Chapter 209 Still thinking of something else?

As the saying goes, people under the roof have to bow their heads.

She is, she is under the crown prince, so she has to be obedient.

The first time I called Jin Yan, I was really not used to it.

But having said that, the name is still very good.

It was also the first time Xiao Jinyan heard someone call his name. Shen Chuwei's voice was originally soft and waxy, like cotton candy, which was much nicer than calling His Highness.

Xiao Jinyan kissed her rewardingly, "Xiao Jiu, let's take our time."

Shen Chuwei wanted to grab Xiao Jinyan's arm, but it was indeed Xiao Jinyan's hand, because he was tightly shackling her hand on the bed.

When there was a gap, she made a request: "The concubine wants to move back to Xiyun Pavilion."

If we don't mention it now, when will we wait?

Xiao Jinyan paused, raised his eyes to look at her, "Why?"

"The concubine wants to move back." Shen Chuwei knew that Xiao Jinyan should be happy at this time, and it should be easy to agree to such a request.

Xiao Jinyan hugged her into his arms and kissed the corner of her mouth, "Xiao Jiu, isn't it good to live in Hehuan Palace?"

Shen Chu said in a small voice: "Concubine, concubine likes Xiyun Pavilion."

Xiao Jinyan's eyes paused, and he uttered a sentence, "What if I don't want to?"

Her Highness, Shen Chuwei, was already used to shouting, and she couldn't change it for a while, so she subconsciously shouted again: "Your Highness..."

Xiao Jinyan used some strength, "Huh? What do you call me?"

Shen Chuwei immediately changed his words, "Jin Yan, why don't you agree?"

Xiao Jinyan asked back: "Why don't we live next door?"

Shen Chuwei didn't know why Xiao Jinyan insisted on letting her live in Hehuan Hall, but she still wanted to guard her vegetable garden, chicken coop, and fish pond.

"But the concubine still wants to live in Xiyun Pavilion." The sky is high and the emperor is far away, so you don't have to be restricted in what you want to do, and you can stay away from some disputes, isn't it good?
Xiao Jinyan frowned, and simply blocked her lips, preventing her from talking about moving back to Xiyun Pavilion.

After finally moving out, how could he let her move back?

Living next door is much more convenient than Xiyun Pavilion.

Others in the Hall of Hehuan want to stay but can't come in, so she is good and throws away her shoes.

Shen Chuwei wanted to say a few more words, but Xiao Jinyan refused to give him a chance.

She managed to seize this opportunity, and if she didn't say anything, she would lose the opportunity.

Shen Chuwei found an opportunity, and asked again: "Jin Yan, let's discuss it again, shall we?"

This time she behaved well and called her name directly.

The provincial caller made a mistake, and he secretly played tricks again.

Sweat beaded all over Xiao Jinyan's forehead, obviously too restrained.

He hoarsely said, "Do you think it's okay to discuss this matter at this time?"

"...The concubine thinks it's pretty good." Shen Chuwei watched the man's eyes turn red, the darkness in his eyes surged, and his voice subconsciously weakened.

But if you miss this opportunity, it will be gone.

Xiao Jinyan replied simply, "I don't think so."

The tone that could not be refused made Shen Chuwei persuade again, "Then we won't discuss it now."

Xiao Jinyan exerted all his strength, leaned close to her ear and whispered: "Why do you still have the heart to think about this? Is it because I didn't work hard enough? Huh?"

Shen Chuwei couldn't speak, and could only look at Xiao Jinyan's side face, which was really pretty, it could be said that there were no dead ends in all directions.

Just as Shen Chuwei thought, she, a little salted fish, couldn't escape being tossed and tossed over and over again.

The candlelight flickered, and the dark fragrance floated.

After a long time, Xiao Jinyan whispered into Shen Chuwei's ear, "Xiao Jiu, I have never had sex with them."

At this time, Shen Chuwei was so tired that he was drowsy. In a word, he missed a few words.

The next day, Shen Chuwei woke up from hunger, and when he opened his eyes, the sun was already high, and Xiao Jinyan was no longer around him.

How did you fall asleep last night?
There are still important things that have not been discussed yet!
She was lying on the bed, so tired that she didn't want to move, but she was very hungry and had to supplement food to restore her strength.

"Chunxi." As soon as he opened his mouth, his voice was very hoarse.

Chun Xi had been guarding the door all the time, and His Highness told him early in the morning not to go in and disturb Shen Chuwei's rest, and to prepare meals in advance.

At this moment, Shen Chuwei's inaudible cry was heard, but Chunxi still heard it. She pushed the door open and came to the bed with a smile on her face.

"My lord, this servant is waiting for you to wash and dress."

Shen Chuwei lay still on his stomach, and said weakly, "Wait a while to get dressed, wash and eat first, I'm about to starve to death."

Chun Xi could hear it clearly, and couldn't help feeling a little worried: "My lord, what's wrong with your voice? Why is it so hoarse?"

Shen Chuwei also found that her voice was extremely hoarse, as if she had a severe cold, "Speaking of which is full of tears!"

"Could it be that you caught the wind and cold yesterday?" Chun Xi was terrified, "I'd better ask the doctor to come over and let the young master take a look."

Seeing Chunxi turn around and leave, Shen Chuwei hurriedly called her to stop, "Chunxi, no need, I'm just hungry, I'll be fine when I'm full."

Chunxi still looked at Shen Chuwei worriedly, "My lord, you don't look like you're hungry!"

"I'm full... no..." Shen Chuwei quickly changed his words: "Chunxi, get food first, be obedient."


"Come on."

"My servant will wait for the young master to wash up." Chunxi had no choice but to bring in the toiletries first, and then go to the doctor later.

After washing up, Chunxi brought in the meals and placed them on the low table one by one.

There is a low table on the bed, which is convenient for eating in bed.

Shen Chuwei swallowed when he saw the delicious food.

Chunxi brought a cup of warm water and handed it to her, "Master, drink some water to moisten your throat first."

"Okay." Shen Chuwei was actually very thirsty, she took several sips of warm water from the water glass to moisten her throat.

After drinking the water, she couldn't wait to pick up the chopsticks to pick up the vegetables and eat.

Actually, I was hungry last night.

Even if she is not exercising, she will be hungry easily, let alone exercising?
It's a pity that Xiao Jinyan is in high spirits and is tireless.

It is clear that he is doing the tiring work.

In the end, it was me who got tired.

But he is still full of energy, and the more he fights, the more courageous he becomes.

He didn't hear what he said at the end.

But now that food is present, filling the stomach is the most important thing.

Chunxi looked at her little master gobbling it up, as if she had been hungry for a whole day and night, and she never saw her so hungry?

In the snack street last night, the little master ate quite a lot.

While Chunxi was puzzled, she thought that the young master might have contracted the cold, "My young master, this servant is going to invite the doctor now."

After finishing speaking, he turned his head and ran away without giving Shen Chuwei a chance to stop him.

"I didn't catch a cold, please doctor, I am a doctor myself, but I used my voice too much."

As Shen Chuwei said, he lowered his head and continued to eat, filling his stomach is a major event in life.

Chunxi ran out all the way, and just as she ran to the door, she met His Royal Highness the Crown Prince who came back from outside.

Xiao Jinyan saw Chunxi act recklessly, and asked in a cold voice, "Why are you running?"

Chunxi blessed Fushen, and said anxiously: "Your Highness, the young master's voice is very hoarse, I'm afraid he has contracted the cold, this servant is in a hurry to invite the doctor."

 Good night, babies!
  The text can only be written like this, otherwise it will not pass the review.

  Beg for a monthly ticket and a recommended ticket.

(End of this chapter)

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