Chapter 185 Because It Feels Good

A group of people entered the back room.

Shen Chuwei sat on a chair, put her hands on the medical mat, and her sleeves were turned up, revealing a white and slender wrist.

Doctor Wen lowered his eyes and took the pulse seriously.

Xiao Jinyan sat at the side, drinking tea, and looked at Shen Chuwei from time to time. The spirit of the past two days was obviously better than the previous two days, and his face was much rosier.

When Doctor Wen withdrew his hand, Xiao Jinyan asked, "How is her recovery?"

Doctor Wen replied respectfully: "Your Highness, Shen Liangdi is in good health."

Shen Chuwei's body is of course clear to him, there is nothing wrong with it, except for the minor ailment left by the original owner, which has been cured by himself.

Xiao Jinyan asked again worriedly: "She has been in a coma for so long recently, is there any other problem?"

Doctor Wen paused for a moment when he heard the words, then turned his head and glanced at Shen Chuwei, "Your Highness, Shen Liangdi's sudden increase in appetite may be inappropriate, I suggest you eat less."

Shen Chuwei: "..." Good guy, even how much food she eats!

If she slept for a day, she would lose three bowls of rice, so why don't she bring herself to make it up?

Xiao Jinyan looked at Shen Chuwei and asked, "How many bowls of rice have you eaten recently?"

Shen Chuwei stretched out one hand, stretched five fingers, and said in a proud voice, "Five bowls of rice."

Doctor Wen was so surprised when he heard five bowls of rice, he subconsciously stared at Shen Chuwei a few times, such a petite girl, can eat five bowls of rice?

Xiao Jinyan was stunned for a moment. Last time she heard that she would make up for it in the future, she thought it was a few extra bites per meal, but she was fine, so she just ate an extra bowl of rice per meal.

Five bowls of rice! ! !
His voice was a little heavy: "Why don't you make it up all at once?"

Shen Chuwei said with some embarrassment: "The concubine wants to make it up at once, but it's a pity that the concubine's ability is limited."

Xiao Jinyan: "..."

Doctor Wen: "..."

Chunxi: "..."

Xiao Jinyan put down the teacup, and had no choice but to order: "I used to eat a few bowls of rice at a meal, but now I eat a few bowls of rice, and I can't take one more bite."

Although Xiao Jinyan is not a doctor, he also understands the harm of overeating to the body.

The average woman only eats one or two bowls of rice for a meal. She eats four bowls of rice, which is much more than ordinary people. She still wants to eat five bowls of rice?
Shen Chuwei nodded obediently, four bowls would be four bowls, she still wanted to have afternoon tea anyway.

Xiao Jinyan nodded in satisfaction, and said before leaving, "You should cultivate yourself these days."

After everyone had left, Chunxi couldn't help but said: "My lord, the servants have already said that you can't eat that much in one meal, and you will gain weight easily."

Shen Chuwei listened to Chunxi's mother-in-law nagging, she said indifferently: "You don't understand, Your Highness likes fatter women."

"How is this possible? How could His Highness like fat women?" Chun Xi obviously didn't believe it.

Shen Chuwei said very seriously: "Your Highness told me personally, is this still false?"

Shen Chuwei found a reason for himself to cook in an upright manner. As the No.1 contender for favor, Chun Xi would never object to this reason.

Chunxi was stunned, "It turns out that His Highness likes this, so it seems that the young master should grow more flesh."

Shen Chuwei nodded vigorously, that's it!
The passing maid heard this, and while she was working, she whispered gossip to her companion: "Do you know what kind of woman Your Highness likes?"

The companion stopped washing the clothes, and said with absolute certainty, "Of course she is a woman with both talents and looks, and she is not like us anyway."

The servant girl seemed to know some big secret, and said proudly: "Wrong, Your Highness likes fat women."

The companion was surprised and didn't believe it, "How is this possible? Your Highness is a dragon and a phoenix among men, with an outstanding figure, how could he like fat women?"

The maid said it very seriously: "It's absolutely true, Shen Liangdi said it when passing by Hehuan Hall, and it was His Highness who told Shen Liangdi himself, so it's unmistakable."

The companion was surprised for a long time, and couldn't help telling his best friend about it during the meal.

One pass ten, ten pass one hundred, and one version is more exaggerated than the other.

"His Highness told Shen Liangdi himself, and asked her to eat more to gain weight, can this be false?"

In this way, everyone in the East Palace knew that His Highness liked fat women.

Xinlan Palace

Chang Liangdi chewed his lunch slowly, put down the chopsticks after eating a small bowl, and picked up the handkerchief to wipe his mouth.

Huaixiang couldn't help reminding: "My lord, don't lose weight anymore, Your Highness likes fat women."

Chang Liangdi paused for wiping her mouth, then raised her eyes to Huaixiang, "Who did you listen to?"

"Now everyone in the East Palace knows it. It was His Highness who said it himself. Shen Liangdi now eats a lot of meals in order to gain weight for her pet."

It's hard for Chang Liangdi not to believe what Huaixiang said.

Think about Shen Liangdi again, every time he sees her, he always eats, nothing but eating.

Women love beauty, how can they let themselves be so greedy. ?
It turned out that it was because His Highness liked it, so he ate more on purpose.

Huaixiang said again: "My lord, there was Concubine Yang Gui with a handsome figure, who was always favored. Some men like a little meat, which feels good to the touch."

Chang Liangdi was completely shaken by this, and naturally she was unwilling to fall behind.

"Give me another bowl of rice, I want to gain weight too."

Huaixiang took the bowl and filled another bowl of rice.

Chang Liangdi ate two bowls of rice and couldn't hold it anymore. Thinking of gaining weight, she ate another half bowl and couldn't hold it anymore.

When Xu Chenghui heard this, he was too surprised.

Without further ado, she asked Taohua to cook for herself.

Xu Chenghui, who had just had lunch, ate a bowl of rice.

Whether it is the master or the maidservants in the East Palace, they all started a craze for gaining weight, hoping that one day His Highness will be able to take a fancy to it, and the sparrow will turn into a phoenix.

Shen Chuwei cultivated for a few days, and Xiao Jinyan was so busy these days that she didn't have time to come to Hehuan Hall for meals or to stay overnight, which made her extremely relaxed.

One day is one day, and the boat will naturally go straight to the bridge.

Concubine Xu and Tao Chenghui came over to chat Doudizhu when they had nothing to do, and then ate melon seeds together.

After Xu side concubine got acquainted with a person, she was the one who would talk and ask whenever she had something to say.

"I heard that His Highness asked you to gain weight, is it true?"

Shen Chu nodded slightly, "Your Highness said I'm too thin, I'd better get fatter."

Concubine Xu looked Shen Chuwei up and down, she was indeed very thin, "No wonder all the women in the East Palace are gaining weight, so His Highness likes it, should I try gaining weight too?"

Tao Chenghui looked sad, "It doesn't look good when you are fat, but I still like thin ones, they look good in anything, like Shen Liangdi."

Shen Chuwei looked down at herself when she heard the words, she seemed to be pretty good, although she lost some weight, but in the past ten months, the place that should have grown has also grown a lot.

The body proportions are very good, which is still good.

"No, I'll try it anyway." Concubine Xu did what she said, and after waving goodbye, she went back to gain weight.

Tao Chenghui still hesitated.

It's too difficult to choose between staying in shape and being loved by His Highness.

(End of this chapter)

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