Shock!The prince will read my mind and turn over my sign every night

Chapter 191 Too much brain supplementation, the little salted fish is too nervous...

Chapter 191 Too much brain supplementation, the little salted fish is too nervous...

Although I know a lot, it is the first experience after all.

At that time, she was completely dumbfounded.

Because of those who have already been kissed, their reactions are all slower.

Come to think of it, it's a bit of a shame.

After Xiao Jinyan left, Shen Chuwei lay back on the bed and went back to sleep.

It was rumored in the East Palace that Xu Chenghui had gained ten catties and went to look for His Highness, only to lose his leg.

Chang Liangdi Wei Zengfei made himself dizzy.

Everyone began to question whether His Highness really likes fat women?

Concubine Xu flicked her arrogant little handkerchief, and came to Hehuan Hall with Tao Chenghui. As soon as she sat down, she told Shen Chuwei what happened yesterday.

Shen Chuwei was stunned. It turned out that Xiao Jinyan was suddenly called away last night because of Chang Liangdi's accident, and it was also caused by gaining weight.

Gaining weight is the same as losing weight. If you use the wrong method, it will easily lead to physical problems, and some gains outweigh the losses.

"I think it's unreliable to gain weight and compete for favor. Fortunately, I have been hesitant to take action." Tao Chenghui is glad that he didn't do anything stupid.

Concubine Xu regretted to death, "But I have gained weight, and I have gained a few catties. It will be very difficult to lose weight."

She lowered her head and squeezed her waist, obviously much stronger than before.

Shen Chuwei drank tea, "I'll lose weight in summer."

Concubine Xu said fiercely: "No, I want to lose weight and kill them."

Some time ago, everyone gained weight crazily, and during this time, everyone lost weight, eating neither this nor that, wasting a lot of food.

This matter got to Xiao Jinyan's ears, and he directly halved the meal share in each hall.

Shen Chuwei asked Chunxi to make ice cream, and it was a joy to eat it.

Because she is a physique that can't eat fat.

Xiao Jinyan is busy.

Liu Xi took the tea away and planned to make it again.

Seeing this, Xiao Jinyan reminded: "Use the Qingmu tea given by Shen Liangdi."

"Here." Liu Xi retreated to the side hall, took out the bag of tea given by Shen Chuwei, brewed it, and brought it to Xiao Jinyan.

Xiao Jinyan glanced at the teacup, put down the pen in his hand, picked it up, held it to his lips, blew on it, and took a sip. The taste was a little sweet, not bad.

Liu Xi smiled and said: "Your Highness, Shen Liangdi really has a heart. Knowing that His Highness has worked hard all night, she even prepared tea for His Highness to clear eyes."

In private, Liu Xi went to ask Doctor Wen, and after seeing it, Doctor Wen also praised that drinking this tea is good.

Xiao Jinyan said "Yes", "She is different from other women."

Thinking of her reaction the night before, the corners of her mouth raised unconsciously.

Although being interrupted midway is a very unpleasant thing.

Xiao Jinyan ordered: "Go to Hehuan Hall for dinner tonight."

"Here, this slave just went to inform Shen Liangdi." Liu Xi withdrew with a slight smile.

The Hehuan Hall is next door, and after a while, Liu Xi walked into the Hehuan Hall.

Shen Chuwei was eating ice cream, when she saw Liu Xi coming, she greeted with a smile: "Eunuch Liu, good afternoon."

Liu Xi walked over with a smile, "Good afternoon Shen Liangdi."

Chunxi greeted him with a smile, "Eunuch Liu is here for something?"

Liu Xi said: "Your Highness is coming over to have dinner tonight, you should prepare it earlier."

Chunxi replied happily after hearing the words: "No problem, I will prepare more of your Highness's favorite food."

Liu Xi looked at Shen Chuwei again, and smiled kindly: "By the way, Shen Liangdi, Your Highness drank the tea you sent, and praised the taste."

Chunxi said with some pride: "The young master feels sorry for His Highness, that's why he carefully prepared Qingmu Quhuo tea."

Liu Xi nodded cooperatively: "It's Shen Liangdi's heart."

After Liu Xi left, Chunxi saw that Shen Chuwei was still eating ice cream, so she hurried up to stop her, "My lord, the ice cream is too cold, you shouldn't eat more."

Shen Chuwei was used to Chunxi's mother-in-law nagging, she took a bite of ice cream and said, "I know, I won't eat it after I finish this."

Chunxi had nothing to do with Shen Chuwei, but fortunately, although Shen Chuwei was greedy, he was also obedient, so he stopped eating after eating this.

The little rabbit came in and reported: "Little master, there is a man named Wu Tan looking for you outside the door."

Shen Chuwei paused while eating ice cream, then raised his head to look at the little rabbit, "Wu Tan? Why did he come to the East Palace?"

"Little Gray Rabbit ran away, and he brought Little Gray Rabbit back." Little Rabbit was used to it when he said Little Gray Rabbit, but he was really not used to it at the beginning.

Shen Chuwei was so surprised when he heard the words, "Good guy, the little gray rabbit ran away from home again?"

The little gray rabbit is getting bolder and bolder. This is the fourth time he has run away from home. Isn't it just for the little gray rabbit to supervise him to lose weight?
Shen Chuwei walked out with unfinished ice cream, and saw Wutan standing at the door, still wearing the same gray Haiqing suit.

The bare forehead also glows in the sun.

Holding the gray rabbit who had the courage to run away from home in his arms.

Probably to avoid suspicion, Wu Tan stood a little far away.

Shen Chuwei stepped over the threshold, walked up to Wutan, and glanced at the gray rabbit in his arms.

"Wu Tan."

Wu Tan said slowly: "Today I accompanied the master to read the scriptures, and I saw it when I came out. It looks like your rabbit. I was afraid that you would be in a hurry, so I brought it here."

Before Shen Chuwei could speak, the little rabbit stepped forward to take the little gray rabbit from Wutan's hand, and held it in his arms.

Shen Chu gave the rabbit a slight look, she didn't take her as the master seriously enough, she raised her eyes to look at Wutan, and bent her eyebrows, "Thank you, Wutan."

Wu Tan clasped his hands together: "Shen Liangdi is too polite."

Shen Chuwei said: "It should be, the little rabbit can run very well, so it's not easy to catch."

Wu Tan raised his head to look at Shen Chuwei, stared at her face for a long time, wanted to open his mouth to ask, but finally didn't ask.

After six years of absence, how could she become Shen Shangshu's daughter?

Shen Chuwei saw that Wu Tan had been staring at her without speaking, she stretched out her hand and waved in front of him, "Wu Tan, what's wrong with you?"

Wu Tan clasped his hands together again to show that he lost his composure, "The poor monk is fine, but seeing Shen Liangdi suddenly think of an old friend, whom he hasn't seen for six years, I miss him very much."

As someone who has read a lot of romance novels, Shen Chuwei quickly made up a plot about his childhood sweetheart.

She said it as a matter of course, "If you miss it, go to her."

"The poor monk looked for it, but..." Wu Tan hesitated to speak, the crowd was vast, and life and death were uncertain.

During dinner, Shen Chuwei sat at the dining table, looking at the door eagerly.

Xiao Jinyan came late.

"There was a delay for a while."

Shen Chuwei picked up a piece of delicious fish with his chopsticks and put it into his bowl, "Your Highness should be hungry, eat quickly."

What I thought in my heart was, eat quickly, I can eat after I eat.

After Xiao Jinyan cleaned his hands, he picked up the fish in the bowl with chopsticks and put it into his mouth to taste, "It tastes good."

"You can eat more if it's delicious." Shen Chuwei had already started eating while speaking.

Xiao Jinyan was noncommittal.

At the dining table, Shen Chuwei worked hard, while Xiao Jinyan ate slowly.

After dinner, it is natural to stay overnight.

Probably because of the foreplay, when Shen Chuwei undressed Xiao Jinyan, he was much more nervous than usual.

She is a little salty fish, she can't escape being tossed and tossed tonight.

 Good night kids!

  The explosive update that the babies are looking forward to is here!

  It will explode more than [-]+! ! ! !

  The heroine's bedroom is also in the [-] update!

  Beg for a monthly ticket and a recommended ticket.

(End of this chapter)

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