Chapter 181 Still Interested

Shen Chuwei was unhappy when she heard the words, did she mean to call her a pig?

She retorted: "How can the concubine eat six bowls of rice? The baby doesn't need to eat."

"Really?" Xiao Jinyan smiled lightly: "Then how many bowls do you want to eat?"

"Of course it's four bowls of rice." Shen Chuwei said with absolute certainty.

Xiao Jinyan's eyes lingered on Shen Chuwei's body, and when she was hugged in her arms last night, she could clearly feel that she was very thin, but her body was very soft, it felt like she was holding cotton, with a sweet fragrance.

If it is fatter, it should be softer.

"You don't have to lose weight, it's better to be fatter."

Shen Chuwei gossiped while eating braised pork, "Does Your Highness like sensual women?"

Xiao Jinyan nodded.

He likes Shen Chu to be a little fatter, and the flesh on his waist will be softer.

Shen Chuwei seems to have discovered some explosive news. Xiao Jinyan likes girls with sensuality, but all the women in the East Palace are trying to lose weight and not eat meat in order to maintain their figure.

"Then why didn't His Highness tell them? They seldom eat meat in order to lose weight."

Xiao Jinyan frowned, "Who?"

Shen Chuwei ate the chicken feet, "You women, they lose weight every day, don't you like those who are too thin?"

Xiao Jinyan knew that she couldn't say what he liked to hear, "Why did I tell them? What does it matter to me that they are fat or thin?"

They are your women, and they are related to your hand feeling.

Shen Chuwei saw that Xiao Jinyan was not happy, so he didn't say anything more, and grabbed a piece of braised pork for him with his chopsticks, and smiled flatteringly: "Your Highness eats meat."

"Hmm." Xiao Jinyan looked down at the meat in the bowl, picked it up and put it in his mouth, it didn't seem so greasy.

After eating and drinking, Shen Chuwei rubbed her stomach and didn't want to move anymore. She glanced at Xiao Jinyan who was drinking tea. Was this posture planning to stay overnight?
She is sick now, and Xiao Jinyan said that she would not let her go to bed sick.

Fortunately, Xiao Jinyan did not stay overnight, and left Hehuan Hall after a few instructions.

Xiao Jinyan returned to the study, Wen Weichi: "How is the interrogation going?"

Wei Chi said: "Back to Master, Feng Zhaoshun still refuses to speak."

Xiao Jinyan was already a little impatient, and Shen Chuwei's lethargy became more and more serious, and he couldn't wait any longer.

"To extract a confession by torture, make sure she tells where the things are."

"Obey." Wei Chi followed the order and withdrew.

As soon as he entered the interrogation room, the guard ran out in a hurry, saw him and said, "Guard guard, it's not good, Feng Zhaoshun committed suicide."

"What?" Wei Chi's eyes widened, he rushed in, and saw Feng Zhaoshun lying on the ground, the woman's forehead was covered in blood, apparently she had hit the wall to death.

"It's over." Wei Chi wanted to scold someone angrily, "Before you die, tell me where you hid the things, the master will remember to ask for it."

Not long after, Xiao Jinyan saw Wei Chi go and come back again, "Did she recruit?"

Wei Chi knelt on one knee and clasped his fists together: "Master, Feng Zhaoshun committed suicide."

"Suicide?" Xiao Jinyan clenched his fists, furious, "Why do you look at her?"

Wei Chi lowered his head even lower, "The subordinate is incompetent, please punish me master."

Xiao Jinyan knew that it was too late to say anything now, and now that Feng Zhaoshun was dead, no one knew where the harmful thing was.

It was about Shen Chuwei's safety, so Xiao Jinyan couldn't sit still.

"Send more people to the Xiaoxiang Pavilion to search, dig three feet, and find things."

"Your subordinate obeys." Wei Chi got up and strode out.

Xiao Jinyan then also went to Xiaoxiang Pavilion.

After searching for nothing all night, Xiao Jinyan sent someone to bring Lu Zhaoyan here.

Lu Zhaoyan calculated his fortune all night last night, but he just lay down, without closing his eyes, when Wei Chi dragged him up from the bed.

"Brother Wei, what are you doing?" Lu Zhaoyan was only wearing a jacket, but Wei Chi picked him out as a frail scholar. He didn't want to lose face?
The maid had long since hid far away.

Wei Chi didn't realize how rude his actions were, he picked up the clothes on the side and put them on Lu Zhaoyan indiscriminately.

"Master Lu, the master wants you to go there now."

Lu Zhaoyan felt aggrieved, "I didn't sleep all night last night."

Wei Chi paused, "Wait until you get back to sleep."

What else can Lu Zhaoyan say?
After getting dressed with Wei Chi's help, he couldn't help but boast: "Even though Big Brother Wei is a man, he is good at serving people and getting dressed."

Wei Chi was also polite, "Thank you for the compliment."

The two came to Xiaoxiang Pavilion one after another, and there were ten familiar guards standing inside, rummaging around.

Lu Zhaoyan calculated for a long time, raised his head to look at Xiao Jin and said, "Your Highness, according to my calculations, that thing should be in the yard."

Xiao Jinyan glanced at the overgrown yard, and only said one word coldly: "Look for it."

Finally, before dark, the guards found that thing in the lotus pond.

The thing was contained in a wine jar, after Lu Zhaoyan opened it, he took out a doll from it, and Shen Liangdi's birthday was written on the doll.

Xiao Jinyan saw three needles inserted into the puppet, complicated runes written on its stomach, and angry flames jumping in its eyes.

"How to solve this?"

Lu Zhaoyan looked at it for a long time, but couldn't think of an effective way, "Waiting for Weichen to take it back and study it."

The rest was handed over to Lu Zhaoyan, and Xiao Jinyan went to Hehuan Hall.

Shen Chuwei had just finished his dinner and was lying on the couch like a salted fish.

Just when Shen Chuwei was lying down a little drowsy, she vaguely saw a figure walking towards her. The figure was getting closer and closer, and the familiar Leng Xiang penetrated into the tip of her nose. She subconsciously called out: "Your Highness?"

Before Xiao Jinyan bent over and stretched out his arms, he heard Shen Chu calling himself, his voice was soft and pleasant.

"Why don't you go to bed if you want to sleep?"

Shen Chu said wearily: "The concubine just wants to lie down for a while to digest."

"How to digest while lying down?" Xiao Jinyan shook his head helplessly, stretched out his arms and hugged the person on the couch horizontally, the light weight one can be easily hugged without any effort,
Shen Chuwei became sober all of a sudden. From this angle, he could clearly see his handsome side face, with narrow and long eyebrows, high nose bridge, and perfect three-dimensional facial features.

Sure enough, a handsome man, no matter how you look at him, he feels very seductive.

When he got to the bedside, Shen Chuwei was laid flat on the bed by Xiao Jinyan, and then he saw his hand coming to his waist, trying to untie his girdle.

She pressed that hand instinctively, and her clear starry eyes looked at him suspiciously, "Your Highness?"

Xiao Jinyan looked at the hand that was holding her down, raised her phoenix eyes to look at her, and said something serious, "You have undressed Ben Gong many times, and this time, Ben Gong will also undress you. "

Shen Chuwei grabbed his hand and struggled to sit up, "How dare you bother Your Highness, I'll just come by myself."

"It doesn't matter." Xiao Jinyan reached out to her waist, grabbed the tie belt, pulled it hard, and the waist seal loosened, and it was easy to take off.

Shen Chuwei watched Xiao Jinyan's hand come to his waist again, it was too late to stop him, he felt the neckline loosen and the belt untied.

 Good night, babies!

  I've been adjusting my status these days, and I've been working harder.

  Acting like a baby and being cute, ask for a monthly ticket and a recommended ticket!

(End of this chapter)

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