belt with one hand, and grabbed the hem with both hands and pulled it forcefully to both sides, revealing his white and firm chest.

Xiao Jinyan's eyes darkened.

Shen Chu froze for a moment, she didn't want to take off her underwear~
On the fair chest, the scar was the most conspicuous, and also somewhat shocking.

Although I haven't seen Xiao Jinyan's figure, but seeing his strong chest muscles, I can guess that his figure is very good.

"Are you so impatient?"

Xiao Jinyan's cold and deep voice came from the top of his head, Shen Chu slightly raised his head to look at it, and said with some guilt: "Isn't Your Highness in a hurry to take a bath?"

Xiao Jin said with pointed eyes, "I see you are a little anxious."

"The concubine is not in a hurry." Shen Chuwei hugged her clothes and urged, "Your Highness, hurry up and take a bath, the water is getting cold."

Xiao Jinyan stared at Shen Chuwei for a while, then turned around and went behind the screen.

Shen Chu breathed a sigh of relief. After hanging up her clothes, she began to search for things. She took out rice paper and spread it on the desk, and prepared pens, ink, paper and inkstone.

Then he took out the pen that Xiao Jinyan gave to him, and gave it to her for some time, but it has never been used, and he can practice today.

When Xiao Jinyan came out of the bath, he saw Shen Chuwei holding a pen and practicing calligraphy seriously, and he looked quite good.

He walked over slowly, looked at the pen in her hand, and immediately recognized it as the one he gave.

The body of the pen is made of high-quality black jade, held by her white and slender fingers, black and white are distinct.

He reminded: "The posture of holding the pen is wrong."

"Is there?" Shen Chuwei stared at his hand for a while, that's right, he just imitated Xiao Jinyan's posture of holding a pen.

Xiao Jinyan took two steps forward and came behind her, with one arm around her slender waist and the other holding her hand.

When Xiao Jinyan approached, Shen Chuwei's body froze. He had just bathed, his body was full of clear breath, and his body temperature was also unusually warm.

His cheeks turned red involuntarily.

Correct it, correct it, can a gentleman use his mouth but not his hands?
Xiao Jinyan didn't notice that Shen Chuwei was distracted and complaining, he looked down at the writing on the paper, his narrow eyebrows frowned, "You have practiced writing for so long, why haven't you made any progress?"

Shen Chuwei said with a guilty conscience: "The concubine is stupid, and she can't always learn well."

She hasn't picked up a pen for almost two months, and it's pretty good to be able to write like this.

Xiao Jin said: "No problem, I will teach you."

Shen Chu nodded slightly.

Xiao Jinyan held her hand, as before, taught her hand in hand, and he had never been so patient with his younger brother Xiao Jinyu.

With Xiao Jinyan's hand as an aid, the written words naturally look much better and more pleasing to the eye.

But Shen Chuwei still hasn't forgotten what the main purpose of practicing calligraphy tonight is.

She looked up at Xiao Jinyan, the two of them were very close at this moment, so close that they could smell the cold fragrance from Xiao Jinyan's body, they were relatively familiar.

"Your Highness, the concubine should practice first, you are so busy every day, go and rest first."

Xiao Jinyan knew that practicing calligraphy depends on his own patience, and more practice, relying on his hands to practice is not good.

"Okay, you practice for a while first."

He let go of Shen Chuwei's hand, stood up and came to the bed, picked up a book by the way, and planned to sit on the bed and read it for a while.

Shen Chu breathed a sigh of relief, and when Xiao Jinyan fell asleep, he didn't have to go to bed.

She picked up the pen and continued to practice calligraphy.

I feel bored while practicing, so I just paint.

After a stick of incense passed, Xiao Jinyan raised his eyes to look at the book case, and found that Shen Chuwei was still practicing with a pen.

He reminded: "Xiao Jiu, it's time to rest."

Shen Chuwei yawned secretly, then turned to look at Xiao Jinyan who was on the bed, "Your Highness, this concubine would like to practice for a while, if you are sleepy, please rest first."

Xiao Jinyan said that he would not be sleepy this time, seeing that she was so hardworking and studious, and it was not easy to disturb her interest, so he lowered his head and continued to read and waited for her.

Another incense stick of time passed, Xiao Jinyan raised his eyes to look at the book case, Shen Chuwei was still practicing calligraphy, why did he become so diligent all of a sudden?
"Xiao Jiu, it's late, it's time to rest."

Shen Chuwei was so sleepy at this meeting, yawning continuously, she thought Xiao Jinyan should have fallen asleep at this meeting, but before she could turn around, she heard Xiao Jinyan talking.

She sighed, why is she still sleeping?
She endured the intense drowsiness, "Your Highness, this concubine wants to practice for a while, you should sleep first."

Hearing this, Xiao Jinyan put down the book in his hand, got up and walked over with his shoes on the bed.

Shen Chuwei didn't know that Xiao Jinyan came over by herself, she covered her mouth and yawned, and Xiao Jinyan's clear voice came from above her head: "Are you practicing calligraphy?"

Xiao Jinyan was curious about how well Shen Chuwei practiced calligraphy, where there were characters on the rice paper, it was clearly a painting.

The voice was right next to her ears, scaring away all the sleepy creatures in Shen Chuwei. She raised her head abruptly, and saw Xiao Jinyan's bottomless eyes.

She hurriedly grabbed the paintings on the desk, trying to destroy the corpse.

Xiao Jinyan picked up the painting first, and looked at her painting carefully.

There are about six or seven people in the painting, one of them is a man, and the rest are all women.

The man hugged left and right, held a woman in his arms, and turned his head to kiss the other.

Among them was a woman sitting on a chair with a watermelon in one hand and a pastry in the other.

Shen Chuwei tried to explain, "Your Highness, this concubine is a little tired from practicing calligraphy, so I just wanted to draw and play on a whim."

She thought nervously, Xiao Jinyan shouldn't recognize the person in the painting, right?

The painting is actually Xiao Jinyan and his women, the beauties are hugging left and right, which is the envy of many men.

By the way, she is the one who eats melons and melon seeds.

Xiao Jinyan looked down at Shen Chuwei, pointed to the person in the painting and asked, "What did you draw?"

Shen Chu racked her brains a little, and a flash of inspiration suddenly dawned on her, and she explained: "The concubine's painting is that an opera is being sung on the stage, and the concubine sits and eats melons to watch the opera, watching with relish, and eating with relish."

Xiao Jinyan's voice was suspicious, "Really?"

Shen Chuwei nodded guiltily, "Of course, do you think the above one man and six women look like those in the drama?"

Xiao Jinyan glanced at the person in the painting, noncommittal.

"It's late at night, go take a bath and rest."

"The concubine washes slowly, Your Highness can't wait to go to bed first." After Shen Chuwei finished speaking, she ran to the closet, took the clothes and ran behind the screen.

When she got behind the screen, she patted her chest, "I was scared to death, why didn't you make any sound while walking?
Shen Chuwei began to undress and take a bath.

Xiao Jinyan sat on the bed and waited.

Shen Chuwei took twice as long to dawdle, if the water wasn't getting cold, she would still want to dawdle.

(End of this chapter)

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