Chapter 213 I got caught

After Chunxi packed her things, seeing Shen Chuwei standing still, she stepped forward and asked in a low voice, "My lord, what are you doing?"

Shen Chuwei stared at the carriage in front of him, and replied, "I'm thinking about life."

Chunxi looked confused, thinking about life?
How to think about life well?
She suddenly realized, "Did His Highness bully the young master?"

Shen Chuwei paused for a moment when he heard the words, and then nodded sharply. It was not just bullying, it was obviously a ruthless bullying.

Xiao Jinyan just made up his mind that he was going to leave Yongqian City this afternoon and sleep in the carriage at night, so he said he would borrow it for tonight last night.

Too good at forgetting!

When Chunxi saw her, she couldn't help but feel very distressed, "Your Highness, how can a man bully a woman? The young master is so weak, how can he be bullied for good or bad?"

Shen Chuwei nodded in agreement, my body is still sore right now!

There's something wrong with the way you walk~
Xiao Jinyan came over and saw the master and servant whispering to each other, he said in a deep voice, "It's time to get in the carriage."

Hearing Xiao Jinyan's voice suddenly, Shen Chuwei replied with a guilty conscience, "Oh."

Then retreated behind Xiao Jinyan, and followed him into the carriage.

Chunxi looked at Xiao Jinyan and made a grimace, "You know how to bully my young master, next time I come to Hehuan Hall for dinner, I won't put any salt!"

Qin Xiao came over and heard Chunxi's nagging, and nudged Chunxi, "Little brother, what are you muttering about?"

Qin Xiao is a martial artist, and Chunxi is a delicate little palace lady, how can she stand Qin Xiao so hard?Immediately in pain, she covered her arms, and looked up at Qin Xiao with a guilty conscience, "It's nothing, nothing."

Qin Xiao said, "I just heard you say that you don't add salt, can you still eat food without salt?"

Chunxi couldn't help but cast a blank look at Qin Xiao, and asked even after hearing it, but she raised her chin and refused to admit it, "You must have misheard, so I didn't say anything."

Qin Xiao squeezed Chunxi's thin arms and legs, and clicked his tongue twice, "How old are you and brother Shen? Why are you so delicate?"

"How can you pinch someone's arm casually? Hooligan!" Chunxi blushed and ran away angrily.

Qin Xiao glanced at his hand, "I just pinched it, why is a boy so babbling? Is he a hooligan? How can I be a hooligan?"

Wei Chi came over and patted Qin Xiao's shoulder hard, "What are you talking about, a big man? What the hell are you talking about, let's go!"

After Wei Chi finished speaking, he strode away.

Only Qin Xiao was left in a mess in the wind, "Why is my mother chirping?"

When he got to the carriage, Xiao Jinyan looked sideways at Shen Chuwei, and at the same time stretched out his hand to her, "You go first."

Shen Chu froze for a moment, and looked at the hand in front of him flattered, with slender knuckles, clean and spotless.

It's just that after going to bed twice, the yellow waste in her mind always reminded her of some scenes that she shouldn't have thought of.

She put that hand together, feeling an extra hand around her waist, hugged her tightly, and lifted her into the carriage.

Shen Chuwei's weight is really light, Xiao Jinyan lifted her up almost effortlessly, and did not forget to remind, "Be careful, lest you fall off."

Shen Chuwei glanced back at Xiao Jinyan, looking at his handsome face, he always felt a bit embarrassing in it.

Xiao Jin said: "Look at what? Go in first."

"Oh." Shen Chuwei withdrew his gaze guiltily, and leaned into the carriage with a cat.

Xiao Jinyan got into the carriage neatly.

A group of people returned to the capital in a mighty way.

in the carriage

Shen Chuwei took out the cakes he bought yesterday and placed them on the low table one by one.

Xiao Jinyan saw that the tea was served with pastries, he opened the drawer and took out the tea set inside, first boiled a pot of hot water, and then made tea.

Although Xiao Jinyan was always being served, he never used him to make tea, but he still made tea.

Shen Chuwei quite likes drinking tea, but she is not good at making tea. Every time Chunxi makes good tea and puts it in front of her.

She watched Xiao Jinyan's behavior of making tea, elegant and noble, kind-hearted and pleasing to the eye.

If it were her, it would be like the cow drink Xiao Jinyan said, without elegance or nobility at all.

It was the third quarter of Shen Shi, and Shen Chuwei was already hungry. She picked up a piece of tea cake and was about to bring it to her mouth. past.

She asked in her still hoarse voice: "Your Highness, do you want some tea cake?"

Xiao Jinyan finished making tea, looked at the tea cake in her hand, "Taste a little."

He took the tea cake from Shen Chuwei's hand and brought it to his mouth to take a bite. The taste was similar to the osmanthus cake, but the taste was different.

Seeing that he had eaten, Shen Chuwei picked up a piece and brought it to his mouth to take a bite. It was a bit sweet, but the taste was okay.

She ate three yuan in a row, and when she was about to reach for the fourth one, Xiao Jinyan stopped her, "Eat less sweets and drink some tea."

While talking, a cup of tea was handed over.

The crown prince spoke, of course Shen Chuwei didn't dare to disobey, it just so happened that he was a little thirsty at this moment.

She took the teacup from his hand, handed it to her mouth and took a sip, just to quench her thirst.

Xiao Jinyan asked: "Do you still like it?"

Shen Chuwei didn't know much about tea, but from the point of view of drinking, "It's quite delicious."

Xiao Jinyan nodded and lifted the teapot. Seeing this, Shen Chuwei hurriedly handed over the teacup.

The hot tea was poured into the teacup, but the tea was not spilled at all in such a small teacup, which was enough to show that he was very skillful.

Shen Chuwei handed it to his lips and still drank it in one gulp.

Xiao Jinyan saw it and corrected him: "Taste slowly."

"Isn't the concubine thirsty?" Shen Chuwei put down the teacup, picked up another piece of jujube cake and took a bite.

Xiao Jinyan reminded: "In front of outsiders, we still need to be more careful."

"The concubine doesn't show her face, so outsiders can't see it." After Shen Chuwei finished speaking, he stuffed half of the jujube cake into his mouth and began to eat it.

Xiao Jinyan felt a little headache when he saw it, "In the future, you will accompany me to attend various important occasions, so how can you not show your face?"

Shen Chuwei puffed his cheeks and replied: "It's fine to let the Crown Princess go in the future, the concubine is Liangdi and doesn't need to attend such important occasions."

In the future there will definitely be a crown princess, and if nothing else happens, it will be Chang Liangdi. No matter how many times she attends important occasions, she will not be able to get her turn.

Xiao Jinyan said that this was the second time he heard Shen Chuwei push himself to be next to another woman. The last time he was asked to choose someone else. This time it was good, he was asked to bring another woman to an important occasion.

"You asked me to take someone else there?"

"The concubine is Liangdi, it's not suitable." Shen Chu said nonchalantly.

Xiao Jinyan nodded thoughtfully, "Well, I understand, if there is any banquet next time, I will just take others to it."

When Shen Chuwei heard about the banquet, she swallowed the jujube paste cake in her mouth, "Your Highness, a concubine is still capable of attending the banquet, no one is more suitable than a concubine."

"You are Concubine Liang, it's not suitable." Xiao Jinyan picked up the teacup and drank it slowly, but he snorted in his heart, and when he heard about the food, he was more active than anyone else.

 Boys, good evening!

  Regarding what the hero said that night, did the heroine hear it? I will explain it later!

(End of this chapter)

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