Shock!The prince will read my mind and turn over my sign every night

Chapter 222 Shocked After Seeing the Evidence of Doing Bad Things

Chapter 222 Shocked After Seeing the Evidence of Doing Bad Things

Shen Chuwei was engrossed in the drawing, when suddenly a nice and familiar voice came from above her head, she was startled, and when she looked up, she saw Xiao Jinyan standing behind her, and his eyes were looking at her sketch.

It's embarrassing for Huahua to be captured by the model himself.

"Your Highness, when did you come?" She stood up to greet her, and silently put the drawing board on the desk.

"I just came here, but I didn't realize that you like drawing very much?" Xiao Jinyan glanced at the drawing board on the desk, and he remembered that the way of drawing was exactly the same as that of last year, something he had never seen before.

"It's nothing to practice, just to pass the time." Shen Chu smiled slightly, and put away all the paintings and brushes.

Xiao Jinyan asked: "Why don't you paint?"

Shen Chuwei said with a guilty conscience: "It's getting late today, it's time to rest, and I will paint tomorrow when I have time."

Xiao Jinyan still remembered the time when he came, usually Shen Chuwei had already fallen asleep at this time.


Shen Chu breathed a sigh of relief, and hid the painting tomorrow, "Your Highness is so busy these days, is dinner available?"

"Used it." Xiao Jinyan rushed over just after finishing his work, but luckily it was next door, a few steps away.

Shen Chuwei said: "The concubine undresses His Highness?"

Xiao Jinyan: "Yes."

Shen Chuwei took two steps forward, undressing Xiao Jinyan with his familiarity.

When she took off her jacket and underwear, she pulled open the skirt with her hands, and saw the marks on her neck, she stopped her hands.

She always remembered that she beat Xiao Jinyan when she was drunk.

Xiao Jinyan offered to apply medicine to him several times, but Xiao Jinyan refused.

She thought Xiao Jinyan was thin-skinned and embarrassed to be beaten by a woman, so she refused to let herself apply the ointment.

It doesn't look like that now.

This mark doesn't look like being punched, but like planting strawberries.

It's not just strawberries, it seems to be tooth marks. .

This position must not have been occupied by Xiao Jinyan, because it was out of reach.

Shen Chu thought for a while, Xiao Jinyan didn't seem to have stayed in other palaces for the past two days, because Liu Xilai reported it two days ago, saying that Xiao Jinyan was busy with the corruption case of Luozhi County and had no time to go to other women.

Xiao Jinyan noticed that Shen Chuwei was still not moving: "Xiao Jiu, what's wrong?"

He followed Shen Chuwei's gaze and lowered his head. When he saw that position, he guessed what she saw.

Shen Chu pointed at the few strawberries tremblingly, and raised his eyes to look at Xiao Jinyan: "Your Highness, isn't this what my concubine did?"

Xiao Jinyan disagreed and asked, "What do you think?"

Shen Chuwei really wanted to deny it, but Xiao Jinyan's eyes made her immediately say from her heart: "It seems that there is no one else except my concubine."

Xiao Jinyan snorted, "It's pretty self-aware."

"Does it hurt?" Shen Chuwei regretted after asking. It's been a few days, and it definitely doesn't hurt anymore.

But having said that, it has been a few days, and the traces are still so obvious, which also shows that it was very intense at that time.

Xiao Jinyan looked at Shen Chuwei firmly, and unconsciously thought of her bold actions and begging for mercy like a kitten in her mind.

"If I say it hurts, do you have a solution?"

Shen Chu nodded slightly, "...Yes."

Xiao Jinyan suddenly looked at her expectantly, "Really?"

Shen Chuwei looked at the few strawberries, grabbed his shoulders with both hands, raised his toes, and kissed them lightly.

When Shen Chu raised his toes slightly and approached, Xiao Jinyan kept looking down at her, knowing that a soft kiss would fall.

With a warm breath, he was stunned for a long time.

Shen Chu looked at Xiao Jinyan nervously, "Is it okay?"

"Not enough." Xiao Jinyan's eyes darkened, and he spit out two words lightly, then he hugged her horizontally and strode towards the bed.

In the next second, Shen Chuwei guessed that she was going to bed again. She grabbed Xiao Jinyan's hand and looked at Xiao Jinyan with her beautiful star eyes.

"Your Highness, my concubine..." The last two words whispered in Xiao Jinyan's ear.

Xiao Jinyan paused, and counted the time in her mind. It was also this time last month, thinking that she had a severe stomachache last month.

"Does your stomach hurt this time?"

Shen Chu nodded slightly: "It hurts a bit, it's better than last time."

"Ben Gong will cover you." Xiao Jinyan hugged her into his arms, stretched his big hands in, and pressed his hot palms against her stomach. It was cooler there, and it was indeed better than last time.

Shen Chuwei lay obediently and did not move, but the scalding temperature on her stomach made her unable to ignore it, and at the same time, the pain seemed to disappear.

The effect of covering the stomach is still good.

She looked up at Xiao Jinyan, and her eyes fell on his neck again. She saw the Adam's apple, and reached out to touch it curiously. She saw it rolling up and down, and felt a little novel.

Xiao Jinyan breathed heavily, "Don't move around."

"Oh." Shen Chuwei withdrew her hand obediently, and saw that one of the strands of hair hanging on her body belonged to Xiao Jinyan, she reached out and picked it up in the palm of her hand to play with.

Xiao Jin said: "I just came back and heard about the canonization of Emperor Chang Liang as the Crown Princess, I have no intention of that."

Shen Chuwei paused his playful movements, "The concubine knows."

Xiao Jinyan looked down at the person in his arms, and sighed in his heart, he didn't even have the right to make anyone the princess.

Chang Liangdi used her uncle to exert pressure, and the queen mother turned to Chang Liangdi.

This matter is a little difficult.

Xiao Jinyan didn't say anything about her troubles, hearing her even breathing, she knew she was asleep.

He also closed his eyes, but did not fall asleep, because when he fell asleep, his hands would leave his stomach.

The next day, after Xiao Jinyan woke up, he gently put the person in his arms on the bed, and then got up to get dressed.

After getting dressed, Xiao Jinyan was about to leave when he saw the drawing board on the desk, paused in his footsteps, then turned around and came to the writing desk, picked up the drawing board and turned it over, and saw the painting on it.

The eyebrows and eyes are clearly somewhat like himself.

Shen Chuwei is painting herself?
Xiao Jinyan raised the corners of his lips slightly, looking forward to the finished product, he put the drawing board back to its original place, turned and left.

The sun was shining today, and Shen Chuwei asked someone to move the wicker chair to the yard. She lay on the wicker chair, and her stomach didn't hurt so much. It should be because Xiao Jinyan covered it with her hands last night.

Xuetuan chased the little gray rabbit early in the morning, like a conscientious trainer, trying hard to spur the students.

Concubine Xu and Tao Chenghui hurried over early in the morning.

Shen Chuwei looked at the two hurriedly walking, and said in a lazy voice, "Why are you leaving in such a hurry?"

Concubine Xu moved a small stool to sit beside Shen Chuwei, and said happily, "I brought good things."

If Shen Chuwei hadn't seen that Concubine Xu's hands were empty, she would almost have thought it was something delicious.

But she was still a little curious, "What good thing?"

"Look." Concubine Xu took out a piece of paper from her sleeve pocket, and couldn't wait to open it for Shen Chu to look at, "Look, this is the prescription I asked the imperial doctor for yesterday, the prescription for asking for a child, the imperial doctor It is said that many concubines are using it."

Tao Chenghui also said: "Try it first, it won't work, I will ask my father to ask for the prescription outside and send it to the palace."


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(End of this chapter)

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