Shock!The prince will read my mind and turn over my sign every night

Chapter 189 Counseled, comforted by a gentle voice

Chapter 189 Counseled, comforted by a gentle voice

An ambiguous atmosphere lingered quietly between the two of them.

Shen Chuwei noticed that Xiao Jinyan was still staring at him, and his face became inexplicably hot.

Don't sleep, what is he trying to do?

Want to talk by candlelight?
But she wants to sleep!
Xiao Jinyan's slender fingers stretched out to her chin, and the balls of the fingers rubbed against her lips, the touch was soft, but the hand could not effectively experience the real touch.

Shen Chuwei suddenly rang the alarm, Xiao Jinyan did this two or three times and ended up kissing himself. Could it be that he also wanted to kiss himself this time?
Thinking of this possibility, Shen Chuwei decided to take the initiative to alleviate his crisis.

Supporting the bed, she slowly raised her body, and put her hands on Xiao Jinyan's chest. Originally, she wanted to put her on his right shoulder, but her arms were not long enough, so she could only press on his chest.

Xiao Jinyan looked down at the hand on his chest, held his breath, and watched her approach little by little, with a little caution.

Shen Chuwei leaned closer and smacked his handsome cheek. She thought that she would never need a "good night kiss" in her life, but she didn't expect to use it tonight.

It's time to sleep.

Before she could breathe a sigh of relief, the back of her head was held down by a big hand, pushing her back when she left, blocking it accurately.

The slightly cool touch let her know that what she kissed was Xiao Jinyan's lips~

Her eyes widened, and the hand on his chest tightly grasped his clothes, as if trying to restrain himself from pushing him out of bed.

Although Xiao Jinyan knows kung fu, but she is so strong, it is still possible to push him out of bed.

But when she thought of the experience of kicking him last time, she was discouraged.

Xiao Jinyan kissed with restraint and forbearance, more gentle than ever, with careful comfort.

Kissing and kissing, Shen Chuwei found herself lying down at some point, looking at the man on her body, feeling a restless hand.

She is stupid if she doesn't know what he wants to do.

So now it's bedtime?
Why didn't Xiao Jinyan say something in advance so that she could be prepared!

Limbs were weak, and the feeling of suffocation surged up again, making her feel as if she would die in the next second.

Fortunately, he let go of her at this moment.

She took a big breath of fresh air, "Your Highness."

Xiao Jinyan looked down at the blurred eyes of the girl under him, and kissed her again.

Shen Chuwei: "..." Still coming?
She instinctively put her arms against his chest, trying to stop him from approaching.

In Xiao Jinyan's eyes, he was nervous and scared.

He whispered softly against her ear: "Xiao Jiu, don't be afraid."

Shen Chuwei said, is this a question of fear?
She just couldn't accept serving a husband with them.

As long as you don't go to bed, you can do whatever you want, anyway, it's all superficial.

After going to bed, the taste changed immediately.

Xiao Jinyan kissed the corner of her lips, "Xiao Jiu."

Shen Chuwei looked at Xiao Jinyan's attitude of not giving up until the end, she couldn't really do anything to Xiao Jinyan.

There is a saying that is not to say that when you can't resist, you can enjoy it.

Fortunately, Xiao Jinyan's appearance is one in a million handsome, and his figure seems to be good, so it shouldn't be bad in that respect.

Shen Chuwei comforted herself in her heart like this, even though she was thinking about a pile of yellow waste, she still comforted herself.

In the next second, Shen Chuwei felt something was wrong. She stretched out her hand in doubt, only to realize that she had read the romance novel for nothing, and she didn't know...

Xiao Jinyan snorted, "...Xiao Jiu."

Shen Chu blushed slightly, she really didn't do it on purpose~

At this time, a shrill voice sounded inappropriately, "Your Highness, something happened."

Xiao Jinyan paused, raised his head and looked in the direction of the door.

Shen Chuwei also looked in the direction of the door in doubt.

Liu Xi's voice came again: "Your Highness, something happened."

Liu Xi has been with him for so many years, there is nothing important, and he will not knock on the door in the middle of the night to disturb him.

Xiao Jinyan withdrew his gaze and looked at Shen Chuwei. Anyone who was interrupted midway would be unhappy.

He lifted the bed curtain and began to dress.

Shen Chuwei sat up, pulled the bed curtain with both hands, poked his head out, and stared at Xiao Jinyan.

She suddenly thought of a segment in the romance novel, which was exactly the same as their current situation, what kind of stinky male protagonist's face looked like.

Xiao Jinyan was wearing clothes, and found Shen Chuwei's head sticking out, because he was in a hurry to go out, he didn't notice that she was holding back her smile.

"My palace will go back as soon as I go."

After speaking, he fastened his girdle and went out.

Shen Chuwei sat on the bed, watched Xiao Jinyan close the door after going out, she retracted her head, and closed the bed curtain.

Looking down, Xiao Jinyan saw that the buttons of the pajamas had all been unbuttoned, revealing the lotus root pink apron inside.

She wondered whether to tie it or not, thinking that Xiao Jinyan said that he would go back when he went, which meant that he would continue when he came back.

She simply ignored it, lay down again, and looked at the top of the bed.

After Xiao Jinyan came out, he saw Liu Xi sternly said: "You better really have something important to say."

Liu Xi has been with Xiao Jinyan for so many years, and he can tell from his tone that he is very unhappy at this time.

He secretly wiped off his cold sweat, "Your Highness, Chang Liang Di fainted suddenly, the situation is unknown, and Empress Empress is also on her way."

Chang Liangdi is the only daughter of General Chang. If something happens, General Chang will be deeply saddened, and the consequences of being distracted on the battlefield will only be more serious.

Xiao Jinyan frowned, "How could you faint when you're fine?"

Liu Xi said: "The slave doesn't know either."

When they arrived at Xinlan Hall, the imperial doctor was already treating Chang Liangdi.

Xiao Jinyan walked to the bed, looked down at Chang Liangdi a few times, saw that her face was pale and much rounder than before, so she asked the imperial doctor: "What's wrong with Chang Liangdi?"

The imperial doctor respectfully said: "Return to Your Highness, Emperor Chang Liangdi has indigestion due to eating and drinking recently, and fainted due to her unbearable body."

"Chang Liangdi always eats very little, how can she know how to eat food?" Xiao Jinyan looked coldly at Huaixiang who was beside him, "How do you serve your master? Tell me honestly."

Huaixiang knelt on the ground in fright, and told the truth one by one, "Your Highness, in order to gain weight, my lord has eaten two extra bowls for each meal and slept after eating. Today is the same as usual. Sudden fainting."

Xiao Jinyan frowned, "Why did Chang Liangdi suddenly want to gain weight?"

"Because, because I heard that His Highness likes fat women, so the young master thought about gaining weight." Huaixiang said tremblingly.

Xiao Jinyan listened, as if hearing a joke, extremely stupid.

"Just kidding!"

The queen also rushed over at this time, and when she heard the prince's words, she glanced suspiciously at Huaixiang who was kneeling on the ground, and asked the prince: "What's wrong with Emperor Chang Liang?"

Xiao Jinyan stepped forward to salute, "After returning to mother, Chang Liangdi became unwell due to heavy drinking."

The queen frowned when she heard the explosion, "What's going on?"

Xiao Jinyan explained the reason again.

When the queen heard this, she also felt that it was nonsense.

What she didn't understand was, "Why does the prince like fat women all of a sudden?"

 Good night, babies!
  Acting like a baby and being cute, ask for a monthly ticket and a recommended ticket!

(End of this chapter)

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