Chapter 204 Hearing Her True Thoughts
Xiao Jinyan glanced back at Shen Chuwei, and Shen Chuwei frowned at him, and raised the slingshot in his hand.

Every time a man in black wanted to plot against Xiao Jinyan, or bully the few with more, Shen Chuwei would hit him with glass beads.

One shot and one accurate.

Xiao Jinyu stared at the slingshot in Shen Chuwei's hand, wanting it very much, he asked expectantly: "Sister-in-law, do you still have a slingshot? Give me one."

"It's gone." Shen Chuwei clenched the slingshot in his hand, seeing that the black clothes were almost cleaned up, he felt relieved.

Xiao Jinyu found that a slingshot is also good, which can attack the enemy from a long distance.

"When I get back, I'll make one myself."

After dealing with the man in black, Xiao Jinyan ordered: "Take the body back."

"I obey." Qin Xiao brought the body back to the county magistrate's mansion.

Shen Chuwei had already taken off his coat, and disposed of his mask and disposable gloves.

Xiao Jinyan looked at her neat movements, and asked, "Have you ever done martial arts before?"

Shen Chu nodded slightly, "I did it for a friend for a while, but then I didn't do it."

She used to be a forensic doctor because she was cheated by a friend. She did it for a year, and when her friend came back, she quit.

The profession of forensic medicine is similar to that of forensic author.

Xiao Jinyan nodded: "I didn't see it, you know a lot."

Shen Chuwei smiled guiltyly, "A little bit."

Xiao Jin said: "Too modest."

Shen Chu smiled, but didn't speak.

Back at the county magistrate's mansion, Xiao Jinyan asked someone to call Luo Zhixian over.

Luo Zhixian came over with a flattering smile, "Master Governor, what do you want me to tell you to come here?"

Xiao Jinyan said coldly: "You said Wei Shuli died of tuberculosis? I just ordered a new autopsy. Wei Shuli did not die of tuberculosis, but was deliberately killed. How do you explain?"

Luo Zhixian said with a guilty conscience: "Your Excellency Governor, I don't know about the humble position, these are all told to the lower officials by the assistant."

Xiao Jinyan asked in a cold voice, "What's your job?"

Luo Zhixian said: "Wu Zuo asked for leave yesterday and went home."

Xiao Jinyan sneered, "This is really a coincidence."

Luo Zhixian smiled and said: "Who said it wasn't? The official also said that he would be late for two days, but he was in a hurry to go back, saying that his mother was seriously ill and needed someone to take care of him."

Xiao Jinyan ordered coldly: "Come here, bring Wu Zuo up."

Wei Chi walked in with a thin man.

"The small one is a masterpiece of Yongqian City, named Zuo Xiaoliu, please refer to the governor." Zuo Xiaoliu kowtowed.

Luo Zhixian saw Zuo Xiaoliu's frightened face turn pale, and he obviously left, why did he come back?

Xiao Jinyan's eyes were sharp: "Wei Shuli is your autopsy?"

Zuo Xiaoliu said tremblingly, "It's the little one's autopsy."

Xiao Jinyan asked again: "What's the result of the autopsy?"

"The results of the autopsy..." Zuo Xiaoliu glanced at Luozhi County, and said cautiously: "During the autopsy, Wei Shuli didn't die of tuberculosis. I don't know the cause of death. It was Luo Zhixian who asked me to say it was death." in tuberculosis."

After Zuo Xiaoliu finished speaking, he kowtowed desperately, "Please forgive me, my lord."

Luo Zhixian was angry and scared, "You are talking nonsense, when did this officer teach you like this?"

Xiao Jinyan yelled angrily: "Luo Cheng of Luozhi County, what should you do?"

Luo Zhixian kowtowed desperately, "Your Excellency, the lower officials are wronged!"

Xiao Jinyan's voice was cold: "Wrong? You killed Wei Shuli, made false accounts, and embezzled public funds. You should be punished for your crimes!"

Luo Zhixian trembled in fright and was speechless for a long time.

Xiao Jinyan ordered: "Come here, imprison Luozhi County and bring him back to the capital to wait for the emperor to deal with him."

"Subordinates obey." Wei Chi dragged Luo Zhixian down.

Xiao Jinyan checked all the account books overnight, and took Xiao Jinyu to read them together.

Shen Chuwei looked at Xiao Jinyu while eating the pastry and sighed, "Brother, the account book is so difficult! I can't understand it, can I not read it?"

In return, Xiao Jinyan shuddered violently: "If you don't understand, show me!"

Xiao Jinyu touched his forehead aggrievedly, and continued to read obediently.

Shen Chuwei poured a cup of hot tea and put it on Xiao Jinyan's right hand, "Your Highness, drink tea."

"Yes." Xiao Jinyan continued to look at the account books.

After watching for a while, Xiao Jinyan raised his head, "It's late, you go to rest first."

Shen Chuwei was indeed sleepy, she yawned and asked, "When will Your Highness rest?"

Xiao Jinyan: "I have to wait."

"The concubine is going to sleep first." Shen Chuwei got up and walked into the back room.

Seeing that Shen Chuwei had gone to sleep, Xiao Jinyu looked at Xiao Jinyan expectantly: "Brother, I'm sleepy too, can I go to sleep too?"

Xiao Jinyan looked at him coldly, "What do you think?"

Xiao Jinyu pinched her thigh hard, endured the pain and said, "I'm not too sleepy, so I can continue watching."

Xiao Jinyan then withdrew his gaze and continued to look at the account books.

By the time Xiao Jinyan finished his work, it was already three o'clock.

Xiao Jinyu yawned and went back to his room.

Xiao Jinyan walked into the back room after taking a bath. The person on the bed was soundly asleep. He lifted the quilt and lay down, stretched out his hand to pull the person into his arms, and fell asleep when he couldn't resist the drowsiness.

The next day, the sun was shining brightly, and it was a good day for marriage.

Shen Chuwei hugged the snow ball and fed it ham sausage. Looking at the branch that Xiao Jinyu got from nowhere, he was cutting it bit by bit with a knife, trying to make it into a slingshot.

Miss Han was drinking the tea slowly, as if she was watching Xiao Jinyu's handiwork.

She actually got a little sweet from it!

At this time, the sound of firecrackers came from the side door, and the children shouted happily.

"I want happy candy, I want happy candy."

"The bride is so beautiful."

Chun Xi came jogging all the way over, "Master, a wealthy family is taking his wife, and marrying two sisters at the same time, do you want to watch the excitement?"

Shen Chu became slightly interested, "Go over and have a look, see if you can grab some wedding candy."

Because she would throw out wedding candies when she got married there, and people would grab them, but later they gave them directly, so the fun of grabbing wedding candies was gone.

When Shen Chuwei came to the side door with Xuetuan and Chunxi in his arms, he saw people watching the excitement on both sides of the street. The sound of gongs and drums and the sound of firecrackers made it very lively.

The children ran and yelled, grabbing the candy and smiling happily.

Chun Xi glanced at her twice: "My lord, it's different for this big family to get married. The grandeur is grand. I heard that this big family is a well-known wealthy businessman in the local area, and there are several concubines and maids in the family."

"Fortunately, this pair of sisters can take care of each other, and they don't have to worry about food and clothing."

Shen Chuwei listened, according to the modern age, it was a big deal, it was fine if there was a concubine in the family, and the two sisters were married into the house.

But ancient times are also normal.

Just like Xiao Jinyan, isn't there a group of wives and concubines?

"It's more important for a woman to marry a good family than anything else, but the young master is His Royal Highness's concubine, so it's good to marry." Chunxi said happily.

Shen Chuwei didn't answer, because Chunxi was from ancient times.

She sighed secretly, serving a husband with a bunch of women, is that good?

As soon as Xiao Jinyan came over, he heard Shen Chuwei's innermost thoughts.

 There are still [-] words and two chapters. I don't know if I can write it before twelve o'clock.

  Acting like a baby and being cute, ask for a monthly ticket and a recommended ticket!

(End of this chapter)

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