Shock!The prince will read my mind and turn over my sign every night

Chapter 176 She Was Actually the Prince's Destined Person

Chapter 176 She Was Actually the Prince's Destined Person

The imperial doctor cannot see the art of witchcraft.

Its symptoms are only manifested in the person who has been witchcrafted.

Shen Chuwei suffered from severe lethargy and had a phenomenon of false pregnancy, but he couldn't diagnose the cause, so he could only think about witchcraft.

Xiao Jinyan pondered for a moment, then ordered: "Let Lu Zhaoyan come over."

"Here." Liu Xi quickly went to Master Lu.

Xiao Jinyan looked at Shen Chuwei who fell asleep again, and secretly breathed a sigh of relief. He said, how could someone like Shen Chuwei do such a thing?

Lu Zhaoyan came very quickly, almost jogging because he was urged all the way by Liu Xi.

Lu Zhaoyan panted lightly and asked, "Your Highness, why did you call Weichen over here?"

Xiao Jinyan didn't beat around the bush, "I heard that you have research on witchcraft, is it true?"

Lu Zhaoyan was taken aback, "Your Highness, I don't dare to study this, I'm going to lose my head."

Xiao Jinyan didn't care about Lu Zhaoyan's words, he pulled him to the bedside, pointed to Shen Chuwei who was already in a coma and said, "Come and see Shen Liangdi, she has been so lethargic recently, she will be so lethargic that she can't wake her up, do you know if she has been enchanted by a witch?" Gu technique?"

Lu Zhaoyan glanced at Shen Chuwei who was on the bed. He hadn't seen him for a few days, but he seemed to have become a lot prettier again.

He asked Xiao Jinyan, "Your Highness, has the imperial doctor seen it?"

Xiao Jin said: "I've seen it, and the diagnosis can't come out with a result."

"Look at that humble minister." Lu Zhaoyan looked down at Shen Chuwei's face, and counted his fingers, "Shen Liangdi recently committed an offense and met a villain."

Xiao Jinyan asked: "Is there a solution?"

Lu Zhaoyan comforted him: "Don't worry, Your Highness, Shen Liangdi is a rich and powerful person, and she will save the day."

Xiao Jinyan didn't feel at ease because of Lu Zhaoyan's words, "Then you mean, the reason she is like this now is because someone cursed her behind her back?"

"This possibility is not ruled out." After Lu Zhaoyan finished speaking, he stared at Shen Chuwei's face for a while, then picked up her hand curiously, intending to check the palmistry.

Xiao Jinyan saw Lu Zhaoyan pick up Shen Chuwei's hand, step forward with a serious face, hold Shen Chuwei's hand and put it into the quilt, "Men and women can't kiss each other."

Lu Zhaoyan was taken aback, he just wanted to check his palm.

He was right just now, Shen Chuwei has the destiny of the king of the phoenix.

So, Shen Chuwei is Xiao Jinyan's destined person?
Lu Zhaoyan seemed to have discovered some secret.

"Your Highness, if Shen Liangdi is your destined person, what do you think?"

Xiao Jinyan glanced at Lu Zhaoyan suspiciously, "What do you want to say?"

Lu Zhaoyan took a cursory look just now, but he was not sure, "Wei Chen is just guessing."

Xiao Jinyan said coldly: "You have the time to gossip, why don't you find out the villain behind it, I want to see it, who dares to attack her?"

"I obey." After Lu Zhaoyan took the order, he withdrew.

It was the first time he had seen Xiao Jinyan so interested in a woman. It seemed that it would be a matter of time before he became a father.

Only Xiao Jinyan and Shen Chuwei were left in the room, and he looked down at the sleeping person on the bed, what kind of destined person, as long as he looked for it, it was his destined person.

It also shows that he has a very good vision, and Shen Chuwei has never disappointed him.

When Shen Chuwei woke up again, it was lunch time the next day. She was too hungry, and the first thing she said was, "Chun Xi, your little one is starving to death."

Chunxi lifted the door curtain like a gust of wind, "Young master, you can't say death, it's unlucky."

After saying that, he lifted the quilt, "This servant will wait for the young master to wash up."

Shen Chuwei was mentally weak, and with a hungry stomach, he looked like a weak patient.

After breakfast, Shen Chuwei recovered a little physically and mentally, but he was still sleepy.

But at this time, the East Palace suddenly reported that Shen Liangdi was pregnant for more than a month.

The news soon reached the ears of the empress.

"Seriously, Shen Liangdi is pregnant?" The queen was overjoyed, "I just said that living so close must be beneficial. I'm going to be a grandma."

Qingying was so anxious that she reminded in a low voice: "Mother, Shen Liangdi was more than one month pregnant, and His Royal Highness had not returned to the palace at that time, and His Royal Highness only returned to the palace on the 27th."

The queen was taken aback when she heard the words, "You mean, the child in Shen Liangdi's stomach is not the prince's?"

Qingying nodded, "It should be."

"This, how is it possible?" The smile on the corner of the queen's mouth disappeared and was replaced by disappointment, "Is Shen Liangdi blind? She actually gave the crown prince a cuckold?"

Qingying said: "Your Majesty, there is a sudden news from the East Palace, I don't know if it's true or not."

Where can the queen sit, she stood up abruptly, with an angry look on her face, "Go to Hehuan Palace, bring the imperial doctor, I want to see if it's a rumor or a real story."

The queen and a group of people walked on the road of the Hehuan Hall in the East Palace.

Suddenly a woman ran out halfway.

This woman was Zhaoshun Feng Yueyue who was severely punished by the crown prince for uttering wild words and disrespecting Shen Chuwei.

"The concubine pays her respects to the empress, and the empress is blessed and safe."

The queen said angrily, "Who are you?"

Feng Zhaoshun lowered his head, and replied respectfully: "The empress, this concubine is Feng Zhaoshun, and I have important matters to report to the empress."

The queen's memory is not very good, and she couldn't remember who Feng Zhaoshun was after thinking about it for a long time.

Qingying stepped forward to remind her, "Madam, Feng Zhaoshun is the prostitute of Feng Zhifu. She was originally Liangyuan, but she was demoted to Zhaoshun."

Only then did the queen remember, and she glanced at Feng Yueyue, "Say."

Feng Zhaoshun said: "Empress, my concubine accidentally caught Shen Liangdi hanging out with the guards a month ago."

The queen heard that her blood pressure soared, and the prince's concubine Liang was messing around with the guards, who can hold back and not get angry?
"Then why did you say it now?"

"Empress, Shen Liangdi is protected by His Highness, and the concubine has no evidence, so she dare not make a statement. The concubine bumped into her twice, seeing that His Highness loves Shen Liangdi so much, she couldn't bear to let her be deceived, so she dared to speak out." Feng Zhaoshun said .

It's okay for the queen not to listen, but she got even angrier when she heard it, "Didn't you tell the prince about such a serious matter? Are you still hiding it?"

"Empress, Your Highness does not believe what the concubine says, and if the concubine speaks too much, she will only speak harshly, so I came to the empress to report this matter today." Feng Zhaoshun said anxiously.

The queen said: "That's just right, I'm going to Hehuan Hall to have a look now, you also go with me, so that you can get a personal certificate."

Feng Zhaoshun said: "The concubine obeys."

A group of people went to Hehuan Hall in a mighty way.

Chunxi went out today and heard some bad rumors. On the way back, she saw the Empress Empress coming from a distance, and she hurried to Wang Hui to run away.

After entering the Hall of Hehuan, she didn't even have time to catch her breath, "My lord, it's not good, the empress is here."

Shen Chuwei almost fell asleep, because Chunxi woke up again, "Here he is, what are you making such a fuss about?"

(End of this chapter)

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