Chapter 179 Isn't it gentle enough?

Shen Chuwei is more sensitive to the word shi bed, and when she hears shi bed, she feels bad.

Just now, it was obviously talking about the issue of trust, why did it suddenly involve the sleeping servant?
She said that the grace of saving life does not need to be promised by the body, it is enough to serve the big fish and meat well.

If you can add a deadline, it will be great for a lifetime.

In this way, she can sit back and relax and eat and drink for the rest of her life.

Xiao Jinyan raised his hand and tapped her forehead, "Why don't you speak?"

Shen Chuwei was a little drowsy, and after being knocked, a few sleepy bugs were chased away. She blinked her beautiful starry eyes, "This concubine is not feeling well right now, so it's not easy to sleep with."

Xiao Jinyan laughed softly, "I'm not such a beast. I want you to go to bed while you are sick. I mean that I will wait until you are healthy before going to bed."

Shen Chuwei: "..." Crown Prince, can you stop saying indecent words with a serious face?
She sighed to herself, she didn't want to go to bed, but sooner or later, you're just in time for noon.

"The concubine is sleeping all day now, I'm afraid she won't recover so quickly." She said nonuo.

Xiao Jinyan thought she was worried, so he comforted him: "You don't have to worry, I will let the person who harmed you be caught and let you recover soon."

"The concubine believes in His Highness's ability and strength, and she will definitely be able to catch the bad guys quickly." Shen Chuwei was blowing rainbow farts, and she was so uneasy. Sleeping in bed means that she is really Xiao Jinyan's little wife, and she wants to leave the palace in the future The possibility of it is very small.

In fact, it doesn't matter whether you go out of the palace or not, if you can stay like this all the time, eating and drinking is fine.

Just when Shen Chuwei lamented that he was about to become Xiao Jinyan's little wife, he put one hand on his face, that hand was beautiful, with slender and distinct knuckles.

Xiao Jinyan looked at the girl's immature face, and called softly: "Xiao Jiu."

Shen Chu slightly raised her head to look at him in doubt, and saw his unparalleled handsome face slowly approaching her. She subconsciously stretched out against his chest, and could feel the firmness of her chest muscles through the fabric.

It's just that, it can't stop Xiao Jinyan from approaching.

That handsome face was infinitely enlarged, and one could clearly see the thick black and long eyelashes, as well as the subtle and flawless cheeks.

The cold breath enveloped her, and it was slightly cool to the touch.

The memory of the last experience is still fresh, and the strange feeling makes people tense.

Xiao Jinyan couldn't help kissing her lips, a little softer than last time, for fear of scaring her.

Because it seemed to scare her last time, this time she was extra gentle.

The faint peach blossom fragrance overflows the tip of the nose.

When he wanted to try more deeply, he encountered obstacles.

Shen Chu closed her mouth nervously, but couldn't resist the drowsiness, she closed her eyes and fell asleep, maybe Xiao Jinyan was too gentle, she really fell asleep.

Xiao Jinyan tasted it for a while, and then retreated with unfinished thoughts. He slowly opened his eyes and found that Shen Chuwei's eyes were closed tightly, breathing evenly, and he could tell that he was asleep at a glance.

In Shen Chuwei's current situation, once he fell asleep, he would fall asleep very hard, and it was difficult to wake up.

He slowly put her back on the bed, covered her with the quilt, and looked at her sleeping, feeling a little distressed.

Thinking of someone deliberately framing her like this now, Xiao Jinyan's eyes darkened, and he would never let Shen Chuwei harm him if he dared to use witchcraft.

Feng Yueyue was sitting in front of the mirror, looking at the red and swollen face with tears streaming down her face.

The most important thing for a woman is this face, if it is destroyed, nothing will be left.

When Wei Chi led someone into the Xiaoxiang Pavilion, he heard a woman crying.

Feng Yueyue's face turned pale when she saw the guards who suddenly barged in.

"What are you doing here? Get out!"

"The subordinate is here to search under the order of the prince." Wei Chi has never been in the mood to pity the fragrance and cherish the jade, and he ordered without looking back: "Search, don't let go of any corner."


A group of guards began a carpet search of the house.

There were not many furnishings in the Xiaoxiang Pavilion, most of them were dilapidated.

Feng Yueyue covered her face and didn't bother, because she couldn't care about it, and couldn't care about it.

After searching for a while, the guards reported that they found nothing suspicious.

Wei Chi frowned and looked at Feng Yueyue.

Feng Yueyue lowered her head with a look of fear on her face.

Wei Chi stared at Feng Yueyue for a long time, then ordered in a cold voice, "Catch her."

Two slender guards grabbed Feng Yueyue from left to right, and followed Wei Chi back to the prince's bedroom.

in the study

Xiao Jinyan was sitting in front of the desk, with downcast eyes dealing with the business at hand.

Wei Chi strode in and reported, "Master, I haven't found anything suspicious."

Xiao Jinyan looked up at Wei Chi, and asked coldly, "Are you sure you've searched everything?"

"Returning to the master, the subordinates have searched every corner, and found no usable items." Wei Chi replied respectfully.

Doubt flashed in Xiao Jinyan's eyes, "Where is Feng Zhaoshun?"

Wei Chi said, "Outside."

Xiao Jin said: "Bring people in."

"Here." After Wei Chi withdrew, he brought Feng Yueyue in, and without any thought of pity, he carried the person and threw it on the ground.

Feng Yueyue wore a face scarf on her cheeks, and she fell to the ground in embarrassment. She looked up at Xiao Jinyan who was sitting in front of the desk, that cold and emotionless gaze made her feel chills all over.

She knelt on the ground with her knees together, and she prostrated herself on the ground, her voice was hoarse and weak, "My concubine sees Your Highness, Your Highness is blessed and safe."

As soon as she opened her mouth, the nerves in her face were pulled, and she burst into tears from the pain.

Xiao Jinyan looked coldly at Feng Yueyue on the ground, and his voice became even colder: "Feng Zhaoshun, Shen Liangdi's severe lethargy and false happy pulse, is it you who did it behind the scenes? If you tell the truth and let Shen Liangdi recover, I will give you a lighter sentence. "

Feng Yueyue cried and argued: "Your Highness, the concubine was wronged, and the concubine did not do anything against the heavens and reason, please Your Highness to investigate clearly."

Xiao Jinyan asked coldly: "Then why did you go to the queen to expose Shen Liangdi's affair with the guard? If you really saw it, wouldn't you miss the guard's face?"

"Your Highness, Shen Liangdi behaved recklessly. Under him, she tossed Cheng Huan and gave His Highness a cuckold. Your Highness, don't be deceived by her innocent and harmless face..."

After Feng Yueyue finished speaking, Xiao Jinyan picked up the book on the table and slammed it into that disgusting mouth accurately.

"Shut up for me!"

Feng Yueyue had only received a hundred slaps today, her cheeks and mouth were swollen, and the thick book happened to be hit by the corner of the book, and blood flowed out immediately.

Feng Yueyue screamed, "Ah!!!"

Xiao Jinyan's voice was cold: "You think I am a three-year-old child so good? I know who she is better than you. If you don't tell the truth, don't blame me for being ruthless."

Feng Yueyue covered her mouth, and tears flowed from the pain when she opened her mouth. Looking at the man sitting in front of the desk, she said unwillingly: "Your Highness, this concubine did not lie. Shen Liangdi stole people behind His Highness's back. Your Highness, don't be deceived by her." .”

Feng Yueyue endured the pain and said that she just wanted to pull Shen Chuwei down, to be rejected by His Highness, to be abandoned, and to bear what she had suffered.

(End of this chapter)

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