Shock!The prince will read my mind and turn over my sign every night

Chapter 193 There is a happy event, and the careful actions make people throb

Chapter 193 There is a happy event, and the careful actions make people throb

Xiao Jinyan cast a sideways glance at Lu Zhaoyan, "What is Master Lu busy with these days?"

"Weichen has been studying palmistry these days, and he has lost two catties without sleeping and eating." Lu Zhaoyan said this, but he felt a little proud.

Xiao Jinyan hit the nail on the head, "You can't even figure out who my beloved is."

Lu Zhaoyan rubbed his nose, "Your Highness, although I can't figure out who His Highness's beloved is now, I can figure out when His Highness will have a son."

Xiao Jinyan raised his eyebrows, questioning, "Really?"

"Of course, Your Highness, show me your hand." Lu Zhaoyan almost patted his chest to promise.

Xiao Jinyan paused, and stretched out his hand.

Firstly, Lu Zhaoyan likes to count marriages for others, and secondly, he likes to read palms.

He looked down at Xiao Jinyan's hand, because he had seen it last time, this time he could know the lines of his palm more clearly.

Lu Zhaoyan saw it at a glance, "Your Highness, there is a happy event recently."

Xiao Jinyan asked: "What happy event?"

"His Royal Highness is happy." What Lu Zhaoyan could see was that Xiao Jinyan would be in a happy mood in the near future, and it was a happy event if he could make his mood happy.

A trace of doubt flashed in Xiao Jinyan's eyes, happy thing?There are very few things that make him happy.

Lu Zhaoyan looked at it for a while, and said: "After the happy event, there is great joy."

Xiao Jinyan asked again: "What joy? Can't you be more straightforward?"

Lu Zhaoyan said happily: "The great joy is that Your Highness will have an heir."

From the moment Xiao Jinyan became the crown prince, and then accepted the concubine, many pairs of eyes stared at him.

Being the heir of the future prince is the most important thing, and many civil servants are staring at this.

Not only civil servants, but also those princes who coveted the position of prince are watching closely.

On the way back to the East Palace, Xiao Jinyan was still thinking about what Lu Zhaoyan said. When he passed the Hall of Hehuan, he stepped in.

Shen Chuwei looked at the yard, the little gray rabbit was being chased by the snow ball, and even if it hid in a corner, the snow ball could scare it out.

Today, due to special needs, she asked Xuetuan to supervise the little gray rabbit to lose weight, and found that the effect was several times better than her own.

Xiao Jinyan came in and saw this scene, the little rabbit was so frightened that he ran behind Xiao Jinyan, as if he knew Xue Tuan would not dare to make trouble in front of Xiao Jinyan.

This time the wild snow ball, the little rabbit was also frightened, and his limbs and legs kept shaking.

Xue Tuan hurriedly stopped, raised his furry head to look at Xiao Jinyan, "Meow."

Xiao Jinyan looked down at the cat and the rabbit, and roughly guessed that Xuetuan was bullying the little rabbit again, and saw how its legs were shaking.

Shen Chu looked back slightly and saw Xiao Jinyan standing at the door. He was wearing a black court dress, and he should have just returned from court.

She hurriedly lifted the blanket, stood up and greeted her, "Your Highness."

Xiao Jinyan looked back at Shen Chuwei, seeing that her complexion was better than last night, "Is your body better?"

Shen Chuwei frowned: "Your Highness, the concubine is already much better."

Xiao Jinyan nodded, "That's good, I will go out of the palace at the beginning of next month, if you want to go out, I will take you with me."

Shen Chuwei was overjoyed when he heard the words, "His Royal Highness is willing to take the concubine with him, of course the concubine wants to follow."

Why not go out of the palace to eat delicious food?
Xiao Jinyan was a little worried: "Are you in good health?"

Shen Chuwei was afraid that Xiao Jinyan would not take her out of the palace, so she nodded vigorously, "It's convenient, Your Highness, don't worry."

There are still two days before the beginning of the month, even if she is on her period, it does not prevent her from taking a carriage.

Xiao Jinyan has no doubts about him.

that night
Shen Chuwei lay on the bed and watched Xiao Jinyan lift the quilt to go to bed. She was about to close her eyes and go to sleep. Menstruation came, and she was always more sleepy than usual.

Before she could close her eyes, an arm stretched out and pulled her into someone's arms.

She raised her eyes and looked at Xiao Jinyan suspiciously, and then felt another hand stretched in directly.

She couldn't help but widen her eyes, didn't she, under special circumstances, would Xiao Jinyan want her to sleep with her?

After the hot palm was pressed against her stomach, she stopped moving.

Xiao Jinyan felt that his soft stomach wasn't so cold anymore. He looked at Shen Chuwei and found that she had been staring at me, "My stomach is warmer than last night, I will enlighten you for a while."

Shen Chu blushed slightly, she was thinking wrong just now.

Who knew that the prince would take the initiative to enlighten her?
"Well, it's not cold anymore."

Finally, Shen Chuwei fell asleep in Xiao Jinyan's arms.

Xiao Jinyan kept clutching her stomach, not letting go for a moment.

It's just that he doesn't know that the pain in Shen Chuwei's stomach can be ignored now, and there is no need to realize it.

Xiao Jinyan still didn't sleep well that night, he was afraid that if he fell asleep, he would keep taking out his hands.

The next day, Xiao Jinyan left the Hall of Hehuan with dark circles under his eyes.

After Shen Chuwei woke up, she slapped her forehead. She forgot to ask Xiao Jinyan to move back to Xiyun Pavilion last night.

She sighed, forget it, it's okay to mention it after going out and coming back.

You have to mention it when Xiao Jinyan is happy, and the possibility of agreeing will be very high.

Thinking that she would go out of the palace with Xiao Jinyan the day after tomorrow, she began to prepare to bring some daily necessities and necessities for going out.

Ever since the queen ate the instant noodles, she has been thinking about the taste all the time. Today, she couldn't hold back and wanted to go to Hehuan Hall to taste the instant noodles again.

In March of Yangchun, the imperial garden is already in full bloom, and butterflies are already dancing.

As a result, when he went out, he met Yun Xianbai and Yin'er to catch the butterfly again.

Since the family dinner on New Year's Eve, Yun Xianbai has restrained a lot, no, it's only been a while, and he started to show off with Yin'er around again.

The queen didn't want to hear Yun Xian show off her grandson everywhere. Fortunately, she came out today with Qing Ying and a maid, and it was not easy to find it standing behind the tree.

Just as the queen was secretly appreciating Zizi's clever move today, a familiar female voice came from behind her.

"Empress, my concubine greets you."

Even if the queen didn't look back, she already guessed who was behind her, Concubine De, who was just like Yun Xian, more than showing off.

She turned around and looked over, and saw Concubine De taking Sun Ziyu with her.

Yu'er is five years old this year and can make soy sauce.

Concubine De smiled and said to her grandson: "Yu'er, please greet Grandma Huang quickly.

"Grandson, give grandma the emperor peace."

The five-year-old Yu'er has already learned the etiquette of greeting her well.

The queen saw it and heard that she liked Yu, but it was a pity that she was not her own.

It's really inappropriate to go out today. There are clouds showing off in front and virtue showing off in the back. It's almost impossible to let her live.

"Yu'er is getting smarter and smarter. I wonder if Yin'er can be as polite as you when he is five years old."

When Concubine De greeted the Empress, Concubine Yun saw it and walked over with small steps, to show off that her grandson already knew how to recite a lot of poems.

As a result, I heard such a sentence, the psychology of comparison, naturally I have to refuse to admit defeat.

"The concubine pays her respects to the empress."

After finishing speaking, he pushed Yin'er, "Baby Yin'er, come and pay your respects to the empress."

(End of this chapter)

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